Got any tip regarding picking up girls on the street or any random setting that isn't a bar?

Got any tip regarding picking up girls on the street or any random setting that isn't a bar?

>Stop her
>Take off your shirt
>Hand her your phone with "Contacts" open

Unless you're a DYEL

connor pls go

Sorry not up to date with the most current Veeky Forums meme, but there's a .webm on /gif/ with the exact same play

Buy her a drink it's not that hard

Follow them around for a couple of hours until they ask what you are doing. Say that you'll stop following them if you get their number.
Worked for me 4 out of 6 times.

>not a bar
>buy her a drink


tell her how fucking pretty she is and ask her for whatever dumb and normie tier topic you can come up with.

i mean just talk to her, jesus.

>whatever dumb and normie tier topic you can come up with.
>i mean just talk to her, jesus.
what if i can't think of any topics?

>tfw no social skills and zero friends

Just stare and smile. Girls love that shit.

When you have solid 10/10 figurine like that whom needs a girl?

Have you tried talking to one?

I cant pick anything up that isnt a bar

Just B yourself.

>Just stare and smile. Girls love that shit.
actually tried that

girls are either staring at their phone, avoiding eye contact or they roll their eyes

Grab their shoulder and give them the stare and smile until they bow under

show us

>trolling this badly

Get them drunk

plz respond

Oil yourself up beforehand, then take off your shirt and pants in front of her and do a zane-like posing routine

be attractive

Why won't that work? lots of places for drinks that aren't bars

because it's autistic

>walk up to complete stranger
>can i buy you a coffee? walk with me please to the nearest coffee shop, wait while i search for the nearest one
why would she even stop walking?

don't be autistic

It's implied that he should buy her a drink at a bar you retard

it says in the op
>that isn't a bar

Fuck off faggot