hey. im a girl and my workout 3x a week is just
squats/deadlifts alternating
hip thrusts
cable kickbacks
and calf raises
Is it bad to not train my upper body?
hey. im a girl and my workout 3x a week is just
squats/deadlifts alternating
hip thrusts
cable kickbacks
and calf raises
Is it bad to not train my upper body?
yes i would train at least your back but dont ruin your posture by not building your chest
but i dont care about chest
im a girl
no one cares
>hey. im a girl
We don't need to know, you whore
Oh shit its a girl......What do we do? How do we communicate?
Does anyone have the full set of these at a decent resolution?
wondering this as well. a few of my leg exercises incorporates lower back as well, which i know is important, but i rarely do upper body. maybe a few sets of 1 or 2 exercises and pushups so my arms stay strong but i really don't want to grow anything in the shoulder area since i already have big shoulders.
i wish i could be pear shaped.
just eat tons of chicken and squat that ass to tha grass
First we need to find out if she eats bread.
You can do any reasonable normal routine.
Women don't need special routines.
Just use less weight and increase with smaller weight.
Most women simply do less upper body and more lower body isolations. But you should still do the compound movements otherwise, in long term you will develope imbalances which can fuck up your shit, like posture for example.
seconding this. been looking for these for a long time.
Btw since you asked you are probably a beginner so start a beginner Programm like SL5x5 or SS until you hit average strength standards. You can find the strength standards for a female of your age and weight at Symmetricstrength or other places online.
... And, of course, eat right!
babe just do pushups and pullups.
i could spot you on your hip thrusts ;^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Yes, it's very bad.
You need upper body strength for basic daily functions.
Training pullups and chinups, especially to develop grip strength and grow your lats for a nice hourglass shape is ideal, but you should train Bench as well, because those are just basic important motions to keep you from getting injured lifting things on a daily basis.
Training back and arms as a woman is the best decision I ever made. Get rekt, wide-mouthed pickle jars.
Did anyone light a candle?
H-hey op what type of guys are you into? *pushes back glasses* I've been told I'm TOO Nice sometimes Hehee XD
How can ANYONE fall for this? You disappoint me, Veeky Forums...
Bread? I hope none of you eat bread, it's all just empty carbs!
>current year
>eating bread
Will you be the one in the kitchen?
you missed the picture, newfriend.
Chest exercises will tighten up that flab between your boob and your arm pit. They will also make your boobs look perky. Pull ups will develop your back and help with posture. So as a minimum add bench and pull ups or lat pull-down to your routine
Couldn't give a shit about op, but this is relevant to pic
Can anyone post a guy with no middle traps not flexing and a guy with large middle traps not flexing?
I'm trying to get a handle on what a resting thick back looks like but it's tough when every back pic is someone flexing in some way
Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I joined the thread because you're a female lifter, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.
Not OP, but what would that imbalance do to posture?
>all that black in 1-4 reps
So how come so many programs require 5 reps?
a thing of beauty
Girls can do some chest exercises to make their breasts "pop" a little more by adding muscle underneath.
Beyond that, they don't really need to do anything with the upper body other than working triceps once they start to get closer to thirty (to avoid getting bingo wings)
Why was I expecting her to fall because the bar broke?
What is reverse image search