
Jesus christ. How fucking low of a dose is she on? I can't imagine how much of an insufferable cunt they were before because holy shit I'm embarrassed

Damn, she went from a 6/10 female to a 2/10 male

At least you gotta respect that she gave up living life on easy mode to living it on impossible mode

60mg per week lmao

Pussy should up the dose to 500mg and stop being a bitch

6/10 female? What the fuck is a 5/10 to you then? I'm genuinely curious.

M8, get some fucking standards, please

Please god tell me that's a starting dose and that any more would have killed it

>be 5/10 slightly overweight female
>have life easy
>decide to become a 2/10 effeminate fat manlet

VERY bizzare

Yeah I spoke too soon, I was judging off of OP's pic, I didn't watch the video. I'll bump her down to 5/10

My standards put average at 7/10, uglyish but still salvageable at 6/10, and everything below that is gradient of disgusting

Now that I watched the video, if she actually got in shape she might be able to reach 6/10 as a man

Nigger we use the 10 scale to divide women into deciles.
You're fucking everything up.

guise don't be such transphobics -finn

>Now that I watched the video, if she actually got in shape she might be able to reach 6/10 as a man

I doubt it, I am immediately irritated while watching that video at the most effemintate looking fucker I've ever seen, even though I know he's ftm I just can't get it out of my head.

>My standards put average at 7/10, uglyish but still salvageable at 6/10,

Average is 5/10, it's a normal distribution.

Take note of the neck still being feminine. Easily a 3 point bump in attractiveness if he/she fixes it.

Phobic implies fear. I do not fear you. I pity you from straying from nature and mutilating your body to satisfy a mental illness

how do you even fix that?

fuck that, pic related is a 7/10 to me, 6/10 would be her but chubby, 5/10 would be her but obese, and the rest would be disabilities and deformities getting worse and worse until you reach 1/10 which is like super fucked up looking tier

Lift heavy ass weights and train your neck.

Then what the fuck is the point of having the 10 system
And you seriously need to get some fucking standards because that is not a 7/10
Are you from r9k?

wtf is wrong with the bottom half of her head

>IGN rates women

Are you from r9k?
I might of been there once or twice...

But it's like IQ, most people you meet are 110 so it's like the actual average because the retards aren't real people

holy shit ftm trans must have 100% suicide rate
imagine having everything given to you on a silver plate and then not only having your quality of life dropping to shit but additionally being called a monster by normal people

>might of
End yourself please.

Why the fuck are women allowed to shoot T but not me, this is fucking ridiculous

They do maintain a high rate of suicide. A lot of people say that it's because society is so unaccepting of trans people, but conveniently ignore how dysphoria of any kind lends itself to increase rates

Is this eggman's sister?

Also I feel the attractiveness of the population doesn't follow a bell curve, it's more like the red curve than the black one

Do you got a rope I can use?

how long until she kills herself?

Because you already have naturally produced testosterone??? Why would you need more which results in increasing health risks

Why the fuck do you think faggot? I have body dysmorphia, I want to be a big man and need more test for more gains. I am a trans-overman bigot, don't opress me

>i sexually identify as a huge cunt
>please give me test injections and surgery so I can achieve this goal

stop fucking posting this you autist

>implying trans people are immune to the health risks of exogenous hormone supplementation

Looks like smeagol either way

They aren't, but the dosages (and thus the health risks) are tiny compared to what most of Veeky Forums considers TRT.

wow she used to be 10/0 now shes a -10 male that is sterile. gg
another one lost that will never be productive to the human race. rip earth, our death throws are almost over soon all will be dead.

TRT doses under standard medical practice ranges from 100-150mg. 200mg is pretty common in non-medical usage, is considered supra-physiological, and can be done safely, especially under medical supervision.

Arguing about muh health risks when exogenous hormones are given out freely for non-physiological mental health issues is fucking retarded.

Must suck to have low test
Maybe next time!

i don't get the hate s/he looks fine

- finn

A girl does not have a nam.... errr a boy does not have a name.

Just wait until the test really kicks in

O shit

- Finn

>6/10 female
You're more disgusting than her.

She's looking pretty joocy already though

KEK. shes bigger than half of Veeky Forums already

Pity about that gyno, but she's getting surgery for it in March

can you even call it gyno if shes a girl?

No fucking way

I honestly feel bad for these people

All this treatment and shit to still be shit. Idk it just seems so sad and weird

>Veeky Forums how do i get the doctor to give me free test like this girl.

i want to be swole too

The things people do to avoid having to deal with the scariness of learning how to be comfortable in their own skin is fascinating.

>FtM can hop on legal roids and end up looking juicier than your no-gains natty ass after lifting for only six months
it's just not fair!!! first I had to compete with chads now i have to compete with tranny dykes too!!! I bet her femcock is bigger than mine too!!!

Just fuck guys

>Phobic implies fear

Yeah, being photophobic means you are literally afraid of light.
How can you be this much of a retard?

>Tfw it's legal for a woman to have body dysmorphia and take test to achieve a body she's happier with

>Tfw it's illegal for men to take test to do the same thing.

Feels bad

A medical condition is not the same as a sociological position, fuckwit.

Then fight for your fucking rights.
Do you know how long it took for trans people to have access to hormones?
Do you think we just sit on our asses and complained on Veeky Forums the entire time?

Fucking hell, stop being so entitled and move your arse.
Fucking children, holy shit.
Did your parents never educated you that in life you have to fight for shit and people won't just give you what you want?

Transgender is a medical condition you stupid fuck. It's called psychiatry.

The cure for your disease is a bullet to the head, scum

Transphobia isn't a medical condition, it's a made up term to describe a sociological condition. Are you illiterate or just retarded?

Need some receding hairline action look up buck angel

>Go from a qt girl who could get chad dick if she actually tried
>To a an ugly man who couldn't get shit even if he tried

Why would someone choose this life?

All this insecurity is from what, craving tranny dick that hard?

>Transphobia isn't a medical condition


The point is that PHOBIA isn't just for FEAR.

It's not a choice, we are born defective and that is the only current solution.

why do you decide to be viscous. I only asked if there was some way i could get test like that from doctors.

A mind quick to violence is one that easily entraps itself

Sorry I didn't read all the comments, I just saw people crying about it and quoted them all.

I apologise for being rude for no reason.

The only time the term phobia is used outside of a discussion of fear is for a select few physiological medical conditions. Every other time it is used, it is connected to fear because that's what the fucking word means.

I know you want to be a little special snowflake with your mental illness, but root words don't change meaning just to satisfy your delusions.

Please get doxxed again and leave forever

>The only time the term phobia is used outside of a discussion of fear is for a select few physiological medical conditions



>it is connected to fear

It's not.
Fucking hell.
Words can mean more than one thing you fucking retard.

Gosh, why the hell are you here, go back to fucking school or something.

oy vey, goy. trannies are perfectly fine
*rubs hands*

Filter him lads, he feeds on attention

The people that throw around the term homophobia frequently say that it is rooted in fear, dipshit. You can play these gymnastics all you want, but the word means what it fucking means because it's a root word.

Just as well, homophobia is an incorrect term for the same reason. It's just made up to make you mentally ill faggots seem like you have credibility in your "struggle"

Isn't a doctor giving testosterone to a female who wants to be a male kinda like a doctor giving a gun with 1 bullet to someone with depression and suicidal thoughts???

>an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something
there is nothing irrational about having an extreme aversion towards someone or something that literally wants to inject a cocktail of hormones and hormone suppressants and mutilate their own genitalia.

that is aversion to extreme mental disturbance and it makes perfect fucking sense please go back to /plg/ and continue to give marginally sound routine advice to people with minimal experience

>frequently say that it is rooted in fear

It's said to be rooted in insecurity about one's own sexuality.

Just like you right now.

But sure, go back to crying about how your mom can't get you steroids from the doctor ugu poor you just wanna look good but don't wanna put effort in or fight for the rights to use roids ):

>there is nothing irrational

Stopped reading there.

>jew joke

Thank fuck I don't live in a subworld country like the USA.

No, it's giving a woman a means to overcome penis envy. They don't know that what they truly envy is t. We need to be able to attain optimal male levels of t as a baseline.

Why couldn't he just kill himself like every other tranny that goes online seeking attention?

no one should suffer him before that happens

everybody's already said it a million times, but i have to say it myself again for closure; THIS BITCH WENT FROM AN UGLY ENOUGH FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME GIRL TO A BETASUPREME WITH FRIES UGLY ASS DUDE


>Stopped reading there.
in that case, would you like to explain what is irrational about aversion towards someone or something that literally wants to inject a cocktail of hormones and hormone suppressants and mutilate their own genitalia?

>in that case, would you like

Stopped reading there.

Bro, stop giving him (You)s. They're his sustenance and if you deprive him of them he'll leave

No. Giving a gun would help the suicidal person reach the goal of killing themselves. Giving hormones wouldn't bring then any closer to being the other gender.

>KEK. shes bigger than half of Veeky Forums already
That shit ain't fair.


practice what you preach,

Also of course she feeds on attention shes an sub-par female

He's a tranny isn't he?

>thread making fun of a hilariously ghastly looking tranny
>man-face, defender of all mentally ill shows up to shitpost

guess you couldn't just stay in PLG?

What you gonna do, cry about it?
Spare me of your bitchiness.

her face looks exactly like my 5 year old half brother wtf

well memed
also kys
but for every (You) I give him, he gives me one back

Fucking hell, is this the tranny that everyone is talking about?
Mate, you know this isn't Tumblr right, no one fucking cares if you want to pretend to be a woman, just enjoy life, and stop being so angry towards people asking legitament questions.

>Fucking hell, is

Stopped reading there.

can you imagine the size of this autistic faggot's "anime girl pictures that i use with every post to try and get people to mentally associate me with an actual female" folder? what a shit life LOL


I think you're in for a surprise m8

She's got an XX chromosome right?


talking about the trip faggot m8


>actual female


>fairly pretty girl that would have done well enough in life
>fat chubby faggot with no hope


I fucking hope so because I'll kill myself if it isn't

All those "girls" have dicks.