Do you even wear jeans anymore?

Do you even wear jeans anymore?

Never wore them in the first place. However my ass is getting big so maybe i will wear them eventually.

i've worn the same 2 pairs of sweats for a straight year now is that gud

I only wear sweats and shorts now. NEET life

i wear sweats usually but if its a formal occasion i wear jeans with an elasticated waistband.

Same fag detected

>3rd post
>3 posters

Are you retarded?

Took screen shot before the other pepe you fucking mongoloids

I am a DYEL so i can still wear whatever i want

how can someone be THIS retarded. i will never know

Yeah and that was 3 posts from 3 different posters

Alright, come at me when you can deadlift 8 pl8 natty fucking DYELs


I wear tight fit jeans that show off my fantastic glutes and jacked thighs from squatting like a mad cunt, you better believe it!

My ass is too tight and cute for jeans

>people this stupid are giving you fitness advice everyday
top kek.


they also show off how much of a fagget you are

I could not care less. Women are actually checking out my ass for a change, and i love it.

Lol you mean 4 pl8? You only count the plates on one side.

1 plate: 135
2 plate: 225
3 plate: 315
4 plate: 405
5 plate: you'll never have to worry about it

Jeans are for farmers and the other subhumans who work with their hands.

slut, if I saw you in the street I would slap your ass to shame you no homo

Literally me.

Yes, I'm not gay

what the fuck are sweats, do you mean tracksuit pants?

My jeans have become tighter and tighter and now fit me like leggings. Wear form fitting chinos, look good feel good

I unfortunately have small calves, so jeans are a must for me

No I can deadlift lmao 8 pl8 completely natty u fucking DYEL

Jesus Christ this board has been over run with newfags and DYELs

You could try, but i'm willing to wager it wouldn't go so well for you :^)

I'll go to ground with you any day big boy

Thems fighting words!

my t-rex mode legs make jeans too tight to be comfortable.

Wear em on your arms dyel

>there are people unironically this autistic on this board

I've been alternating the same 3 pairs of jeans for the past year.

>If its a formal occasion I wear jeans with an elasticated waistband

Ask me how I know you're from the U.S.

Too lazy to buy more, I used to be 28 waist till I started squatting

>tfw skinny as fuck but bigger thighs
>buy levi 511 slim jeans
>own 3 pairs of 32 waist, 30 length
>all 3 fit differently