How do i get taller

how do i get taller

How tall are you


>reach hands toward sky
>whisper "Grow, grow"

Then shut the fuck up

adverge wimim height is 5'4
from the perspective of a 5'4 wimin there's not much difference between someone who's 5'11 and someone's who 6'2

>tfw 5'7
End my life please.

Right there with you dude

Ez gains bro. Just try not to think about suicide too much.

5'7" and loving it :(

I'm 5'5. You cunts should be grateful


>~5'3" give or take in 12th grade
>butt of all jokes, skinny and weak, prepubescent voice, I had accepted my fate
>hit growth spurt halfway through year to 5'7"
>5'10" Sophomore year of college and still growing


"5'10" is manlet" memers can fuck off, I don't even care, I'm so fucking happy I'm not sub-5'7"

congrats tbqh pham

>14 or 15 yrs old
>doctor asks me how tall I am
>say 5'10
>she casually says I'm probably won't grow any taller for the rest of my life
>I didn't even tell her my parent's height
>wonder wtf she was on, ignore
>now I'm 20
>still 5'10
I still can't grow much facial hair though, so maybe there's still time?

>I still can't grow much facial hair though, so maybe there's still time?
nigga what? You're just gonna be a manlet who can't grow a beard. That doesn't mean you're gonna grow more, especially at 20. You have MAYBE a 5% chance of growing another half inch.

would this work?

Y-you too

>Emma Stone


also Gosling would probably outdo 99% of men. What you really should be fighting for is to strip women of their rights and power so they don't purposely choose only to fuck CHADS. Why do you think 90% of girls only fuck 10% of guys?

>a sub 6 footer being this happy

you obviously didn't make it if you post on Veeky Forums

im 5'8
am i fucked

>put 6' on my drivers license
>never even give my height a thought
I'm much more worried about my appearance than my height

You don't.
You also leave Veeky Forums because you're obviously underage b&.


I bet shopping for all new clothes was a hassle

I second this

get in touch with nature and become tree

nah you're really only fucked at sub 5'7'

>tfw my friend is 6'4"

>put 5'10" on my drivers license
My negro

go into the center of a room and chant "grow, grow ,grow"

>5'9.5 as well
>put 5'8 on my license
Gotta lower the expectations sometimes, right babe?

don't forget to imagine yourself as a tree, otherwise it won't work

same,i don't feel too bad since i live in texas, everyone's shorter near the border

>Las Angeles

>Los Vegos

>Son Francisca

>Nooh yahk

>TFW 5'9
Do you think hgh will help?

How can white men compete with this?