doh edition
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Sheiko Programs:
>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Intermediate Medium Load
>Intermediate Large Load
>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)
>Advanced Medium Load
>Advanced Large Load
wait, how do you mean it's lower?
lower than sumo, lower than conventional, lower than infinitely high, lower than infinitely low?
if the line of pull never crosses the bar, it would make the demands infinitely high, no?
So deadlifting is only possible if you have long socks or sweatpants right? Or really huge balls?
>using crossshit plates so lifts appear heavier
>a fucking 17 year old twink talentchad is stronger than him and he's upset about it
lol is this nigga really 17
>crossfit pl8s
good joke
>the title says the weight
if i wanted it too look like more id have used all my bumpers and not put the weight in the title
dat cameltoe doe
>tfw thinking about getting into wrasslin or rugby
Is this a bad idea with literally 0 athletic background except for powerlifting?
Get in line, faggot.
>a few months ago frog was weaker than me
>now he's almost as strong as me
>he'll be stronger than me within 2 months
Fucking talentchads
cutie ;3
that's what you get for staying natty
in what lift lol
He was always stronger than you you fat fuck his wilks is miles ahead of yours
Playin rugby with people who are better than you for 80 minutes is the closest thing to actual rape there is.
You are nothing but a boy now. It will make you a man.
You won't understand team spirit but at least you could just be a scrum
>tfw will out deadlift talentlex at similar bw by 2018
From what I've seen your squat and deadlift are still slightly (barely at all) below mine.
Am not (that) fat
Delet this
Remember that the hips are pulling your back, not the bar.
You can pull just fine without socks or pants. Sure it will scrape you and maybe bleed a bit, but it's not really a big deal unless you're looking to stay soft like a girl.
W-well I did play a good bit of football (not handegg) as a kid if that helps...
Rugby is prison rape compared to divegrass
id think youd be bench
my best squat and dl are 500 and 505
but those are old so idk what they are now
bench was 260 but i did a 4x2 with 250 after a 3x1 with 260 all paused still shit but started to get out of that dyel bench
Stop pulling sumo
>he actually squats more than me
By 5lbs but still
Oh well I'll be maxing soon for project momentum so hopefully I'll set some PRs across the board.
I was an all county "handegg" offensive lineman in high school. When I switched to Rugby in college it was like 7th grade all over again, po little white boy alone in the circle of love with "big mejac."
It's like that, but for 80 minutes and your only padding is a month guard.
what are you looking to hit
Maybe one day you'll realize wasting time with BB shit is a cuckols meme and start a real program.
*mouth guard
I miss being pounded from all sides until you're unable to walk the next day
are you hyperextension user or hand user or some other known unknown?
So I should give it a go?
Is 191cm, ~115kg a good size?
why overhand grip
why crossfit plates
why leotard onesie
why the fuck cameltoe
why drop weight on way down thats not how u diddly
why long socks
why is the weight like an inch from that table
why aren't mats wide enough
Why are the holes on that rack so tiny
>Trappy claims to snatch more than me while being a tiny twink
I'll believe it when I see it
multiple wrestlers and rugby players in my gym
wrestling is goat sport, so once you do that you'll have the base for any other sport
Depends. Post ass.
i straight up believe it
tiny twink snatches more than other tiny twink? shocking
Anyone that can catch a snatch ATG can snatch more than you tbqh
That is pretty good size you'll be second row. I love rugby, it's most of what I loved about football+I get to tote the rock. And you'll get a physique like none other.
Rugby is always hard but after a while it becomes basically like lifting, hard but fun, except way more hard and way more fun. The sucky part that I described is the beginning when you don't know how to hit, ruck, or scrum, and simply aren't used to that type of contact.
>rick and morty cameltoe edition
w2c cheap black romaleos 2
Hmm... I see my university doesn't have wrestling, only rugby. Might have to go with that then.
They also have "touch rugby" matches once a week? Should I check that out?
I thought panzer was like 100kg now
fat =/= big guy status
Mystery user, changed my name.
Had comparable gains with it as I had with Sheiko. Fite me nerd.
Last time I tested I had 495/290/??? My deadlift wouldn't budge at like 90% so I gave up for the day but I had pulled 535 before. Goals are 510/300/545+. This time I won't be as fatigued though.
>why overhand grip
>why drop weight on way down thats not how u diddly
it was a warm up so i didnt care about the grip or if i dropped it
>why crossfit plates
no such thing as "crossfit plates" they are bumpers plates and they reduse noise when i dl so grandparents dont go crazy hearing it
also the fact that they are more accurate then metal pl8s makes it even better on all lifts
>why leotard onesie
>why the long socks
lifting in a singlet is nice, long socks because they are nice to dl in
also all ipf approved
>mats not wide enough
biggest they sold and they are prefect no pl8s hit my concrete
>table close
small area still works
>camel toe
no idea started happening when i lost weight guess i dont have the belly to push on the singlet anymore
>rack holes
dont ask me why rouge made their monster lite rack holes the size they are
don't waste your time with touch "rugby" unless it's practice for real rugby
Imagine flag football except you can't forward pass. Literally.
Loving you
aint the right thing to do
Are you even living in the current year anymore
I've been 85kg for a while
I have never played before at all though
No me.
>People see my clean
>Give me compliments on barpath, ease of FS and fluidness of lift
>People see my jerk
split jerks are so fucking shitty I'd do the fucking meme chink jerk if I had the mobility
learn to jerk
which one should I buy?
>they are all overpriced!
Such is life in the worst korea
buy most protein per dollar
I can pull over 450 sumo but i can't pull over 365 conventional.
Should i train with sumo or conventional if my goal is just to build a bigger/wider back? Or is there no difference?
What's the reason for block bench and chain bench in Advanced Medium Load? All the accessories seem to be for the end of ROM, was it made for an equipped lifter?
Or you just figure out a decent diet so you don't have to inject whej protons
You should row
Narrow grip conv for thick back
Wide grip conv for wide back
Sumo for being a literal fucking cuckold
Just eat hot pot and fried chicken every day kimchi-user
i had the same problem
ummm so how do i get a job?
If i had friends i'd have hotpot more often. I ate it a bit when i was dating.
I really miss my ex ;_;
be yourself
>hips that high at start of pull
>barbell that close to your shins
>hardly any triple extension
>no pop at the top of the front squat
are the girls all qt like choa?
>the lift where you can literally just brute force it
Conv has more demand for your back, sumo has more demand for your quads.
True story: Sheiko got new equipment for his gym and wanted to make a program that uses it.
I plan on making a custom version of the Adv Med Load that doesn't require equipment.
Is that your ex in the pic? He seems cute.
Girls are either very attractive or very plain with big moon faces. most have good bodies
but i'm gay, that's a guy next to me, and he's not korean.
>didnt shift knees forward and weight back onto heels at the power
it was for fun i dont oly lift
no pop at the top
shins are close
my cleans are very pretty thank you very much and I never have problems at the bottom position because my FS is disproportionately strong to my clean
my shoulder mobility and overall confidence in the bottom of an OHS really limits my snatch
I can pull weight high enough I just cant stick it
its getting better and my coach is programming specifically to get me comfortable in the bottom position so its coming aloung
he doesnt do a split jerk so there is no need for the pop to adjust his hands
also the bar is further out in the proper place over his foot (where the toes and the foot connect, he's just using his ankle mobility to get his shins close to the bar at start
your clean had the bar where you would deadlift and your shins started p vertical, which was the point
Sup, senpai. Had my meet this morning and went 9/9!
Ended up with 172.5/115/212.5 after weighing in at 86.
Squat had a bit left in the tank but bench/deadlift were a bit grindy.
Too lazy to make webms tonight since the videos are so long and high quality, it would take a while to trim down to Veeky Forums file size.
i dont do split jerk aswell
damn ur fucking bench
it's okay because you're gonna snap your shit squatting soon but im jealous of that progress
Good job twink :3
Going 9/9 is very nice.
well done my son
physics is still gay
t. jobless chemcuck
I wonder how much joint problems he is going to have due to the effects of lifting weights when his body has not finished developing
t. grandma
Plus he's not doing any accessories which is very stupid
weak bait 0/10
did make me giggle a bit tho ill give you that
If you do not agree with my opinion will you be kind enough to tell me how I am incorrect my good sir
What does Frog and his bar have in common?
>they're both not straight
>late starters jealous of early starters
frog is straight?
I do not weight lift I do body weight exercises.
And are you implying that I am jealous because I stated a different opinion? It is quite odd seeing this type of counter argument
Congrats twink might be time to change that name
pretty sure last time i looked my ohio power bar was str8
>every good oly lifter started as a kid
and the only ones with joint problems fucked up while lifting and that how its hurt now
>I do not weight lift I do body weight exercises.
Holy shit lmao and you have the audacity to even set foot in here you silly twink piece of shit
> I do body weight exercises
I will bench 120kg on Sheiko test day.
I just have to believe...