Fit girl thread? Fit girl thread!

Fit girl thread? Fit girl thread!

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dafuq that some weird as proportions for a girl





Okay apparently all I have is Sophie, so start adding. I'm very gay and I need more fit chicks.







I want her dress, her biceps, and to give her oral.
> tfw too gay


I save one, I leave one.



Who is this beautiful specimen?



good lord what do i have to do in life to get a gf like this?



That's a man, Maury.



this got me thinking

why isn't there pornos of a girl doing weighted squats on a dick, like 2pl8s or more

Be extremly lucky on top of having every positive trait known to human kind
Seriously, getting a slack ass gf is hard but one that looks good? well fuck me if thats not up there with winning the lottery twice in a row



I second this. unfortunately most muscle girl porn I find isn't very aesthetic for most.

God damn. Ali makes my dick so hard

His name is Robert Paulson

>not training at your local store for maximum gains

Wow, that's about...15kg?

8/8 I swear I would slay that beast with my phallus


it's a numbers game. Approach as many as you can. Even if you have low chances, persistence is key. You can raise your chances by getting in shape, being clean, and making money.


• "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and will always solve the problem of the human race." - Calvin Coolidge

This whore unironically claims to be natural

>that butt jiggle and those bigass thighs

I'll never know, user. I never will.

my baby ;_;


>not knowing the queen of Veeky Forums

>that gross tan

jesus christ, 0/10, there are much better looking fit girls

Unironic question
How much anavar does it take to reach this?
I mean these are great results for a chick

>there are much better looking fit girls
Then post some instead of being a faggot, faggot

I thought she was hot. I then click the image so it enlarged... and proceeded to get a puking feeling


crap.... hadn't seen this since last year....

>there goes my no fap.



>*slaps* Ay gurl, what did you eat

Cant wait until Trumps brap poster concentration camps are completed

don't tell me how to live my life

okay, but what do you mean by persistence? Approaching lots of girls or continuing to approach the girl even after you've been kindly rejected?
Because if you do the latter you will get a restraining order and she'll tell everyone she knows that you're a scary weirdo.

damn shes beautiful. excellent form too

approaching lots of girls

one of them is bound to say yes unless you're under 5'9"

More than that user.

Real anavar is rarer than a natty fitness model.


>the queen of Veeky Forums
not anymore

Wifey material.

>thicker forearms than mine

you are so fucking gay





It's not about approaching the same girl over and over again. When it comes to the same girl, persistence isn't the key here. Persistence can work on a single woman, but it depends on the circumstance. in this case, err on the side of caution. Move on to another girl. There are billions of girls don't get hung up on a single one. But also don't be hung up on how hot they are.

Try, and don't be creepy, and don't smell bad. That's the bare minimum you need to do. You'll figure out the details of when to move on as you go along.


She's hot af but this can't be good for your knee

Who the fook is that?

How do girls achieve this mix of softness? It makes me want to stab them like a cake

lmao at these closet homo threads

cass martin



Nice manjaw.

Surprised no one knows who this is.


The stores around here get pissy about people doing that. They put signs all over the place saying to not use the equipment.

GTFO beta samefag.


Who's the middle one??

Tbh, the one on the right does look a little yucky




Came looking for Cheekie and left disappointed.


>turning your head as you do reps
won't this pinch a nerve/fuck you up?

>nobody has posted the queen yet


Yes, turning your head from side, to side does increase the chance of a pinched nerve.

Although, in this particular instance she would not be increasing her risk, since there is no pressure being directly applied to her spinal column.


>tfw muscle girl game op hasn't made a thread in months