WHO IS SHE and what did she do to make you lift?

Tell me your stories, bruddahs

>well she didnt make me lift i met her after i started
>but shes really cute and always makes me laugh so thats a plus
>too bad our age difference is too large


My oneitis kissed me on the cheek and said she loved me. I know it was platonic at the time. She's shown just enough "interest" at times to kep me strung along. Even been flirtfully sexual at times. But I know she doesn't see me like that.

I lift to prove her wrong. I know she doesn't view me as sexually valuable. And I wanna become a muscular success story to prove her wrong.

she wouldn't go out with me
it's been 5 years and we're close as fuck but she still won't
I don't get her problem
I'm not really lifting for her but it'd be a perk

This is pathetic. How do you guys live with yourself? Don't you have any dignity? Any self-respect?



Do I really have to explain how being strung along and used by women is pathetic? How lifting so she'll notice you despite this is somehow respectable or even just okay? Do you really value your time and effort so little? How worthless you must think of yourself.

I don't really know right now.... Like I've dated in the past and I defiantly liked them and still think about them from time to time but I know I can never talk to them again. Its like things that happened in the past should stay in the past I need to look forward I need to move ahead so that I can be better than when I was with them because progress is important in life and I feel like im in a haze but if I go backwards and just go to what I know then I can't pass the fog so trench on i must. Sorry for rambling

>just friends for a while, didn't give her much thought, texted on and off and BS'd about similar hobbies occasionally
>couple weeks ago she told me about her crush, funny as fuck at the time because shes one of the shy-est human beings i've ever met
>not three days later she texts me and tells me all about how she asked him out and it worked, how great he is, etc
>grit my teeth and congratulate her out of politeness
>PR on every lift except OHP that week

What the fuck. I can't remember ever being this humiliated or infuriated before. I straight up barely know this girl.

Ana. Old co-worker

She simply say she didn't feel the same way.

So I went to the gym.

I barely think about her nowadays.

Did you even like her because it doesn't sound like it. Failing to understand the part where she humiliated you.


>Went to Uni in Cali while I stayed

>Distance broke us apart

I lifted cause I wanted to get her back but I have a gf now. I still think about her every so often. If I could have another chance, I would take it. Only if her and I were both single though. I love my gf now :)

I'm not lifting so she'll notice me. That ship has sailed. I'm lifting to prove her wrong. The one girl I ever loved viewed me as unfit for dating. My own mother called me a waste of space. My own best friend looks at me with a mix of perplexion and sympathy because I am a KV at 27. And I want to prove that I'm worth something.

Honest to god don't, but being told about how great a guy is and asked tips and shit was fucking embarassing. I don't know why. I don't understand this feel. But it pissed me off.

She said no

Very film noir answer and pic combo. Kudos.

>like girl
>go on a second date today
>it probably didn't go well
>try to lift to take my mind off of it
>it doesn't really work
And to top it off
>my dog died

Well, I never had a ton of life experiences, so I was incredibly naive. She was about a 9, and I was like a weak 5 or 6. It was obvious she was out of my league, but i was deluded that I had a good personality, and that's why she loved me, kek
I believed her to be "the one" or whatever bullshit. As the relationship dragged on, I started to realize that she was just using me to buy her booze and weed and shit. Throughout the whole relationship, we had sex I think twice.

I later found out that she had cheated on me several times. It really hurt my confidence desu. She told me she loved me and stuff, so I got around to thinking that maybe I was just unfuckable, but that I still had a good personality.

I now know that my personality isn't all that great, and that I just got cucked and used. I retrospect, it was all quite obvious, but hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.

Now I lift hoping people will want to fuck me for my looks and not my "personality", lol

Damn son. My condolences.

shes not really the only reason that i want to get fit but she part of it so i guess it counts
she strung me along, knowingly or otherwise
we had some intimaticy but never really got that far
I did ask her out and she said she wasnt ready right now, due to the stress of school
And then she just went off with some other guy, so I gave up and decided to better myself
I say gave up but I would definitely go back to her given a chance.

more like they all said no

I think the goal should be the total package, user. I want to be fuckable with a heart of gold and a steel trap mind.

I know this feel

Being strung along by someone who you care for and who genuinely cares for you is a daunting feel.

>move from LI NY to rural PA to get sober
>start getting Veeky Forums
>meet cute awkward latina girl
>she talks a lot when she's nervous
>thinks it's cute I sing along to all the radio hits
>we make the most out of rural PA
>together for 5 years
>relapse and we move to NC with friends
>stop getting swole, get fat
>use gets worse, house turns into a trap, lose job
>"you're getting fat" "get yourself together"
>about to hit bottom
>"I have to leave. I'm sorry, I'll always love you"
>bottom out hard
>end up in jail. Her number is the only one I know
>don't call her
>sober a few months now getting Veeky Forums again
>she's the the reason
>too scared to call her, it wouldn't be enough
>I get better for her, because I don't like me

She said I look like a skeleton and cheated on me

Call. You don't have to see her. But remind her you exist care. See her when you're ready.


>caring this much about girls
>so much so that you do things in your life just to hope to get her
>for some girl who's probably teenager, you're a teenager and the relationship wouldn't last anyway

beta isn't even a pathetic enough word to describe you people.

I was dating a girl
I was very skinny, borderline anorexic
She said I look like a skeleton
Cheated on me with some guy I hated
Didn't want to be a skeleton anymore
Went to the gym and ate food

Most of the people in here are just trying to prove their self worth because a woman they cared about doubted it. That's different, chad-mask-wearer user.

Did she know you hated him? And why did you hate him?

I'm not trying to be some "fake chad". I'm talking in terms of you being a fucking MAN and letting some stupid bitch control your fucking life

Lifted before I met her, still lifting after we broke up. My motivation to lift is higher when
>no gf

Because he's a stupid faggot

Wow what a bitch. When you found out, how did that go?

>control your life

Nope. I don't lift for her. But when I remember what happened, it's a pretty good pre-workout.

I want to impress her if she ever became real.

>Married co-worker occasionally says flirty shit to me
>Compliments my healthy lunches and early morning workout routine
>Fantasize about fucking him in his office the entire time I'm doing cardio
>20 mins feels like 5 mins

Just stopped talking to her, I don't give a damn if she's a whore then she will burn in Hell

I little regret goes a long way. Highly recommended

Stop cucking yourself and go 3D, pal.

That's not nice. He's married...

I have never been attracted to 3D.

Yah working my autistic self up to it. Until then I'm going to keep bettering myself for her desu

You know that's a legitimate issue, right? You weren't raised properly and your fetish will only lead to loneliness and disappointment.

Good job.

Yeah I know.

More like who are they.

Never been good with women at all. Honestly just tired of trying. All I want now is to just focus on myself and becoming better in all aspects.

But if it must be a she

>knew her since sophomore year in high school
>always had a crush on her, but knew that there was no chance in hell of anything happening
>high school passes and we both go our separate ways

If anything the reason I do this is so that I never have a moment where someone like her ever comes around and I'm no ready with my all. But if no being in shape is still pretty good.

This. Honestly people that call motives like this pathetic have never experienced what wanting true payback is like.

I dated a girl for months.
She seemed to be a good person, but I had to forcibly initiate everything myself, relationship wise.
She ended up going over seas to study for a year.
During the time we texted, I slowly realized she cared more about her dogs than me.
She would often text me about how she is depressed and misses her dogs, and that having them would make it all better.
Never once did she mention me.
When she came back to the states, she had to find a place to work.
I offered that she could crash at my place while she looked.
She declined because my place was too small for her dogs.

It makes me sick to think of all the time and effort I spent on her, and that she never put an ounce of effort in herself.
The anger/frustration fueled my desire to improve myself.
I don't want her back, but one of my motivations is to make myself into someone that she will look back on and regret having not given any effort.
I would agree if you said that isn't the healthiest motivation, but it's only a portion of it. And I feel distant enough from it now such that the next worthy girl I meet would be able to wash the bitter taste of it away

Anyway, I am 25 pounds of muscle heavier now, and ain't done yet

Nice optimism yo. I hope you find a girl.

But still we can always hope.

Ever seen the movie "bruiser"? It's a little corny but VERY worth watching if you're into a film where a guy who gets stepped on and disregarded his whole life gets payback.

Only ever in 2D my friend

I know its not normal, but what can I do? I'm 21 and I just can't get into 3D. If I focus extremely hard I can be somewhat attracted to their bodies, but real faces just turn me off. I need anime faces.

Yeah but see I don't want that type of revenge. I want the soft kind that sticks with a person for the rest of their lives.

You know the kind that consumes them when they are alone with their thoughts and leaves them wondering "Why?"

I see no need to honestly. If all else fails have her wear a mask.

Awesome. Great story user. Seriously motivational. I am OP and this guy Unlike you tho, I'm cutting, not bulking.

My oneitis and I were both fat when met. She lost a bunch of weight and i got fatter. She graduated colege and I dropped out. She went out and dated and I stayed a KV. It irks the shit outta me because i feel like I proved her right about me being unworthy of dating. If I was her I wouldn't date me either.

I started lifting because of the more metaphorical she - being told no by girl after girl because I was a twig drove me to lifting (6'1" 130 lbs, always go for the prettiest so outta my league).

Now I'm 170 lbs after a year, well omw to 1/2/3/4 and have my pick of the lot, and most likely found the girl I'm gonna marry. Keep at it bros, we'll all make it.

The journey begins with the first step. Just make sure that step doesn't take you off a cliff

Fucking stop watching so much anime. Stop fapping to haruhi or whoever and go back to your pure carnal instincts. That human animal is inside you, just find it.

Yeah that sounds better. Still a worthy film to check out tho

Damn dude. Had a day like that earlier last year where my cat I loved died and then all my friends decided to roast me into oblivion on a facebook group for fun. plus i fucked up with a girl earlier that week.

We're all gonna make it brah.

Lifting to make sure I can protect her and the children.


Is that a metaphor to not overtrain and starve myself, or...

No literally, make sure you stay away from cliffs.

>Haven't been attracted to a girl in years
>Haven't ever been in love
>Have never had oneitis
>Have become almost entirely asocial
>Haven't even met a new girl for nearly a year
>Probably can't feel these things any more
>Probably some kind of mental illness

I try not to think about it.

The fsct that it haunts youbmeans that somewhere deep down inside those feelings still exist.

This bitch I met through work. I just want to get fit so I can hatefuck her and break her heart.

Thanks brah.

She didn't do anything wrong. I was just a major autist with crippling insecurity issues.
I lift because it's the only thing that keeps the autism at bay.

That's not nice. What did she do to you?


Destroyed respites, created urgencies.

She rathed to be with a another woman instead of me.

She was worried about me dying because I sweat all the time when walking around nyc in the middle of summer and not wanting to do anything because it felt so fucking awful out

Lost almost a hundred lbs since two years ago.
Haven't been able to go much past 2pl8 squats, but I have low protein intake since not really dieting, just limiting caloric intake.

I don't think I've ever heard her say a single nice thing to another person. But because she's a dime piece, she gets away with too much. Plus, I'm just bitter at women after a lifetime of rejection desu.

>being jealous of a dog

Oh look, its this faggoty thread again, god damn this board is absolute shit lately with all these "who is she" or "feels" threads, god damn.

Maybe. Or maybe I just think about it because it is so central to humanity that you can't go a single day without seeing it multiple times.

I'm also well aware that I will never know which of these is the case. It would be tragic if it mattered.


misery loves company. myself included.

>feelings are pathetic
I know autists are empathically deficient but at least acknowledge something you don't understand might still matter to real people.

She called me pathetic. Said I was cute in the pathetic injured bird kind of way. Which is fair, I just ended over a year of cancer treatment. But it still hurt, burned a hole in my chest since I was always fit before from doing all kinds of sports.

So I got fit, nothing over the top, as fit as can be expected from someone starting at sub-zero.

Fucked her good.

Fertility treatment for our first child is starting over the next month.

I broke up with my gf a little over 2 years ago and ever since then I've lifted and not gone all in after a grill because I realized that they aren't worth it

Now I just chill with my bros, lift, and have ONS' with random latinas I meet, like I have been for 2 years



Job well done, bud. You inspire me.

Being out of touch with your feelings is unmanly as fuck.

That emptiness won't be filled with ONS. Come on, you know better.

This. You can't control how you feel, only what you do.

WTF. That's like saying "holding in your tears is unmanly" or "not wearing the pink fedora you really want to wear in unmanly."

Real men don't care about their feelings, and if they do they don't feel a need to "get in touch" with them.

>pushes emotions deep down and hides them
>still thinks he has control over them by doing this

This is the toppest kek of 2017.

to become a better man for her

I... Know this feel. It feels fucking horrible.

You're saying that men should be ruled by emotions?

>Not letting yourself be used by women means you're autistic
>Valuing your time means you're autistic
Stop trying to justify you're actions. This isn't healthy and you're only holding yourself back.

No, but they should acknowledge and embrace them. Act on logic, but don't fight emotions. We're not robots, we're human. Emotions are literally what you feel, mentally. They're a gift, not a burden.

No one really. I was a loner in uni (still am) during my 2nd year and had a really bad schedule with hour longs gaps. Decide to do something instead of hiding in the library for 6 hours. Went to the rec center and enjoyed it and slowly eased into lifting.

But deep down inside I just want to be ripped and strong and be lusted over. Also to one day be the bull and ruin marriages and relationships.

Sounds like a bitch to be honest with you. And you being with her is just the cherry on top. Youre a walking meme m8.

Wtf?? That's really fucked up. Cuck porn can be hot but actually being a bull just to ruin marriages? Why?