Why do women not love men as much or the same as men?

Why do women not love men as much or the same as men?

Fitness related: what is the IQ of a dumbbell

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What is that pic from?

New York City I think.
Found it from fit a long time ago.

the IQ of the dumbbell is the same as the number written on it

Yo op that pic is dope bro

I'm surprised women see anything in men at all, we're disgusting

Women are quite different from men.

Not only biologically, but also psychologically.

I remember watching a documentary (or something), a few years back.

To sum it up, they explained how males are far better at mentally visualizing things, this leads men toward having a tendency to work for a future.

Women on the other hand, tend to be more analytical, as they are not usually capable of mentally visualizing as well as a male.

This leads them to be more focused on current events.

Why do you ask, user?

Fitness related question: Should I continue cutting? My OHP went from 145x3, to 125x3. Wtf is wrong with me? Am I dying?


NYC fag here. I don't recognize this part of the city and especially not that vast expanse of light that stretch into the horizon. Only place I've seen that around here is when you're facing Jersey.


>tfw too smart to lift

Are you saying my OHP is going down because I'm sad?
Makes sense...

Scarcity also ties in to this
Women are biologically valuable, men are not and in our current society youre hard pressed to find a girl to fuck or start a relation with
For girls the opposite is true, they have guys they can fuck or have a relation with on every street corner



duck out if the compromises make you miserable. duck out if you get miserable. duck out if it just makes you uncomfortable.

the goal is not to force a relationship to keep going. its to find a relationship worth keeping.

there is literally no benefit to frankensteining a relationship other than possibly sex, but you're better off withotu it if it isn't working.

emjoy the relationship for as long as you can. and if it goes south, leave, cuz all you're doing is preventing yourself from finding the good one that might last.

lasting isn't the point, it isn't the goal.

And yeah you have to take the risk of making a high stakes deal with a potentially very unstable person, plus people change. That's life, you can't play all of it safe.

If you're worried about hurting someone, DON'T, because that pain and shame will pass faster than you think but the pain of regret lasts the rest of your life!

People will delude themselves into putting up with some dramatic or toxic person just to not be alone instead of jumping into the deep end, cutting that person off, and seeing what new people life throws at them.


>his leads men toward having a tendency to work for a future.
>This leads them to be more focused on current events.
for me as a guy it's quite the opposite tbqh i tend to be focused on the here and now and not worry about some unknown future after all you're living in the present and not 10 years into the future

donald pls

Dumbbells don't have iq you fucking retard their inanimate objects



because they have different concentrations of various hormones.

Why would you do this
