

Scooby, obv.

While we're at it, go ahead and check 'em.

It's hip to he square

Guess I'll go with ripp, not excited about having to be fat forever tho

Scooby easily.

Never find love, Be a fat fuq, die a painful death, or find true love and have an amazing sense of community? Scooby obv

Scoob, easy


scooby top tier
>7/10 that will love you unconditionally, a great physique, and a long fulfilling life that will be remembered long after your gone

yes this is all i ever wanted


constant sex and comrade. It only makes sense that the candle that burns twice as bright only lasts half as long


Pretty much my life without the looks, sex, or money


Still ugly suicidal virgin, but hey, now I am a pretty strong ugly suicidal virgin.

i'm already living the downsides of the path of seid so why the fuck not

Quiz is stupid. Scoobs is the obvious choice.

You all get it

scoob or zyzz.

Zyzz would be dope at first but then eventually you'd feel unfulfilled. Scoob for longevity


Zyzz. The cocaine and molly is worth it

reading that first scooby option gave me a warm tickly feeling in my chest. and I already have a gf but I would peace the fuck out in a second to get away from everything into Scoobys perfect village

you guys realize you could have the benefits of all the other paths if you choose rippetoe?

>rape bitches, they cant do anything because you're literally superman
>steal whatever drugs you want, drug dealers cant even shoot you
>can literally take down an entire state single handed

Path of Seid. I seek superficial sex. and have no problems killing babies in cold blood.


Zyzz most def.
I'm all about maxing my hedonistic lifestyle

scooby obviously.

you think yujiro hanma did SS+Gomad?