Veeky Forums Can you red pill me on SARMS?
Friend of mine just told me about it. Seems too good to be true.
Veeky Forums Can you red pill me on SARMS?
Friend of mine just told me about it. Seems too good to be true.
SARMs are low risk, low reward. They can help you do a specific thing better, but they won't magically help your muscles get huge like roids.
They're no miracle drug, but you'll see a difference in your body & your performance in the gym.
Currently on a cycle of ligandrol & ostarine. I've done 2 cycles of just ligandrol before. Not sure that I'm seeing a significant different in using it with ostarine.
Will they help you recover faster, especially from endurace exercise (I'm a cyclist on a road racing team)?
Marginally in that you'll definitely feel a difference, but I don't know if it'll be enough to benefit competitively from it.
Well, which one(s) will do that?
OP here. What kind of difference/performance are we talking? Like adding 15-20 pounds onto your bench and slightly bulkier after a couple weeks difference?
I have only used the two I listed above, but everyone says Cardarine for endurance.
According to Dave Palumbo they are "1/10th as effective as the weakest steroid." But that's still something.
Personally, I wouldn't waste the money. Just lift and eat.
I notice more muscle hardness & a drop in bodyfat. I wouldn't say you jump on a cycle &suddenly your lifts go up a lot as much as they exponentially go up over the course of the cycle in incremental amounts.
Just read up on it. That's not what I'm after. I want to recover from training faster and more completely. That way I can increase my training load without increasing my overall fatigue.
So would you say that it's ideal for someone who is cutting?
If that's true then perfect, I'm currently on a cut right now and it's depressing not being able to lift as heartily as I do when bulking.
Yeah, SARMs are best for maintaining mass while cutting. They won't give you sick insane gainz or make your muscles bigger, but you can keep more muscle and lose more fat. Also, MK-677 makes you sleep like a god.
>take risk putting questionable shit in your body for no real gains
>take an even lower risk putting test in your body that gives you real fucking gains
Why do you niggers even bother with this shit?
They will make your muscles bigger though, you can add lean mass and get bigger pumps.
You even have a minor pump all day.
If you use lets say ostarine and eat slightly over maintenance you add more mass. You can even gain some lean mass on maintenance, so without adding bodyfat.
To add, it's definately great for cutting and keeping most if not all of your musclemass and strength. Also endurance gains are great on osta.
>MK-677 makes you sleep like a god.
This is probably one of the few im willing to test out simply because i have sleep problems from constant nightmares
Sad that this is the one thats seemingly hardest to get a hold of (where i live)
I meant like, roids big. Taking SARMs won't make you huge and the difference in overall muscle mass is negligible unless you're only lifting a single group. I don't want to give anyone the misconception that they can take this supposedly risk free group of drugs and get a ton bigger like clockwork. They're an extremely helpful tool for maintaining lean muscle or gaining lean muscle while maintaining, but they're no test replacement.
irc. bio my friend, they ship worldwide
I lost a lot of weight going 270 to 190 at 5'11 at 15% or so. I started a 15mg/d ostarine cycle to cut down to 10% before I bulk. Ostarine keeps my strength up and gives me better pumps and lets my muscles stay fuller throughout the day. Only downside is it has for sure increased my appetite.
I'm gonna use lgd to bulk up, the suppression is a little worrying though because
>the suppression is a little worrying though because
There are mixed messages about this and id love to clear em out
Do or dont SARMS cause supression?
I think these are illegal in my country aswell so without proper cause i have a hard time getting it
Are they covert enough?
Ostarine causes a tiny bit, but lgd is pretty suppressive. People debate if a pct is necessary for a cycle and I tend to think it is. Running lgd with a testosterone base is supposed to be great. Like taking a non liver toxic oral you can run a lot of. I don't remember the process but supposedly lgd causes more free test and makes your testosterone base more effective and usable
yeah its basically 3x 100hundred dollars for me(300 reais) which is expensive as fuck
however HGH is like 500 dollars(1k reais) a 1 month cycle
Will mk677 save my manlet height since i'm a 18 skelly? should i just blast tren instead
As a 18yo 5ft 6 Manley I too am interested
Currently on week 3 of my ostarine cycle to cut down to 10-12% bf. Have you noticed any strength gains on your cycle? I heard people claiming to add a few pounds to their lifts but I have felt nothing yet. I have how ever noticed endurance gains for weight that I used to push around for 6-12 reps though.
Apparently they pretty gud but they suppress natural testosterone production
real hgh gives adults barely a fucking inch and that is with severe abuse and you faggots think a hgh releasing substance is gonna be effective?
you idiots are retarded and buy into everything. first it was BCAA's, then Tribulus, then vitamin K (to the point one guy completely fucked his life) and now its sarms.
>SARM Thread
>talking about ibutamoren
stay on topic you fucks
I would but it would make my nuts shrink. Are mini cycles a thing? Like can I do 200mg weekly and get noticeable effects?
noticeable? maybe, that sounds more like a cruise dosage desu.
balls shrinking doesnt fucking matter? they return after the cycle back to normal and if you're really concerned go use HCG.