please what is a good routine to get thick? i dont care about strength at all
not one bit
is this okay?
leg press
front squat
leg curl
random glute exercises
calf raises
please what is a good routine to get thick? i dont care about strength at all
not one bit
is this okay?
leg press
front squat
leg curl
random glute exercises
calf raises
Seriously just get fat and see where the fat goes to. If it goes to mostly your ass and thighs then you'll get thick, but if it goes anywhere but you're doomed with your genetics.
Better pray you won the lottery
Your goal, and how you go about achieving it, will be relative to where you currently are.
>weight, height, amount of time lifting, goals
What are they? Aside from being thick
This is the easiest route, if you've got good female genetics
Can someone just critique my plan? ugh
Dont neglect upper body, even if you dont care about it. (Lat pulldowns, rows and a push exercise are crucial imo)
Do the hardest compounds first and heavy (squats /frontsquats/deadlifts) and then legpress and last isolation exercises.
If these exercises cost too much energy to do in 1 day, split the compounds over different workout days. (Deadliftday, squatday)
Frontsquats are great, but i would advise to also do regular quats every now and then. Change them up.
You cannot just do an exercise, and see results. Typical woman, fuck all of you.
Stupid bitch that's not how you use a adjustable flash gun
Here you go. Speak with your physician about this routine and make sure to keep up your cardio and proper nutrition.
I would also highly recommend you get a trainer for a few weeks to practice proper form for all of these exercises. If a trainer is trying to steer you away from learning how to perform these exercises, walk away and get a new trainer. A lot of trainers will attempt to avoid potentially risky exercises, such as barbell squats, because they don't actually know anything and just want to make you FEEL like you got a workout while you basically end up with nothing. Find a trainer who will gladly teach you proper safety and form for these exercises.
Otherwise, just review the form on all these exercises religiously and go slowly to start.
btw OP who is that girl cos she hot af
wow OP youre not gonna get thicc with that attitude
Pls do ohp, rows, lats, and chest too. You will look bad if you only gain muscle in your legs but have a flabby torso and arms
>is this okay?
Bo its sux balls
>is this okay?
>leg press
>front squat
>leg curl
>random glute exercises
>calf raises
Could be better. Do Bulgarian Split Squats or wide Lunges instead of front squat. Use leg press as an assistance movement. Skip deadlifts and do goodmornings (lots of it, both bent-knee and straight). Do not neglect upperbody: add OHP and pull-ups/pulldowns twice a week. Please notice that females are able to take higher volume than male at same %RM (pic related from PPsT, 3rd edition). That would be like:
> 3x8 OHP
> 3x8 Bulgarian Split Squats / Lunges
> 3x8 Pull-downs / Pull-ups
> 4x12-15 Leg press
> 4x12-15 Goodmornings
> 5x15-20 Glute kickback / Hip thrusts (yeah, it'll be sore af)
> 5x15-20 Calf Raises
Also, consider what is saying. If you lost the genetic lottery, be prepared to take 1y~2y to you look in shape.
This girl is a fucking 10/10 for me
I don't even care what faces look like anymore a good body is all that matters holy shit is this what its like to be high test
doing the 70s big LP, hope it gives me that there THICC mode.
>Overhead Press: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>squats: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>Weighted Chinup: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>BB curl: 3 x 10
>DB bench: 3 x 12
>Weighted Dip: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>Deadlift: ramp up to 1 x 5
>DB row: 3 x 10
>V-bar pushdown: 3 x 10
>Lateral DB raise: 3 x 12
>Push Press: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>Front squat: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>Romanian deadlift: 3 x 10
>Weighted Pullup: 3 x 5, dropset 1 x AMRAP
>DB hammer curl: 3 x 10
>Cable Facepull: 3 x 12
You dumb hooker, listen to what they're saying. You won't get good results on routine alone, you need to have a plan
but deadlifts are for glutes/hamstrings
why split squats
i also am just going to do a generic upper body day
You don't become thick. You are born thick.If your hips are narrow then you're fucked.
Don't get me wrong: deadlift is a very taxing, low volume and whole body compound movement, it gets every big muscle activated either as a agonist, synergist or stabilizer, in short, it's the best movement out there for strength training purposes IMO; but by it's on very nature, it's not a good choice for someone aiming to put some mass on the lower body, especially not glutes and hams, which require way more volume than one is able to do by deadlifting. By the combination of Bulgarian Split Squats, Goodmornings, and Hip thrusts, one will be able to add more weight and more volume to her own training, while being less concentrated in one movement.
Both Bulgarian Split Squats and Lunges are two of the best lower body builder out there. The Split Squat is the one I usually pick because it puts great stress on both the posterior chain and adductors throghout the movement, while the usual BB Squat only involves the posterior chain on the "pit" of the movement, when the trainee has already mastered the exercise. Also, adductors are very important for dem shapely thighs. If you're interested in knowing more about it, this a good article on Split Squats:
thanks for the help
but the only exercise for hamstrings is good mornings
i thought it was two for big muscles
You should consider the obvious. It's suicide, btw.
You have no clue what you're talking about, and don't care to understand why someone would say you need to be more in-depth.
You'll never make it. You'll only ever look good (physically and psychologically) to people with low standards.
If you really do want to make it, then do some fucking research about diet/routines/progression. Then consider coming back with ACTUAL questions.
Otherwise, get fucked.
There will be activation of hamstrings with Split Squats, too. If that + Goodmornings are not enough to make your thighs sore, sure you can add some Leg Curls to finalize the training. But I usually Goodmornings already more than enough.
>tfw OP will NEVER be this thicc
okay last two questions
good mornings look dangerous what's a good alt
and why 5x15-20 for glutes? that's very high
That's a tiny girl. The camera and table looks huge compared to her.
i refuse to believe women are actually like this
bait thread
She's about 4' tall.
im srs
>good mornings look dangerous
They're not. Learn to do it properly, it's simple:
>and why 5x15-20 for glutes? that's very high
It's high for a whole body compound, not really for an accessory exercise. If you want hypertrophy, usually you got to do high reps, 60-100 reps total. On Leg Press and Goodmornings, do at least 40+ reps total.
She talks just like my GF when I first took her to the gym. I guess that's why women fall for so much toning meme shit.
isnt it supposed to be 100 reps total in a week? i would be doing lower body like 2-3x per week
are back extensions a good replacement?
>isnt it supposed to be 100 reps total in a week? i would be doing lower body like 2-3x per week
That's a good number for compounds like Press or Squat, when you're doing LP and you're a male. For accessory work, you want to do way more reps, less heavy, especially if you're a female, who recovers quickly and can take more reps at %RM (PPtS 3rd). Please notice you'll not increase the weights on the accessory work every training, unlike the main lifts, but rather every other week, 2lbs or so. You're aiming for reps here, not intensity.
>are back extensions a good replacement?.
Not really, one hits more of her Erector Spinae more than your Hams and Glutes. Pretty much the same SLDL. Start Goodmornings with very low weights (or just the bar, seriously), and grow yourself into it. It's safer than Squats and Deadlifts, to be honest.
i really dont like good mornings though
how do i replace it with leg curls
Kek, was right.
If you don't like bc guys will stare at your butt while doing it, just do it in a corner or using baggy sweatpants.
If you're really not willing to do Goodmornings this:
Leg curls 1) have no core recruitment at all, so you lose all the good posture bonus you'd get by doing Goodmornings; 2) are a open-chain movement, meaning you won't get as heavy as you could, nor it will do good for your joints.
that's why i wanted to do a deadlift variation or something
i really just dont want a barbell on my back
people have died
I see. You can do it in a Squat rack and you'll be 100% safe. You could also try Romanian deadlifts, but you'll have to really focus on using your Hams and Glutes to lift the weight, and not your lower back.
Also, you want too watch out for doing Cable Leg Press, because the regular one is more sketchy than any other lift.
I just do squats and bb glute bridges. And then leg curls and leg extensions. I hate both of those.
And calf raises with a plate and whatever I squat. 100 of them total at 315 was last time.
Bb hip thrust is the number one ass builder. Bb glute bridges are number 2. I like glute bridges because it's fun to rocket 3 plates in the air and I never feel like I'm going to enter snap city... yet... they're pretty easy too once you get going.
Pretty sick of leg curls and have always been scared of good mornings but that video tempted me to try it tomorrow. My arse is definitely getting bigger but it's still nowhere near where I want it. At around 42 inches. I don't know if that measurement is good or not.
>At around 42 inches. I don't know if that measurement is good or not.
That's a nice butt. Visually, it all gets to your proportions, but 42in is really noticeable.
> My arse is definitely getting bigger but it's still nowhere near where I want it.
Make sure you eating enough.
Squat and eat a fucking lot of protein. And genetics. Thats how I got a thicc ass desu
Okay, thanks!