>inb4 anti-PUA
REMEMBER - if u never talk 2 women; u r guaranteed no pussy
>inb4 Tinder hahahahahahah
>inb4 anti-PUA
REMEMBER - if u never talk 2 women; u r guaranteed no pussy
>inb4 Tinder hahahahahahah
i talk about PUA here coz 99% of males lift for women
>pro-tip its all about d face
I don't like most the gimmiky pua stuff, but i follow a group that's called the natural lifestyles that does coaching on that. 90% of its just common sense and mindset and 10% of it is game desu and then they have a girl that gives fashion advice.
did that get your dick in a vagina?
yes or no ?
if no....join us PUA
yes, it is pua, they just have a different philosophy to RSD
I've read Mark Manson's Models and I feel like it's the only book you'll ever need to read on picking up girls
>don't look and act like a nerd, get your life together and 1 in 10 girls will like you instead of 1 in 100
Dude, this whole board is about Pure Unadulterated Autism. Why a separate thread?
I can screencap Moot's response when i asked him for a PUA board. I would but someone would say its shopped
>tfw thousands of girls swoon over me on instagram
>tfw don't even need to lift but do anyway because broad shoulders are intimidating
its what these autists never understood. no one looks at the body. its all about face. as long as u aint fat it's ok
so instead of lifting these cucks should shape their eyebrows and get a 10/10 haircut
it really is all about the face. 90% of Veeky Forums seems to want to chase normie cunts who are just as shallow as they are
I promise I won't. I'll even give you a compliment if you post it, like "nice shoes" or "have you been hitting the gym?".
How do I approach girls at bars/clubs? I mean beside approaching every girl and hoping a conversation will start with one of them.
I'm not too bad at getting laid once the conversation flows well but I literally have no idea how to conciously approach a girl. Everytime it just happens randomly. I want to make it happen rather than wait for it to happen. What do?
I introduce myself, ask for her name, then make up some bullshit story based on it.
>tfw have a weird sounding name (I'm not white)
>tfw can't speak loud enough in clubs
what do?
Get a cool nickname thats only 1-2 syllables long
aziz = zyzz
I would mace you if you looked like that and tried to talk to me on the street.
Like, right away, as soon as your mouth opened.
Give up, your existence is failure
>I'm not white
user I'm so sorry.
just started this book
do you have a tl;dr summary or should i actually trek though these 300 pages?
Don't go to clubs. Talking in clubs requires close proximity and physical contact with women. Obviously, that scares the shit out of you
tl;dr: why did you pick up the book in the first place if 300 pages is a chore?
>Dance with them
>Get them out for a "smoke"
>Proceed to talk/make out/whatever
Enjoy virginity
Something tells me Muhammad al-shirk can't dance
300 pages isnt really a chore, but reading 1 post on Veeky Forums would be faster
OK then, here's a five word summary:
Fap fap fap fap fap
The book will teach you nothing
>>Dance with them
how? do i just go up to a group of girls or a mixed group and try to dance with one of the girls?
i don't even know how to dance
Is faster really better, though?
Preselection is your best friend in picking up girls. If you go out with some women and if you go to a club or party and you know alot of girls there girls will check you out faster, trust you faster, talk to you more easily and assume you are alpha.
You rhythmically move your body to the music being played. Also, don't be afraid to get a little handsy
Does anyone else really not try to sleep with women and regularly say shit that should diminish any chance of them wanting to sleep with you but still somehow manage to pine?
Oh, he actually can't.
Learn to dance, enjoy yourself.
Then get hammered. I mean HAMMERED.
Then go next to girls and dance, most of the time people in group assume you are friends with some other people in the group anyway.
How do you guys enjoy yourselves when you have to follow all these convoluted, pre-defined social interaction strategies?
go into a place with a goal in mind, use practices learned to achieve goal
i guess its sort of like a game or sport
im no pua but i can see it it could be fun
The book is literally just
>Be yourself
Say what you honestly think and don't lie about yourself because dishonesty is hard to keep up, but when you're always being honest and saying your true opinion and not giving a fuck about the consequences you'll find it easier to socialise with people. Don't try to "trick" them into liking you, there's no such thing. They either like you or they don't and it's always immediately obvious, don't waste your time trying to get someone to like you. If you ask a girl out and it's not an enthusiastic "yes" just move on.
>Workout, dress nicely, get proper hygiene, get some worth
>Hit on uglier girls because if you're hitting on girls that are genuinely hot, you have absolutely no chance.
That's literally the whole book with a bunch of self-help shit throw into it.
You're doing way too much over thinking here. Why are you going to clubs if you can't dance, talk, or relax?
b-because i'm a kv and i want to be a normie
Your approach here is akin to a novice hunter blind firing into a wooded area expecting to hit a 12 point buck
Story time niggas. Start to lift and groom myself. Get called hot and confident a few times a day but still to fucking autist to actually make moves on girls or go home with them. Friend tells me I should go to this club where woman are really dtf. Go there and within half an hour a 10/10 blonde makes eye contact with me smiles and comes over to grind with me. She speaks French wtf can't communicate with her. Doesn't matter we go to her car after half an hour to fuck. Fucking new audi, holy shit, I'm just a waiter and I'm fucking a 10 rich slut within 2 hours of being in this club. Of course I go there almost every week after that. Soon realize the place ia filled with drugs, sluts and whores. That club is open till 1 in the afternoon. It's the place all the prostitutes from the area go to party and get fucked up. Fuck prostitutes for free every week, experienced some really crazy fucked up after parties, orgies, drama, fights, crime, etc. Every Saturday was like a movie from then on. Get known fast there because I'm one of the only guys that goes there regularly who is fit, healthy, doesn't use drugs or isn't a crime boss. Girls and guys give me free shit all the time. Shit goes sour one night when we go to some guys house to after. 4 guys there and 7 girls (all whores). Some dude kisses one of the girls but apparently the house owner was dating/fucking her and coked up. He pulls q fucking gun and shoots the guy in the knee and the girl in the shoulder. Continues to beat the shit out of them. Makes everyone swear to never say anything about this. I want to leave, what am I doing with my life. Dont have car and I'm 100 km from my home. Girl notices this. It's the blonde from my first night there. She says she wants to go and I can come with her and her friend. Go to her house, fuck one of them while th other is passed out on the other side of bed. Next day she drives me home before going to a client. cont.
This reads like it was written by someone with just enough of an education to not appear retarded.
>Hit on uglier girls because if you're hitting on girls that are genuinely hot, you have absolutely no chance.
He actually says, don't hit on women you aren't attracted to
Yeah, but consider the audience. No one asking for advice in a pick-up autism thread on a Moroccan bi-curious cheese sculpting forum is going to handle rejection in a healthy manner
LOL more like POS (Piece Of Shit), those guys look like gigantic faggots!
theres absolutely no way anyone is going to be successful without learning how to take rejection
We talk on the drive home. Actually through the 4 months I partied there I got to know het really good and had some sort of borderline fucked up relationship with her. She took my virginity, learned me to fuck proper good and hooked me up with alot of other girls/prostitutes. Come to the conclusion I just don't belong there in that fucked up underworld and that I should stay away. This is six months ago now. What this has to do with pua idk. It helps when I go out that there are always super hot whores that know and fucked me and girls see this and just assume I'm alpha. Sorry for the blog just had to get some shit off my chest since I went there yesterday in six months and I got my shit together since then. It was fun but I realized how fucked up shit was those 4 months. Met up with the blonde (Also I learned french there because most people there spoke french). I'm at her house now, she's sleeping at the moment even thou it's 7 in the evening. Always stayed in contact with her, met up often and talk/trust each other. She doesn't do coke anymore and wants to quit prostituting for me. I dont know what to do about this senpai. I obviously deeply care for her but the escort thing is just fucked up, the shit we've done and seen is a bit over the top. She has a shitload of money thou and wants me to go back to law school (I dropped out in the third year due to family and financial problems). Says she'll support me through it and pay for it. I know she's serious. She buys me my fucking clothes, paid my rent a couple of times and bought me a car. Said she likes to spend her money the most on me. Almost none of my friends know shit aboit what I did and do back then, can't talk to anyone about this. If anyone wonders no I don't have a std and I fucked 36 woman those 4 months of which I know 20 of them are prostitutes, never paid thou. So I'm asking advice on a Iranian Modern ballet forum in a /pua/ thread. Got some crazy stories if anyone is interested.
I'm awake for 36 hours and drank a shitload last night after I worked for 10 hours and I didn' take anything to keep me going. My brain is barely functioning atm.
PUA = Practising Unwanted Approaches
Todd Valentine is the only legit guy
>Moroccan bi-curious cheese sculpting forum
I've seen some good ones, but friend, that takes it.
I fell for a 10/10 prostitute on the first night I wanted to start practicing pua. I lost my virginity to pays my shit and wants to pay for my education and get together properly. Amazing personality, alot of money, 10/10 in looks. But obviously she has mental issues and she is a prostitute, what do?
Indeed, that's why we have these threads. Pursues looking for any alternative to striking out early and often.
Next time just go with this.
dude this sounds amazing. just fucking roll the dice and write a book. What country you in? Share some stories
Two options:
1. Don't be a cuck and don't be in a relationship with her. However, keep in contact with her as an acquaintance or friend. Return to her when you've made yourself a money making man.
2. Stay in a relationship with her and go with the flow, getting education paid for and everything is 10/10. She knows she is a red flag despite being 10/10 because she's a whore. Meanwhile keep looking for other women, if she is really the one, then swallow your pride and marry her.
>live ~30 minutes away from any sort of nightlife
>uber from a bar to my house is ~40 bucks
>cabs are even more
my friends are in similar situaitons. am i forced to just DD and drive to the bars to practice this shit?
are clubs even bearable sober?
I am kind of in the same situation, we generally make it until the morning and take the first bus.
>Moroccan bi-curious cheese sculpting forum
Stay home. For you, the juice won't be worth the squeeze
yeah ive done that a few times or just did the super long walk to a friends house. its not something id do in the winter though. if the bar closes at 2 it would be 3-4 hours until the next bus
i guess ill just have to hunt for a fwb on tinder
good thing im decently fit
hope i dont get STDs