>yfw this is the president of the United States of Amerifat
All stereotypes are true.
>yfw this is the president of the United States of Amerifat
All stereotypes are true.
Other urls found in this thread:
>that poor girl would probably vomit if she looked down
wtf is she spraying
I cannot god damn wait until I have old man barrel chest. Cannot wait.
what are the benefits of having a fat leader
Where's his dick
swallowed into the abyss
>he wants osteoarthritis and/or emphysema
Blurred to mid thigh. Its fucking huge jesus.
fuck me that's a nice suit
The golden Cheeto color
you think? i think it looks kind of cheap
haha holy shit is that real?
Of course it's not you fucking retarded imbecile .
This is the kind of white merikan with a wife that cucked him with a nigerian with a 12 inches long anaconda
100% guaranteed melania has taken black dick. she's just the type
the suit is nice
it just looks cheap because of the content
yeah that makes sense, hard to make it look good with an odd shaped body
I dunno if were her I wouldn't take the risk. Way to much money at stake.
How to blame her tho
me mufuggin dix nigga shop do bibby
Average white amerifat body
>that marshmallow shaped bod
Is this real? Jokes aside, guys.
No, it's done by the same artust that did Bill Clinton with a prostitute.
Could you imagine how unbelievably alpha Trump would be if he was also fucking ripped? Man, what a missed opportunity.
>Trump still gets more pussy then Veeky Forums
>tfw you'll never be such a cuck that you think every moderately attractive woman has been muh dicked by a nigger
Feels good man.
Same "artist".
Barron will get it right.
Sorry but that isn't close to Trump's body type, this is fake as heck
>one individual is representative of countless
All niggers confirmed criminals.
>Veeky Forums and talk politics
>gay statue of president
>screaming and rioting makes you the good guys
>drumpf is finished
he won, and is putting his laws into effect like thet fucking flash and you cant stop him.
For the Emperor!
There is a large amount of truth to that statement though. Blacks comprise 50% of all murderers despite being 13% of the population
i was watching a shit ton of the stream
this liberal qt kept showing up every 5 minutes
i forgot to upload the pic lmao
holy fuck whats with the hand with a heart drawing?
the whole video is so fucking dumb jesus christ.
Who is dividing who?
careful user, some of the mods here are over-sensitive Trump supporters. They don't like it when people point out that America has a clinically obese president
She's eastern European, so I doubt it. We hate niggers.
She is an agent of the rise of the new age of Great Slovenia, the Slovenes are nazbol and thus opposed to race mixing
People giving the middle finger in pics are retarded.
Well, she did a great job at marrying another slavic person.
Shia put a camera that is said to go on for all 4 years of trump prez, and you chant in a cultists tone "he will not Divide us."
Shia can't take bantz and got arrested first few days and people been just shit post irl and libs can't stand it.