Women = memes

Women are a fucking meme. If you tell an untrained girl to workout, she wont be able to push herself hard enough to see any gains.

Dumping whole article, its pretty short.



>Women don't train for becoming muscular
What a shocker

Next you're going to tell me they don't like roided up meatheads!


>subjects were asked to select a resistance that would provide a good workout



>Anyone who disagrees with my definition of "good" is a meme

if women want to do body weight nothings for an hour a day they can do zumba but they don't

they go to the gym and do something that doesn't even burn more calories than dancing without getting the ass they're "doing squats in the smith machine" for.

they are objectively bad at lifting and therefore a meme

>If you tell an untrained girl to workout, she wont be able to push herself hard enough to see any gains.
Riveting stuff, chap
Fun fact, girls dont need to train to become attractive or anything other than fit and the benefits are next to none

Are you retarded

>If you tell an untrained girl to workout, she wont be able to push herself hard enough to see any gains.
Yeah, and if you tell an untrained normie to go work out, he'll try benching 2pl8 and kill himself.
What's your point?

>looking better
>feeling better
>having a hobby
>improving health
>no benefits

>looking better
No need, they get metric tons of attention from guys anyway

>feeling better
Not their strong side, a day with friends, shopping or at a spa will result in feeling alot better than working out

>having a hobby

>improving health
Ok this ill give you, it does improve health but the general population isnt very stong on doing stuff for good health you know

No one cares that you hate women. Get over it.

women are also a lot less likely to ask for a raise at work. this is nothing new bro.

they're different than us, not objectively worse, just different.

when it comes to fitness they are objectively worse.

Normal reaction to reading the article: Well maybe I should push myself a little harder next workout


>No need, they get metric tons of attention from guys anyway
And they will still look better. I earn absolutely enough, but I would like a higher wage anyways. Do you think Stacey wants to look 'good enough'? It's a benefit, no matter how much you think they value this benefit.

>shopping or at a spa will result in feeling alot better than working out
Completely different things. Shopping does not give you a nice feeling bodywise. Also implying you can't do both. That's like saying 'pasta tastes nice, but rice tastes even better, therefore I'll never eat pasta'.

Not an argument.

>the general population isnt very stong on doing stuff for good health
Irrelevant. It's still a benefit.


>untrained weightlifters don't know what weights to use

Wow you're right let's just murder all the women, they're so stupid dumb!

No. Women are so fucking dumb they don't understand that havign 10kg on their back won't make them stronger.


Anyway, suggesting that a woman should do SS or any powerlifting routine rather then a routine that they would naturally gravitate towards when they want to get fit and healthier and stinks of both ignorance and retardation.

It's litterally da queer agenda and people pushing gyms and the bodybuilding lifestyle. Why? Because women will be dumbfucked into getting into this stupid shit and going way too far heedlessly easier then men.
Just take a look at the abject retardation going on in crossfit

>m-muh women

90% of PEOPLE don't understand that having 10kg on their back won't make them stronger.

Why are people actually defending women in this regard...? We all know this is true, there's women at the gym doing 40 reps of glute exercises which does absolutely nothing, not even breaking a sweat.

They just aren't used to pushing themselves physically.

Women can do high rep exercises a ton and tend to gravitate towards that.
Being pissed that they don't gravitate towards heavy lifting like is kinda retarded.
It's about fitness and getting healthy while doing something that their comfortable enough to continue doing for long periods and will stick with.
Not proving that your type of lifting is objectively superior because personal reasons.

Kinda, but you're probably using an inaccurate definition of fitness. They're really not that different from men in fitness.

Wew this board used to be fun, looks like reddit moved in quick. Keep posting scientific articles to draw all the white knight faggots and E-girls into THIS thread so they don't shit the rest of the place up.

Kill yourself. I've never met a man who doesn't at least try to lift as heavy as possible.

this ''comfortable lifting'' does nothing

Im not pissed in anyway, but that doesn't stop what OP posted from being completely true. If you're going past 20 reps on any exercise you're better off just doing cardio.

>comfortable enough to continue doing for long periods and will stick with.

exercise should not be "comfortable". That's not to say you should be in pain or something but you should not be able to workout while wearing makeup.

The reason women aren't great lifters is because they aren't great eaters, a good body for a women is gained by not eating which is conterproductive for weightlifting so I understand why they would not be naturally GREAT lifters but that doesn't mean they have to actually avoid doing real work in the gym.

Women were never made to be exceptionally strong or physically capable. Who cares? They shouldn't be so preoccupied with fitness outside of health and base muscle.

Its women defending women in this regard. Its the typical, "I dont know anything about this buy heres what I think im grill btw". There's a ton of women on Veeky Forums for some reason, its like they think anyone here cares about what they say. The amount of tumblr shit coming from whales on boards like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums is actually incredibly. Maybe its a band of dedicated trolls but probably not. Veeky Forums really might just be pozzed.

they can do bodyweight at home

>average dyel setting foot in a gym for the first time

I was trying to subtly refer to the guy who squatted 100kg in sandals his first day

what is this spicy meme? i must have missed it

I was trying to find the screencap, but I must not have saved it. Long ago someone heard that everyone should be able to do a bodyweight squat. Now.. that can mean 2 things can't it? So he did a pl8, and then jumped to 100kg his first time squatting (in sandals) and had to go to the hospital

I could walk in the gym right now and show you atleast 20 of them. That's why you see all those faggots squatting 1pl8 for years, curling 20s for years and so on.


>is = should
No. Most people 'were never made to be' exceptionally capable of anything. That's why it is 'exceptional', because very few people are capable of doing it. Does that mean they all shouldn't be so preoccupied trying to become good at anything?

People who do some form of organized exercise no matter what on top of watching what they eat are always healthier and fitter the people who do not.
By the way, many strongmen who do in fact do comfortable lifting every day.

I'm sorry, but you're fucking retarded.
Exercise doesn't have to be an all day body crushing experience for the FANTASY of burning off a fucking bagel. It's supposed to help you get more fit, healthier, and feel better.
It's supposed to SUPPLEMENT a normally healthy and relatively active life.
It taking up a massive chunk of your life and time makes it a hobby and lifetsyle choice.
One in which health,judging by all of the eat big get big and steroid shilling posts, and looking good to normal people is not even a consideration.
That's it.
Anything else is just personal opinion.

If all of the people who go to the gym to keep in shape with a quick work and just do something decided to leave tomorrow then you'd just have a shitload of dead gyms across the nation and an endless feedback loop of people who will completely push themselves back out of the limelight and back into the oddball and circus freak territory they were in a long while ago.

Do you actually lift, you seem like you have no idea what you're talking about.

why are you here

>xercise doesn't have to be an all day body crushing experience for the FANTASY of burning off a fucking bagel

nobody said this you're a fucking idiot

>It's supposed to help you get more fit, healthier, and feel better.
It's supposed to SUPPLEMENT a normally healthy and relatively active life.

nobody said that it wasn't either...

>One in which health,judging by all of the eat big get big and steroid shilling posts, and looking good to normal people is not even a consideration.

jfc you have no fucking idea what you're talking about...

>If all of the people who go to the gym to keep in shape with a quick work and just do something decided to leave tomorrow then you'd just have a shitload of dead gyms

Gee I wonder why most people at the gym are weak and look like shit then..

Yes actually.
You seem to think that you actually need 3 two hour powerlifting sessions a week for basic fitness and spits on an entire gender because they naturally gravitate towards high rep exercises.
You are fucking retarded and anyone who thinks that is as well.

why are you here

>nobody said this you're a fucking idiot
Actually what many idiots imply.

>>It's supposed to help you get more fit, healthier, and feel better.
>It's supposed to SUPPLEMENT a normally healthy and relatively active life.
HELP you get more fit healthier and feel better you stupid cunt. Stop using words you don't understand.
They type of workouts shilled here are for power lifting bodybuilding high level running etc.
And NO ONE knows dick about maintenance.

>>One in which health,judging by all of the eat big get big and steroid shilling posts, and looking good to normal people is not even a consideration.
>jfc you have no fucking idea what you're talking about...
This board dropped fucking HEALTH from the name for a reason you retard.
Eating big to get big isn't healthy.
Steroids, no matter what the shills tell you IS NOT HEALTHY.

>>If all of the people who go to the gym to keep in shape with a quick work and just do something decided to leave tomorrow then you'd just have a shitload of dead gyms
>Gee I wonder why most people at the gym are weak and look like shit then..
You do know that the people who you consider strong and look like they lift do shit tons of life ruining drugs and most of them barely workout correct?

seriously why are you here

Because I'm into fitness.
I'm not a fucking shill who pimps powerlifting and the like bruh. Sorry.

if by that you mean not pushing yourself hard enough to make any progress then you're right

I'm pointing out that muscularity and strength are associated with masculinity and men, men get strong to appeal to women because women value strong men as nature has dictated, men are not quite as interested in muscular women

so of course the impetus isn't there for women to push themselves to the brink in the weight room like men do

sounds to me like you aren't really into fitness if you're advocating against hard training. are you sure you're not instead into wiggling around with your iPhone and taking a water break every three minutes twice a week? sounds more like that desu most people on this board are here to struggle and improve themselves

I didn't even slightly mention what type of lifting I do, so goodjob assuming you fucking moron.

>Stop using words you don't understand.

I copied what you posted you fucking moron im not using "words i don't understand" im also going to stop arguing with you because you're clearly too fucking retarded to even understand how to talk to people.



>that mad femanon who doesn't want to accept facts

All exercise is equal user its just the patriarchy keeping my 10 pound dumbbells down.

Cooking is associated with femininity and women, because *insert so vague evolutionary psychology broscience*, so the impetus shouldn't be there for men to push temselves to the brink in the kitchen like women do. Yet you see almost all of the worlds best chefs (actually most chefs in general if you go to any restaurant) being men. Explain this with your 5th grader 'is = should' evolutionary argumentation.

Fact of the matter is, in general you are probably somewhat correct. There's probably less motivation for women in general to push themselves in the gym. This isn't sufficient to explain why those that actually feel the motivation and are heading to the gym anyways (and that's millions of young girls) are wasting their time there and not pushing themselves even though they see some benefit and the impetus is there for them (which is why they are there in the first place).

The reason why they do this is not because of m-muh evolution or any bullshit like that. It's simply because people are incredibly lazy in general. 95% of people, men and women alike, are being lazy in the gym and only halfassing some meme routine, never improving anywhere ever. They go there because somewhere deep inside they want to improve...but not really. Doing some half-assed shit at the gym silences their conscience. That's enough for them. Also, going to the gym is somewhat of a social statement and neccessity nowadays. You can pose by saying it, upload 'workout pics' in instagram, meet people, etc. There's plenty of reasons why people fuck up at the gym and evolutionary pschology surely is the least one.

>Women were never made to be exceptionally strong or physically capable. Who cares?

And man wasn't made to go to the moon.

Quit bein such a bitch nigga.

Why are you here?
Fitness doesn't mean strength training and nothing

What do you equate to "Working out hard" what's a hard workout for you?

I said help them achieve that goals then you came back later and said supplement. Which means two things. Replace something they should be doing entirely, like thinking a 20 minute run is health equivalent of being more active throughout the day, or HELP someone in their day to day life.
The former shows that you're retarded and the latter is simply reiterating what I just said.