How did lifting affect your sex life?
it didn't
lost my virginity arround time i benched 2 plates
>be fat doofus
>bang chicks with average bodies and below average faces
>get Veeky Forums and get my life together
>bang chicks with below average bodies and exceptional faces
lost my virginity after 2 months of lifting
I went from straight to gay
It didn't.
Lifting only helps if you already get attention from the opposite sex.
Lifting wont magically turn you into a womanizer.
People like Zyzz are the exception, not the rule; not to mention, Zyzz still went out and partied and had GF's before lifting.
Lifting doesn't help if you're autistic
Before I started lifting at 26 I was a virgin. Now I'm 31 and have been with 13 women. Still not a lot for a 5 year period but inmensely better compared to my pre-26 aspie period.
the life of a fitizen...
Exactly. This must be posted on every Iskra thread.
>wahhhh! this attractive girl is friends with a Black guy! coalburner!
go back to you racists
It didnt, wrazzling did. Being able to overpower big guys I used to be intimitated by was a huge confidence boost and thus I've felt more comfortable around women too. Used to spill spaghettis but now I like chatting up girls and it's gotten me laid plenty. Combat sports + lifting is the shit.
How did you ask them out?
Just getting over being an assburger is the trick. Stopping to overthink everything. Just Stopping to do everything manually and and starting to enjoy stuff like it's supposed to be done. Stop stressing and don't give a fuck. Just do your best and good shit will come.
>/pol/tards actually believe this will stop me from admiring her ass
Been doing that shit for about 4 years, the only thing its given me is respect because people don't want to be on my bad side. Don't know of women (my age 21) finds it attractive or not. I've mostly seen the lanky hispters that think they have figured out the mening to life get any attention, im in univeristy btw.
It's not the shit you do that women find attractive but how you carry yourself and training helps to dot that. Girls don't come to you unless you are fucking rich or godlike handsome. Even then they will disregard you unless you have confidence.
Nothing zero zilch nada counting none.
Well I started lifting when I was 16, so I can't really compare. Back then I didn't give a fuck about women, I just wanted to play vidya all day.
>Kind of made me over women altogether.
>Now into these centaur half-lings with huge muscular lower bodies.
>Really fed into my vanity. Been known to look at my body and abs/biceps when plowing.
>Made it a relationship with my body to achieve belongingness
I hate this fucking picture. His arm is so fucked up. It bends in two places as if he had two elbows on the same arm.
He's sad because he can't lift with his fucked up arm, have some respect.
>. It bends in two places as if he had two elbows on the same arm
Lets see, elbow and wrist... so yes arms can bend in 2 places
No sex life at all after lifting, all i care about is gainz, i wanna be a bodybuilder.
why is people so fixated with this chick
shes a giant with a pudgy average face & ellulites all over her ass
I started lifting 4 years ago to get grillz, but then I fell in love with the gainz. A woman will just make me waste time.
I have never asked out a woman I haven't at least kissed, so asking them out is easy. On the other hand going for the kiss... can happen in different ways, from girls openly hitting on you (rarest) to "I'm so drunk I don't know how I'm in this taxi making out with this girl in our way to my place" (only happened once).
Usually it's get introduced to some girl by some friends, or introduce yourself to a gril if you see her mirin', be talkative and friendly, if she's still talking and smiling take her to dance, if she's grinding or dancing really close, or you're doing it and she's liking it, go for the kiss. Alochol, in you and her, helps a lot.
This. Not only hitting the gym helped me to gain confidence, when I was 25 I started and job which took me out of my comfort zone and that forced me to socially open, and where I met a lot of people. Curiously my most successful period with girls was escaping from skelly into the dyel zone being 170lbs at 6'1, I receive more mires and it's easier at 190lbs though.
Being completely honest - it created it, and it killed it.
I was a beta fat ass, not morbidly obese but still hovering around 25% body fat, hopelessly addicted to videogames, worshiped anything with a vagina that showed me a little bit of attention. I started lifting when I left my small town and went to college. I lifted all through college, and by senior year I had plowed my way through 10+. Only when I started making baby gains did I get laid a lot - but that's my fault. By the time that I had
I, too, prefer horses.
>I was so jaded with women and all of their bullshit that I didn't even try to get laid despite the massive amount of attention I was receiving.
Being a woman is so easy it's unbelieveable.
An average woman with a fat ass can make shit loads of money with her looks.
That woman is currently a top tier MODEL. Let that sink in. Just fucking lol.
Meanwhile, what you have to look like as a male to make money with your looks.
women are nature's favorite
>I was so jaded with women and all of their bullshit that I didn't even try to get laid
having been in a relationship most of my life i ended up being jaded as fuck with women once i see through all their bullshit
They use you and when they are done they replace you with no regret
Dunno bout the extra attention though, going from a skinnyfat 76kg to a ripped 91kg made a negative impact and now i dont think i could get laid even if i tried
Not that much. I've had sex at least once a week since I was 15, so for the last decade.
holy fuck, hes perfect
> no homo
Iskra lawrence. This women is literally a godess amoungst men.
Black dude is also handsome af. No homo.
I have a sex life?
Made me lose interest in most women since it made them look inferior to me.
I admit that at first I started lifting because I wanted to seem more attractive but as I got in shape and gained a bit of social status I stopped seeing women as equals.
I noticed that the dating game was very one sided.
I had to workout and become Veeky Forums in order to attract average women while all they had to do to get a guy like me was not stuff their face like a fat shit and spend an hour or so a day caking their face with makeup before they went out.
It's all a lie, their makeup, bras, panties, dresses, heels.
All items made to hide their ugliness.
I guess it just made me bitter and picky with women.
Couldnt agree more user.
I haven't had sex since I started lifting
I'm still a virgin.
Suicide sounds like the best option
It's almost as if women are attracted to robust, handsome men with massive dicks...
I wasnt likable before. Now I weight 30 pounds more and I'm still unlikable
you can tell that she is coal burner from her face
>Made me lose interest in most women since it made them look inferior to me.
Let's be real. You aren't disgusted by "average women". They're disgusted by YOU. You pretending to not care about them is just a ridiculous, hilariously pathetic COPING MECHANISM you use to act like you're "going your own way" without realising you've been SENT there, by women.
So fucking hilarious how you gymcels CONSTANTLY talk about how you're so much better than women after spending 3 years powerlifting, when in reality you're still INVISIBLE to them.It's hilarious in a way, you guys talk about "hitting new milestones" and how many days you've trained this week, but... where are your lays? where are the girls you're so above? Where... where's ANYTHING besides sexual frustration?
I mean seriously, just be real for a moment. I know it sucks, but guys who ACTUALLY GET LAID don't even THINK about this autistic shit. Forget posting on Veeky Forums, just lifting alone is pretty autistic, at least shit like 5x5 or deadlifts.
disgusting kim k diaper ass
I can jerk off many more times each day now.
You can tell she's a coal burner from that fact she's an instagram whore.
>uh... other elbow?
>women are nature's favorite
Yup, and do you know why? It's because the egg evolved to cost more resources than your sperm. That's the only reason.
Fucking evolution is a cunt sometimes.
> that feel when she will never shoke you to unconciousness
Is this pasta? Please tell me this is pasta. This looks like pasta.
Itt: Insecure white "males"
Got somewhat jacked for a natty, got gf and stopped working out, got skinny and weak then she left me. So now im back to working out knowing my personality is worthless and the only chance i have in life to find happyness is to look fit.
>his wrist isn't a foot down his arm
not gonna make it
Why do you have to be so mean, user ;_;
it's still non-existent
If this isn't pasta or bait you're either projecting really hard or are a woman.
I'm not obsessed with lifting like you claim I am, I only did it to improve and now that I have improved physically I'm focusing more on improving in other aspects.
You act like a man's main purpose in life is to serve some woman or something, that may be the case for cuckolds or betas but everyone else is sick of it.
I won't waste my money, time, or effort on a woman because they are beneath me.
I'll enjoy life, improve as a person, and experience the finer things in life and make good memories.
does the sight of a man immune to your wretched vagina magick threaten you?
Probably a lot. I was really skinny before, but now I at least look like I lift. Increased physical attractiveness plus decreased shyness plus working my Tinder game paid off. I'm about to turn 24 in a few weeks. I got my first kiss at 21 and lost my virginity at 22. In the two year period since then I've gotten with 17 girls. Feels good to let all that frustration out
You sound defensive as fuck and really insecure, having to justify yourself on the internet.
>having an arguement makes you defensive and insecure
You sound like an offended roastie
before lifting
>kissless virgin
after lifting
>still a kissless virgin
I still dont have the guts to talk to women
underrated comment
When your "argument" consists of a last ditch effort at mental self protection, trying to explain to yourself why you're a failure with women, then yes, you are insecure and defensive.
>If this isn't pasta or bait you're either projecting really hard or are a woman.
Wowzers, he really did hit a nerve there, huh?
instagram whores are universal, they are as popular in countries with less than 0.01% black people as well.
It's obvious that this is either a dedicated troll or a lonely, butthurt female (probably the latter)
I have been through several threads where I have been told I am sexually frustrated and how I am obviously justifying my actions, as if I have to.
That men should not be allowed to conduct themselves as you are, and if they do then it is obvious that they are just a 'self justifying, gymcel'.
How much fucking sand is in your cunt, right now?
Are you ACTUALLY on Veeky Forums right now, arguing with people who are CLEARLY your betters??
You have added nothing but vitriolic comments on people's lives. this is something only a woman would do.
Combination of 100X sit-ups and 100X deadlifts with 75lbs a day makes it possible for me to fuck for two hours or more at a jack hammer pace without cuming. I also do cardio 3X a week at 3.5 miles for one hour each day.
>fucking for two hours without cumming
user, I think you should see a doctor. That doesn't seem healthy.
Been like that my whole life. The pace is due to the lifting but it just takes me a looooong time to squirt. Women don't complain....
>bunch of misogynist autistic virgin fucks complaining about no gf
>CLEARLY my betters
This would be hilarious if you weren't so pathetic.
>Being this mad
roastie confirmed
Nope. Am male.
Why would it be pasta? That's pretty much as fucking spot on as it can get and your reply just proved his point even more.
You missed the point.
It didn't, still not existing.
But more girls are approaching
Killed it. Completely.
I used to have a life. Now I only have lifts.
It made it worse. My grip is too strong now.
so are those implants?
You truly are sad, and pathetic. I feel sorry for your future.
Standing on your little soapbox, crying about how misogynist we are isn't going to make you feel better about yourself.
Tearing men down just because they do not fit your view of what men should be, and how they should act is deplorable.
It is equally as sexist to suggest that men are not allowed to have their own opinions on women.
But why would you consider that, you are a woman. 95% of you are blinded by the social privilege you are handed at birth.
I hope this is not true. If you are actually male, then you were obviously raised by a single mother. Lol.
Shame on my mother for actually raising me to respect women.
>Respecting women
>Corroborates my claim of being raised by a single mother
There is a difference between having respect (this is usually earned, not given), and being totally blind to the world around you. Women should not inherently have your respect simply for being women.
Your mother raised you wrong, and thus you act this way towards men who are your betters. Hopefully you never procreate, as such progeny would be woefully misguided.
Learn your fucking place, and get in it.
It killed my sex drive
Cutting+low calories intake make me ED
I can't have a boner being too lean
And what's worse is that gf is attracted by my muscular body so she expect more in sex life. Now I can't give any
She really start thinking building muscle is to compensate
>95% of you are blinded by the social privilege you are handed at birth.
>social privilege
That sounds familiar...
Unlike you, I've never felt the need to reaffirm my masculinity by lifting weights or abusing women. Masculinity is not as fragile as you think.
Why are you trying to normalize interracial to white men, negro? Go fifth column somewhere else.