How do hipsters keep their thighs so stick thin? Surely they cant be healthy
How do hipsters keep their thighs so stick thin? Surely they cant be healthy
-not working out do no muscle
-low protein diet
-low calorie diet
Its easy to figure why
So they can fit in their skinny jeans that goes with their beanie and pube beard in order to complete the absolute faggot look.
Fucking skinnyjean fags in their "trendy" clothes piss me off to no end. Wearing purses like women while typing on their phones and standing like teen girls. I want to break both their fucking legs with one swift swipe whenever i see them somewhere
You sound pretty insecure mate.
They do a lot of squats. This targets the fat in the legs.
I like how they all dropped their fixed gear bicycles when their quads started developing.
You're image is inaccurate. The legs you've drawn are straight, hipster pants may be tight all the way through, but they taper as they go down the leg. Nobody's legs, with the exception of the worst anorexics, are the same width at the thigh and calf.
If you're natty and not a fatty you can wear skinny jeans. 99% of people who say they can't either just assume they can't because the pants look too tight or can't because they're fat as fatass. Anybody without a six pack who can't wear skinny jeans is just a fatty. If you're natty and have a six pack and can't, you're a freak of nature with gigantic thighs.
I'm a bodybuilder, I squat 365 for reps on season at 170 and 495 at 207-210 off season. My thighs are juicy, and yeah, when I'm above 200 I can't squeeze into my 510s, but once I go down even to about 195 I can wear them comfortably again.
Because 99% of us eat healthy? Have you ever actually eaten with a hipster most of us eat very little and very healthy because we try to buy fresh and organic food. Which happens to be expensive.
I don't understand it tbqh. Have you ever tried riding a fixie? Fucking destroys your legs
I'm 145lb skinnyfat. I usually wear 30x30, but my thighs are big so i have to buy a larger waist size pants because if it fits in the waist it wont fit in the leg. I've worn a belt with every pair of pants for almost 10 years now
>large thighs
Your legs are tiny and you're a manelet
how do it fix it?
Who, besides Macfags, would willingly take less options?
>i sound insecure because i want to beat up sissy faggot "men"
Dont try to psycho analyse people since you're clearly shit at it
I just fucking hate modern culture and what people look like nowadays
Check your multi-gear privilege shift lord.
It's really likely you just buy shitty quality pants.
I like my single speed tbqh. Cheap, low-maintenance, and lets me GOFAST in my relatively flat town
Fixies have two big things going for them:
It's easier to perform maintenance on them yourself, versus a commensurately priced hybrid or street bike (and way easier than a commensurately priced mountain bike).
They're a valuable training tool for competitive cyclists, because they require consistent pedalling, you can't coast, you can't make hills easier, and the back-pedal brake keeps you from getting into the bad habit of not pushing forward consistently.
All that being said, not sure why they ever became a hipster thing.
A friend of mine who's a skelly but not anorexic has wider calves than quads.
>Because 99% of us eat healthy?
eating a couple of leaves every day isnt a healthy meal.
reminder that skeletons are NOT healthy in any way and the only healthy diet is a Veeky Forums diet alongside lifting.
You should relax, it's strange that you get that upset over something so trivial.
>require consistent pedalling
Not all of them do, some allow you to coast and aren't "Fixed" exactly, I forget the term here for single speeds that arent fixed
>not sure why they ever became a hipster thing
Most of them are untrained and dont really train to bike, they bought into the trend because of others hopping onto the same bandwagon
Its like people who buy iPhones just to say they use iPhones. Self identity achieved through product purchase/brand/niche.
Even if all you have is a $200 12 speed off of craigslist, you could do more than a fixie imo.
I dont get the fad at all.
I wouldnt mind a single speed for groceries/bar or just cruising but a fixie is kinda dangerous in traffic and even on the side walk.
Every person ive seen IRL on a fixie moves so slow because they have no idea how to handle sudden stops/breaking.
They really get my goat, you know?
You don't. Leave humanity and join the gods.
Olympus needs to hear of our new lifting knowledge.
You alt right faggots wished you looked like this
You're fucking stupid. Just because you have chicken legs doesn't mean everyone else does too. Try actually training legs
Found the lefty faggot.
>lefty boogieman
awwww cute
>alt right faggots
Who do you think you're fooling?
>>lefty boogieman
>there's nothing wrong with the direction the world is heading in
>can you guys believe trump got elected? what a travesty!
>gosh i love rubbing one out to my trap folder after i get home from the gym
pic related, it's you in 10 years
what mode is this?
ITT Fat fucks trying to rationalize their lack of aesthetics
If you can't fit in skinny jeans like 95% of people, you must be the one that's normal and everyone else is the freak!
7 For All Mankind is my favorite my man.
Apply thick layer of cum every day. I can assist you with this if needed.
it's satirical, you stupid slut
that said, everyone should still be lifting regardless
>leg thread
eh close enough
mite as well ask here ..
Was thinking of starting to do some running. But it's fucking -5c outside. What do you guys wear on cold days?
I don't want to get all wet and catch a cold or something while running.
you seem upset. Is it because I get laid in my skinny jeans while getting to mostly skip leg day and you're a fat stubby manlet?
>squatting more than double bodyweight
>chicken legs
Nice rationalizing you fat fuck
Yes you do sound incredibly insecure, but you also sound insane.
>wanting to beat up people because how they dress/look
>It's easier to perform maintenance on them yourself
The fuck are you doing with your bikes that requires hours of work, I'm not doing any "maintenance" on my road bike except cleaning and oiling up the chain and mechanism like once a year. The trade off for geting anywhere that isn't a straight terrain sweating like a pig is supposed to be 10 minutes of saved time? They are slower when going uphill as well as going downhill, there are no good sides.
you seem really jealous and insecure
>"getting" to skip leg day
>implying that's a good thing
>not looking forward to and enjoying leg day
Seriously how weak and pathetic are you? Why even bother lifting if you're going to act like it's a privilege to not train half your body?
They don't eat many calories and proteins
They wear tight jeans
They don't even lift
Vince got into those drain pipes if you recall
are you /ourguy ?:)
come home /pol man
hello/ pol
sorry op meant this
for fpbp
>Usually buy baggy jeans cos fat, huge gap at the ankle
>Go down 2 sizes so I buy regular jeans for a change
>Big-ish legs from lifting so they follow my legs like hipster skinny-fit ones on stick-men do
Women seem to like it anyway