>wake up
>check phone
>tinder says i have a new match!
>check tinder
>theres no one there, unmatched me before i could even say anything
You said i would get a gf Veeky Forums why is this happening
>wake up
>check phone
>tinder says i have a new match!
>check tinder
>theres no one there, unmatched me before i could even say anything
You said i would get a gf Veeky Forums why is this happening
>You said i would get a gf Veeky Forums why is this happening
Who the fuck told you these lies?
Most posts on Veeky Forums are "Dont lift for girls, lifting doesnt get you girls" etc
Also tinder is shit, girls use it to talk to guys who think its a hook up app that will get them laid/a gf
what kind of degenerate is looking for gf on tinder? Hookers and hoes arenĀ“t good gf material
Don't get a gf on tinder
>Beta af all my life, graduating college soon and never had a date or gf or sex
>make a list of all the things that upset me about myself and start changing them
>few weeks pass get a match on tinder
>some qtpie engineer girl wants to meet up
>holy shit im on the first date ever of my life
>mention autismo things like the retard I am like that shop I found that sells real skeletons
>she's into all that and tells me she discovered 10 new species of bacteria
>pay for everything like a good goy (7 measly euros or so tbf)
>ends the date by giving me a kiss which SHE initiated
>mfw no sober girl has ever shown interest in kissing me before and that was the first time someone tried to kiss me under a romantic pretense
OP what happened to you has always happened to me, my advice is to go on Veeky Forums for hair/clothes/skin care advice and find some fuccboi with a nice camera to take nice pictures of you doing interesting shit. My pic is of me holding a parrot and as soon as I changed it to that I got like 5 matches a month which is good for me
No, I am Alberto Barbosa
It was probably a bot.
>going to Tinder in the first place
Hey why don't you just approach grills IRL like normal people, you fucking pussy. Tinder is only for women to fuck the top 5% Chads and get new Instagram followers.
I said something along those lines to my irl female friends and they disagreed and to be honest, I'm starting to disagree too. I've only met one girl through tinder, but she was lovely and very inteligent.
>Implying normal people approach women if they're not at a bar
Curtis is that you?
Veeky Forums once more being delusional. You can get pussy on Tinder by looking decent, you dont need to be a 9 or 10. And you can also meet decent girls on Tinder. I mean, some of you are on Tinder to just have a nice date with a nice girl, why would it be any different for females. Stop acting like they are some kind of aliens
I get around 4 matches for every 100 swipes (at least I think the free version gives you 100 swipes) and this week I have two dates planned. Last week I had one too. Only got Tinder for two weeks but I like it, it's low time investment. I swipe while taking a shit.
The future is now.
Tinder is GOAT for people like us
Ye I get a match every once in a while and almost no one even responds but its nice to know they found me attractive. I went on my first ever date due to tinder.
I have more than 200 matches on a tinder
Only ever went on one date, I'm such a pussy at this
How fucking stupid are you lot?
I had 1000 matches on Tinder before I deleted it, and used to do Chad Thundercock threads on /r9k/ with my actual account, not a fake one.
I had two pictures of myself, one with mates at a party and another of me at a swimming gala, and my bio was: "snorting lines and shagging nines".
You've either got autistic fucking profiles or you're deathly ugly that you can't get at the very least 1 or 2 matches a day.
Lost virginity on it, hooked us with around 4 girls in the 6 months on it and gf now from it
>inb4 >tinder gf
Some decent girls on it, many aren't tho
Keep practicing at it bro
tinder women are ugly
yellow girls are honestly more attractive
I used a more serious dating site with a pretty good matchmaking system. It worked great for me. I quickly matched up with lots of women I had lots in common with and went on a handful of dates before I found one qt 3.14 that became my gf.
The back camera on my phone is busted. Can I get by with only selfies in my Tinder profile if I make one? I should something interesting in them I guess? I suppose I could use the self timer to "stage a picture", but the quality isn't great.
Id love to know what you look like friend
Never tried tinder because i hear its a shitshow devoid of women so despite looking pretty good im kept away from it because i think ill end up with no matches at all
you can, but you'll have more success with better quality photos. remember that tinder is basically all about those few photos and you're competing against a ton of other guys who look just as good as you or better.
Lots of yellow girls on tinder in Toronto, but they arnt the really hot ones
>Install Tinder a week ago
>This happens morning after installing it
>No matches whatsoever since
>go on date with girl
>seems to go well
every single fucking time. women have to have a 6th sense for figuring out im a fucking loser
I used to think I was pretty ugly, or at least average, but after using Tinder I've never felt more confident. If you're hesitating, just try it out lad, it's definitely worth it if you're not hopeless like some of these lot are.
just go on more dates, remember to do a little bit of flirting so it doesn't become just a friendly chat and try to have a good time. eventually you'll stop give that much of a fuck and you'll become a lot more attractive.
>it's definitely worth it if you're not hopeless like some of these lot are.
Well atleast ill know then i guess
I havent really had problems in dating and ive been approached IRL before by girls but the word is women are very picky on tinder and getting a match is pretty hard
I'm really considering having professional photos taken instead of relying on my phone camera with an instagram filter. Any of you noticed a definite increase in results after using professional pics?
lol. my bald, overweight, low self-esteem, fairly ugly, computer programmer friend gets matches on tinder. not a ton, but he does get matches regularly.
This week I just invited girls over straight to my apartment. Many were reluctant to meet a stranger immediately at his house so we're just going to get one drink and then leave for my place.
Both girls have agreed to this so I'm probably getting the "2 for 2" achievement this week - two girls in two days.
Ill give it a try but not atm, im cutting down for summer so it takes alot of focus
Thanks user, at worst ill find out tinder is shit
It's cause girls have lots of options, she probably had multiple dates booked and fucked on so she stopper talking to others
Do the same
Try to fuck them. If you didn't fuck her it didn't go well.