Run they said

>Run they said
> it gets rid of stomach fat they said

Feeling pretty shit my dudes


Been running for 10 months now before you ask

>half an hour





Stop running to Burger King you fat fuck

Read the sticky they said

nobody here told you to run you faggot.

Run fags are the worst.

It doesn't. Who told you that?

What the fuck are crying about you little bitch you fucking faggot still at 20-25% bodyfat and complaining about your retarded gut????


3 miles at a 9.5 min pace is not running you fat fuck.

Bullshit. If that's true you've been eating like shit the entire time.

>10 months
>3 miles at 9:30 pace
kill yourself. after a year of running i was running 5 milers around a 7 min pace. you have to push yourself and run through pain you beta bitch

also start lifting, idiot

You run slow as fuck

>Not even a 5K
>Not even under 25 minutes

If you want resuts, up your game and cut. Little bitch.

Also, lifting is better for losing fat than cardio.


I started at a 12 minute mile

I rarely eat fast food. Want me to post my fitness pal diary too?

>lifting is better for losing fat than cardio
this. your body has evolved to expend the fewest calories possible while running and walking. lift.

No it isn't.
Eating less and moving more(simple daily activities such as getting off your ass and moving around) is good for losing weight.
By the by, you won't find a single solitary even semi serious weight lifter on the planet who'll agree with what you just said.

This is a typical eating day for me

>No it isn't.
yes it is. lifting is better for burning fat than cardio. period.

Sorry to shit on your progress man, but 28 mins was the failure mark in the Marines for a three mile run. 18 was the high score. Most people did it between 20 and 23. Unless pussy was on the line.

10 months ago i couldn't even run a mile.
now my three miles is around 18 minutes.

fucking apply yourself and go on a calorie deficit and stop fucking drinking alcohol.

shit thread is shit

My 55 year old dad started running in December, dude couldn't even make it to the end of the street (less than 500m).

Right now, almost two months later, the guy runs a 30 min 5K, which is almost as fast as you.

Hell, he even eats PURE BUTTER AND MAYONAISE from time to time and even that guy is almost as fast as you.

You suck, get better.

Go back to your containment board.

good thing I'm not trying to be a marine

do you recommend I run every day?

OP here. I am a huge faggot. Please disregard this thread and go back to posting sips.

That's a lot of food and butter dude. I've been eating one meal of chicken, rice, and broccoli per day and maybe two bananas and some toast with organic guacamole on it.
That's how you lose weight.

>not running with 30kg of extra weight
>tfw not running for an hour
>tfw not hitting the gym regularly

Thanks for the inspiration friend :^)

Shut the hell up with your broscience, more muscles equal a higher calorie intake. You can eat the same amount of food and have a higher deficit. Running does not add as much muscle as lifting does.

my 40 year old dad can run fasterling than you
run more retard

And you don't feel like shit and tired all the time?

Yes, I know it may seem crazy but I go to the gym at 0430 every morning during the week, run three miles, and lift.
running is now the easiest thing for me but I love doing it.

so, every day?????????????

You couldn't even finish a 5k and your at 28 minutes? Get a better diet and work harder,faggot.
I was a fat sack of shit in high school. 6', 215 pounds and my 5k time was still a 21:10 on the worst day

How far? How hard? What types of workouts?

Doing a super easy 5k 5 or even 7 times a week won't take anything off very fast, especially if you're sedentary otherwise. You need to vary your workout types and intensities.

>70g protein

you eat like an indian so you look like an indian (minus the shit skin).

yeah hes been running every day for about 6 years tho LMAO

I just drink two scoops of preworkout per day and still manage to lift and do some post-workout cardio nearly everyday. Just make sure you're getting 8 hours of sleep.
You have to expect to feel at least a little tired on an extreme calorie deficit, but that doesn't stop me from operating heavy machinery at work.
Maybe I'm just dumb.

I will try this, I have a fucked up knee so hopefully it doesn't exacerbate the issue

>this thread

If you're seriously going to a fast food restaurant (jimmy johns) get it without the bread. Better yet just make yourself a salad. You realize half of everything come from that one sandwich?

Maybe, do you see the final calorie number though???

I can't drink that much caffeine my dude It makes me feel like shit. My body is sensitive to it.

>two scoops

Yes, I can do math.

The issue is I like to eat and feel just a little bit content. I also drink a gallon of water most days. Still feel hungry.

I have a fucked up right knee. Just find a good shoe and you'll be fine

>10 mo
Holy shit

4 scoops c'mon

I ran 5km in 45min

how bad is that?

you fell for the meme dude. you are basically eating 2k calories a day and you dont even lift.

no wonder, you probably eating exactly at maintenance right now.

you need to either
>start lifting and doing cardio 5x a week
>cut on ~1500kcal

>tfw couch to 5k while eating butter sticks dipped in mayo

Deal with it. You're not going to feel on top of the world while losing weight and you really shouldn't expect to feel that way. You're looking for immediate results and getting mad about it but it's not an instant process. This isn't a simple diet change, man. It's a lifestyle change. You're gonna feel bad until you look in the mirror 6 months from now on a proper diet with proper exercise and be proud of how you look.

No you weren't

keep telling yourself that

Forgot the cheat meals and your weight/height

Find a plan you pleb.

You're eating and training wrong if you're still this slow.

I do fucking lift but I didn't even bother saying because If I don't look like Rich fucking Piana, Everyone claims you don't lift.

fuck off.

you are not freak of nature. if you ain't losing weight -> you are eating too much. its that simple.

calories in, calories out. end of story. eat less and you will lose weight there is no way around it.

you probably have a shit diet.

oh well, keep being a retard.

40 scoops c'mon

1.You need to lift weights and run
2.You aren't increasing your intensity for running. You probably burned 500 calories or more at first and now you are burning closer to 150. Increase the incline if your on a treadmill, run faster, and add more workouts. Do this periodically every few weeks, or when the workout gets too easy.
3.Your really close to your tdee on your planner and your definatley mis measuring things like butter and cream.
4.You have way to little protein, your carbs are processed and high g.i. and that does not workout well when most of your calories are coming from said carbs
5.That site is way off, your eating more than you think. Why does that pop corn say 13g fat 8 g protein and 50g carbs but says only 63 calories? If you actually do the math for that its 350 calories.

I get it

5x cardio a week is much easier than cutting 1500 kcal imo

It was no butter popcorn, but I get what you are saying.

Thanks for the actual advice.

>Doesn't lift
>Cardio is only running
>Doesn't eat at deficit
>Doesn't track weight

I've wasted my time typing your retarded plan so fuck off

That's extremely easy to achieve after a year of training. I regularly go from doing about a 6:45/mi pace comfortably to a 6:00/mi comfortably iv just a few months.

Very bad. Do more HIIT

>It was no butter popcorn,
lol it doesnt matter retard.

Awesome, achieved my goal! :^)

If it says 13g of fat it has 13g of fat whether its butter or peanut oil its still thr exact samr amount of calories gram for gram.

Wait, how the fuck do you manage to get chicken thighs that have zero protein? This shit is retarded.

You're probably one of those people who lie to them selves about their diet then complain they're a fat piece of shit.

Can't wait to see you on My 600 lb fatass worthless crybaby life.

Ofc not whole sticks, but he scoops some butter with his knife and eats it. Then he takes some more butter and puts it on a slice of bread.

He makes his own high quality mayonaise.

The guy is a maniac

>eats a shit ton of bread
>200 g carbs
>doesn't even lift
Why the fuck are you eating 2000 calories worth of food if all you're doing is running. Also you idiot try HIIT, you know the shit people that are actually athletic do more often than just running

Not enough protein.
1-1.5g per lb bodyweight, And from the looks of you, you don't look like you're 72lbs, OP.

The website didn't have the info you literal retard.

Lmao no it wasn't

165 currently, yea

>Doing some holiday cooking while visiting family cause I am a good baker
>Made chocolate ganache as icing one time. (dw for other people I didnt eat any)
>By the time I was done icing I had 70% of the piping bag left which I was a about to throw away
>Dad walks in and asks for it
>Squirts the entire piping bag of ganache into his mouth while making sounds like he just nut
>Hes still a 180lb lanket who complains about never gaining weight

Love my dad, one of my happiest moments in the last 5 years was when he say me getting changed after working out and said i was gettig pretty big.

You don't need to run faster but you do need to run more miles.

try dieting and doing more cardio

literally, never would have thought of that. I was in fact going to eat more. You are a genius

Your diet is shit. You get 1000 cals from a fucking sandwich. You could spread that thousand over two solid meals. Also you're eating a fucking turkey leg, eat chicken breast or fish you mouth breather

Lol no it wasn't. I can't believe the autism on this board sometimes. Do DYEL really think people won't call them out for their bullshit?

I'm a fatass and I have been running for about 3 or 4 weeks now and I am under 8 minutes already for 3 miles. Why are you so slow?

lmao did you even look at my picture?

Its was a 500 cal sandwich, and it was chicken.

Confirmed that you are mentally handicapped.

Because I really enjoy getting made fun of on a smug anime girl board


what does your breakfast look like?

There is nothing wrong with butter. It has great fats and no carbs and no sugar. Pretty much goes for mayo too. The problem is the processed breads they get put on.

Excuse me, sir?

Your macros are shit. You have more grams carbs than Fat +Protein combined.

>inb4 Fat has more calories per gram

Obviously you're the one who's mentally handicapped since you've been running for 10 months and still post trash times.

Oooooohhhh, Nice Ad Homenim bro.

Clearly insulting me means you are correct.

Put a source or you sound like a retard to the person you're arguing with. Like, imagine from his point of view. He doesn't think you know what you're talking about, so instead of prove your argument, you just rephrase your point and tell him to stop arguing with you.

That's retarded.

>>Run they said

You need to sprint, homo.

Sprinting will get you cut as fuck.

9 minute mile... I mean, your body corresponds to your aerobic ability. This isn't much of a head-scratcher.

Pakistani dude. Nice try Parjeet.


Well, you did call him mentally handicapped. How did you expect him to respond to that.

Also, your diet is shit and he's right that it's clear you're just "jogging" not running. You have to push yourself to run faster or you won't burn calories.

keep running and wondering why you're still fat. it matters not to me

Post body or shut up fat delusional plg scum