Shaving general

Hey fit,

So at age 22 I actually find myself having to shave pretty much everyday now. Before I used an electric razor but I recently found out how nice a manual shave feels. My dad never really taught me about shaving or whatever so just wanted to bounce some questions.

Which manual razor is the best buy for the money? I'm using pic related right now from dollar shave club and it's pretty nice. It's a fucking dollar right now which is insane. I've heard the Gillete Mach3 is better but shit's expensive. But I may switch to that because I'm impatient and waiting for blades in the mail is still weird. I've heard Harry's is cool too.

Also which shaving cream is best? I'm using the DSC stuff and it's nice but too fucking expensive. Is there a difference between like Barbasol and the gels?

Also I can never shave my neck perfectly fuck my jawline.

Sorry if I sound like a kid going through puberty I just wasn't taught this shit.

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Use whatever feels good on your face and is good on your wallet.
Shaving the neck and jaw is a bit difficult in the beginning just take your time, remember to go with the grain of the hair then re apply shaving cream/ jell, then go against the grain or to the side.

Gillette mach three razors will definitely give you the best bang for your buck, and any old shaving cream will do if you're on a budget.

But if you're a pussy who has sensitive skin like myself, just buy the regular Gillette Fusion razors along with any kind of shaving cream designed for sensitive skin.

also always go against the grain when shaving your face

I use double edged safety razor because its very sharp and the blades cost next to nothing. Also I use hipster tier shaving soaps with badger brush, bevause soap lasts me a VERY long time. Soap and brush aren't really that cheap when it comes to high quality. My brush cost me over 60 euros and the soap was 60 euros but I bought them as a souvenir for myself, you could get them cheaper easily. My preference is that I want every shave to be luxury. I'd suggest safety razors for you even though they are hard to master but the quality and price is top notch.

Double edge or go home
just get some good blades
The feathers ones are pretty good, most of the time. Sometimes the blades shit and feels like its pulling the hairs which I guess is an issue of quality control.

instead of shaving cream, go with a shaving stick and brush. shit changed my life.

single blades are superior for your wallet and skin. Your first few shaves will look like a crime scene but you'll develop the muscle memory.

*tips brush*

safety razor nigger

I use two gillet fusion proshield for face bunghole

Just use a beard trimmer and cut it short bro, have a stubble, unless your work or something requires you to be completely clean shaven then ok shave normally.

i use dollar shave club.
it's pretty good. I don't go through blades very fast, so I have a decent stockpile of blades now.

yeah I might stick with them honestly

I just worry if I run out and I'm just fucking waiting for blades ya know?

This. Close shave and the blades are cheap

The styler is GOAT

Murkur 34c with feather blades checking in. Great beginners razor and will last you probably forever unless you throw it away. Pair it with Proraso shaving soap and it will be all you need.

Eventually you will want to start collecting these soaps from luxury brands like D R Harris
>bought a bar of soap in a wooden box for $30

For some reason all the nu-males on Veeky Forums have a hardon for safety razors, but I prefer a 2-blade since I only shave like every 2 or 3 days. Not sure why they moved toward fucking 5 blades on a disposable razor, it doesn't really help.

Shaving cream isn't too important as long as you don't go super cheap. Super cheap is really shit quality but the generic Gillette brand is good enough

Always shave after a shower, and try to spend 30 sec deliberately soaking your facial hair in the hot water. First go with the grain, then do one pass against the grain, spend a few seconds in a clean mirror really identifying which direction your hair grows, my mustache grows straight down on the sides, and diagonal in the middle.

If you need help on the jaw, either run sideways first and then against the grain second, or puff out your throat like a frog does his vocal sac.

>safety razors


dollar shave club razors were cutting me up so I had to go back to Mach3

I've been shaving my head for 6 years and i've been using the executive from dollar shave club and I like it well enough, the shave butter from there is nice too.

I've been kind of wanting to try a safety razor but i'm afraid im going to scalp myself.

came here to post this, can confirm double edge is the way to go. blades are like $0.05 each so I just use a new one every time

Safety razor.

Mach 3 and other gimmicky cartridge razors are a scam.

what's this safety razor meme?

Some people get a real fucking hard on about shaving

>hot water

I use pic related more often than not. I then use whatever "titanium 8 blade ultra shave supreme manly men Ferrari edition" razor is on sale for my chin because I cut it to shit all the time with the straight blade.

I do the same thing with my boys down under too. Hit the ballpark diamond with the straight blade, trim the coin purse with the other "safety" blade. Have cut myself down there so many times it's not even funny. And cuts down there take Forever to heal. And they itch.

Word of caution. Occasionally with a safety razor you feel a "tugging or pulling" sensation of the blade getting caught on a hair etc. If you feel this feeling with a straight blade, you just cut through your own face. Any pimple/dimple/ imperfections in your face will be found by a straight blade. It won't even hurt and you won't even know you cut yourself until you see red appearing in the shaving cream. Closest shave you will ever get though.

Any advice for curly beard hair? Every time i shave for the 1st day it's nice and clean but when beard starts to grow i get fucktone of pimples on my neck and jaw becasue my beard hair is pretty curly so usually i most of the hair are ingrowns.

Cut with the grain not against it. Ingrown hairs are the result of the hair not having a "point" on the end to properly break the skin. Use products like "electra-shave" if need be. Makes your hair stand more on end so you can cut as close as possible to the root.

Will do next time thanks user.

>tfw seeing those lecrric shave and then delsum blue commercials while watching sportscenter

I've tried different brands with different numbers of blades and I keep returning to this one every time.

I use the Bismarck

It takes longer and it is more dangerous. Ive cut myself but Im getting better

I enjoy stropping the blade desu

Everything in this world is so fast paced I enjoy slowing it down sometimes and getting into a craft

Yes I know I sound like a huge faggot

But you also get a great shave if you do it right and its kinda fun too

The hardest part is shaving the chin. Everything else is pretty easy once you get the hang of it

I just use a safety razor because it works out to like 10 cents a shave.

Women like seeing it in my bathroom.

Whatever's cheap and knurled on Amazon is a good starting point. And a badger hair brush to lift the hairs up.

Best shaving cream coming through

Alum block for after shave

>Gillette mach three razors will definitely give you the best bang for your buck
You can get them really cheap at Costco. They're the kind where the blade is attached to the handle, but they're like 1/3 the price of the cartridges at supermarkets

I use a Gillette Slim Adjustable safety razor from the '60s that belonged to my grandfather which I found in a drawer. I cleaned it, bought the blades and never looked back. Once you learn how to use it, you'll have the cleanest and closest shave of your life. With that I use a 2 dollar brush and some cream, no need to go all fancy on that, just don't use that thing on a spray can.

Mach3 ends up being like 2$ a week for how much I shave so I honestly think that's what I'll try next

If I feel it's overblown I'll stick with DSC

How to into straight razor shaving on a budget?

I swear by dollar shave club. cheap and I don't have to remember to buy more they just show up

honestly this has turned into a tough debate for me

I did the 1$ thing expecting the blades to kinda suck but they're honestly great

still might go Mach3 but we'll see

>Have a hairy chest and stomach since I was 15
>Spend 2 years getting decently fit, increase my love for Greco-Roman aesthetics
>Decide one morning to remove my chest and stomach hair
>MFW can see definition and smoothness on my skin

This shits the best. I've resorted to olive oil shave once a week on my body. Arm, leg and lubes still remain. Pubes obviously manscape.

Anyone else /cleantorso/?

> olive oil shave once a week on my body
> olive oil

How the fuck did you think people used to shave? Olive oil is a good lubricant, especially if you're on a budget.

> ignoring modern advancments
> hurr people used to do it years ago

Do you also not usea toothbrush because people did it that way centuries ago?

Not that guy, but olive oil is pretty comfy for shaving and moisturizing.
Have sensitive skin so most moisturizers and facial cleansers will do a number on my face regardless of how "sensitive" the product is.
Olive oil just works.

Get safety razor and a box of 200 blades for $30 and that'll do you for the next 5 years if you only shave twice a week like me

Shave after shower putting on some cheap shaving cream first, wash cold water over face followed by a cheap moisturizer

Yeah this is true. I broke out using shaving cream on my chest before. I used olive oil before and after this event, never had a problem. Only issue is that it can muck up your razors

this. shaving more than once a week kills my skin

My stepgrandfather left this behind when my grandmother died. I use it all the time. Very cheap razors that work well. Pic isn't it exactly but it is very close. Even has a similar case.

safety razors are GOAT and cheaper

Blades are so cheap and the quality of shave is way better, especially if you have irritation issues. Plus it's kinda fun.

>soap acquisition addiction
>have enough to last me 8-10 years

I used love double edged razor shaving until i saw in certain light and angle that my skin was fucked from it.
Also I learnt from other people that a bit of stubble looks better on me.

>25 years old
>grow decent goatee
>cheek hair barely grows, but is noticeable, but nowhere close to full beard length
>want to keep facial hair because I like it more and feel I look better with it than clean shaven

>goatees look like shit so I can't keep a goatee
>if i run a beard trimmer over my entire face to try to get a beard look, goatee is at decent stubble length but cheek hair is sparse so cheeks literally look dirty/shadowy
>when i shave my cheeks and beard trim my goatee, it's still a shitty goatee, just stubbly

fucking horrific. the cheek hair is so sparse that i dont even have to use cream when shaving, just water.

ok that's pretty cool

also what's the get

Not gonna lie, it feels fucking good to have skin good enough to not need shaving cream, I just need to wet the razor somewhat.
That is all.

ok scooby

Everyone in this thread who didn't say 'don't shave, grow a beard and be a man' or similar is a stupid, bald faced faggy boy

i grew a beard and got sick of it after a year or 2
its not for everyone

Hot shower before shaving, makes your hair softer and easier to cut. Use cold water on the razor while rinsing and it cuts better. I don't even use shaving creme anymore unless I have a beard at the time and am cutting it off.

ditch those shitty plastic razors that can be replaced and buy a proper barber shit like pic related. you will cut yourself first few times but after that nothing can compare to the smoothness of the shave this bitch gives you.

pretty much all you need to know

I get really bad shaving rash with the multi blade razors so I use a safety one. Would recommend - mine was 20 quid from Amazon and still have it about 6 years on. Blades are really cheap, and the soap smells great and lasts ages. Bit of a faff to get the hang of but really easy once you get used to it. And a LOT cheaper in the long run than the multi blade ones, and no more shaving rash.

I used to be a single blade/safety razor person but I use this now and I fucking love it. Shaving with the hot water/cream just started taking too long. Now I just rub this thing all over my face and I'm good.

Give me some tips guy, be critical as fuck about my beard. Would this look better st 5 oclock status or grizzly and long?

This thing is so surprisingly good, blew my mind

I want to grow a beard but the hairs keep annoyingly sticking out in different directions about 2 weeks in, any advice on how to make them stick to the skin more?

IMHO you should shorten everything except for the goatee. Or just keep growing it out more until gravity takes over

rub some body butter into it and your face.

Can't really find that shit here, do you think that hair wax would work?


hell yeah, straight razor master race

I shave once or two times of weak, after shower, no pussy electric razor. Just normal razor like this, first I shaved opposite to the growing of the facial hair, them second time I am shaving from the growing direction, Baby skin, gentlemen style.
I am law fag and here is not acceptably to have a beard in court.

>against the grain first
I'll pass

is that really a thing about beards in law?

what are all these autists doing in this thread?
Literally who cares what you shav your face with? you all sound like women comparing feminine beauty products

I have to shave my face every day due to military service and I can and will use anything that is straight and sharp.

Why is my generation filled with such pussies

>guy wants answers to valid questions
>gives the most vague response

why even type dude?

KK thanks lad

>which razor looks the prettiest?!

"I like the turboRazor buttfucker 3000!"
"I prefer the Bald Taint XL, it shaves so smooth and Fresh!"
"personally, I would also recommend the turboRazor Buttfucker 3000! It's all I ever use!"

>valid question


Good choice , but I'm more of Edwin Jagger guy myself . Jap feathers are the best there is no competition. I also like some Proroaso shaving cream and everything is A OK ;)

>hurr durr Im so manly

No need to act so insecure about your masculinity on this Mongolian spoon whittling enthusiast board :)

When did I imply anything about masculinity?

Nice projection tho

>still going


Because different modes of shaving have different qualities.
Come now, don't tell me you don't have a preference for any consumer product. It's what folks do.