How to get big biceps Veeky Forums? My biceps have been the same size for the last few months...

How to get big biceps Veeky Forums? My biceps have been the same size for the last few months, my forearms and triceps grow but biceps stay the same no matter how many curls I do

Curls for the girls breh

Working more back will help biceps, but you're probably just not eating or working them well enough.

I do lots of curls

you have to eat. and i mean really eat. biceps are hardest muscle group to add visible size to. not sure why.

Heavy weighted chins, heavy barbell rows, lots of curls of different variations, lots of eating.

Yeah I've been trying to get bigger biceps for a long time now and they've hardly grown, my forearms are bigger than my biceps ffs

How much can you barbell curl?

>tfw dumbbells only go up to 35lbs
>can do 3x10 seated incline curls with them
>do 3x8 pullups with 30lb dumbbell between feet
>arms still small
what do?

Around 70 lbs for a 1rm

eat. incorporate many dropsets in your routine. you have to absolutely destroy your biceps every session you work on them, then go home and eat.

>dbs only go to 35lbs

wtf gym do you go to? At mine they go to 100lbs

>tfw did almost 2 hours of bicep workout yesterday

I did barbell curls, db curls, chin ups, cable machine curls and kettle ball curls

Barbell curls. Heavy weighted chins.

If you're serious, then that's your problem.

i'll try that

home gym

are chins that much better than pullups?
i've done 100lb BB curls, 3x10. though i think i'm cheating a little when doing them

curls and chinups

What flavor are you using OP? I switched from mushroom to a Heinz tomato soup and now I 'm rocking some serious guns

Chins are slightly better, but people overstate the difference. Stop cheating your reps on curls. Try to not have very much torso movement, and squeeze the rep at the top.

U wot m8

He wants biceps, not fatceps.


Facts are core who don't best you're chinups, exercise

Based Brian

I simply wondered what cans of soup you were curling with

My seids

Aren't biceps sized based on insertions?

There's a finger test if anyone knows the details.

>kettle ball
You what, mate?