Veeky Forums which of the following apply to you and does lifting compensate for them?

Veeky Forums which of the following apply to you and does lifting compensate for them?
>Manlet - height below 5'11"
>Taintlet - anogenital distance below 2.05"
>Dicklet - penis length below 6" and/or girth below 5"
>Framelet - bideltoid width below 20"
>Jawlet - gonial angle above 110 degrees
>Eyelet - canthal tilt below 0 degrees
>Hairlet - hairline above Norwood stage 2
>Brainlet - IQ below 100

Your thread is not important enough for me to google all those words

All of them except brainlet

luckily my face isn't actually unattractive
it does compensate

>tfw none of these
>still no gf

All of you need to stop getting baited by these people who perpetuate these memes and shitpost these threads. These literally destroy your self confidence and they are fucking superficial memes regarding physical parameters you have no control over.

I literally know people in real life who are super jacked by normie standards, hell they are /fit too, but they are so incredibly insecure because the of this disgusting bullshit permeating every level of gym culture.

This is half the reason you faggots can't seem to nail a girl IRL, because you have such distorted view of reality and such high standards regarding both your appearance and a potential partners appearance.
The other reason being that you can't seem to talk to girls or have normie interests.

>looks don't matter bee urself just be confident bro
nice try Chad but life for sub8 men isn't as easy as you might think

Haven't measured it, didn't know you should, and I'm not going to.
Close, but not quite. Been in the same place forever.

What, no moneylet for people making under the median income?

You forgot autismlet which is all that applies to me

> tfw you take a qt home and she laughs when she measures your taint