How fucked am I Veeky Forums ?

I recently told my female best friend that i´m in love with her and she said that she didn´t understand how could i like her and that she needed to think.

I used to talk everyday with her but now we barely talk, when i pointed out this she said that it´s because she is on vacation with her family.

All this was a week ago.

Help Veeky Forumsbros

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completely ignore her, be a winner without her; it's your only chance to get her back.

>female best friend

this is where you fucked up.

stop any comunication with her inmediatly unless she actively goes after your ass.

If she really is your best friend and she does not feel the same way about you, you should do what you can to keep the friendship. Suck the feelings up and accept that you guys are never gonna live a love story. Tell her that you want to remain as just friends


Do not message her, you have to put her in a position which makes her crawl back to you.

If you message her you lose her forever, make her crawl back by ignoring her

>female best friend


beta orbiter confirmed. It's ogre.

Don't listen to this fag.

OP made his move, now he'll live with the consequences.

a lot of confusing situations with women bcome pretty clear when u start asking the simple question

'would she treat fite club brad pitt this way?'

This. You should fuck a girl before committing

>do what you can to keep the friendship
inexperienced cuck

Is it worth it to lose a good friend?

That's her way if telling you she's not interested. Just move on and find other friends. I know it sucks that she can't come out and tell you 'no', but she's just trying to spare your feelings.

Tell her it's just something you wanted to get off your chest and don't expect her to reciprocate, and that the feelings will die in time

how many years did you waste on your oneitis

>tips fedora

There's plenty of pussy to fuck out there. Good friends are limited


>hey best friend I love you
>lol no way loser
>can we stay friends
>lol okay
>hey user meet my new boyfriend

Quit the bitches and marry the gym

Please ignore the wannabe normie betas saying to keep the friendship up. If she cared about you at all, she would reciprocate. If she doesn't, she doesn't care about you. All or nothing.

With all the cuck/alpha talk aside, you have to look out for yourself. If your relationship with her, romantic or not, is deteriorating, then let her go. Having a negative relationship in your life is not worth it. She's not family, and she's not romantically interested in you.

If she wants to keep the relationship going, then she will make an effort without you forcing things.

Next time, don't fall in love with your best friend. If you like someone, you better make damn sure that as soon as you start feeling that way you tell the other person. The whole Jim and Pam "I've been in love with you forever" thing doesn't ever really work out.

She's not interested in you, thus why she ignores you and makes up excuses.

Only way to win her back is by ignoring her. Don't straight out drop talking to her, just start acting uninterested and lower your response times. If you really want to win her back, find another woman to pursue and go on a few dates. She will be left wondering why you dropped her and went for somebody else.

Right now she thinks she has you under her fingers, it's no fun for her. You proved yourself to be beta - women routinely deny men and actively are able to have just friendship like feeling for them. You were basically in the friendzone, being a man (like every male friend she probably has) you wanted to at the very least fuck her or be with her. You came out and showed your cards, now she wants to distance herself because it doesn't interest her and you made it all weird.

Only way to recover is basically to accept that the female psych is different and that she does not care as much as you do. You need to care less, show less interest and pursue other women. When she comes back asking why you distanced yourself and ended up with another woman you will have made her care.

From there it's up to you.

bro, this relationship is not furthering your goals of reproduction

terminate the relationship and move on.


>i'm a special snowflake and everyone must feel the same way I do, or else they don't care about me :(

At least you told a girl how you feel, thats alot further than most other people on this board.

She doesnt feel the same, which sucks, but its not the end of the world. If I was you, I wouldnt talk to her until she messages/calls you first.

Shit happens, you laid it on the line and it didnt work out. Happens all the time when people love someone. Best thing you can do is move on and continue to better yourself.

Women dont need to "think about it" when a guy tells them they like her. Either you fucking like someone or you dont. It's not like she's going to "think about it" and suddenly realize holy shit I'm in love with him. I wouldnt even be friends with her anymore because thats just torturing yourself

fucking this

holy fuck man whyyyyy...
>muh girl next door!

k but srs if you can't get her on your own its a pointless thing, you need to be good enough that she wants you, and this means putting distance between both of you.

but honest advice if you just want to bone or w.e, you're in a negotiation; relationship or bust. so what does the great wolf of wall street tell us to do...WAIT. Whoever talks first has lost the staring competition. if shes not giving a solid answer, she clearly is calling your bluff, from here we need another great sage of negotiations, THE DON. and what does the (god bless) orange man say? walk. Let her go, and don't look back, people are loss orientated, and she will give in.

but if you didn't know this and couldn't wrangle her yourself, this is a useless pipe dream.

don't talk to her, wait for her move, if shes being iffy, walk from the deal.

I mean you kinda changed the nature of the relationship regardless if you meant to or not. It sucks but that's just kinda how it goes.

If she is your friend she will tell you soon how she feels and won't leave you hanging. But you might want to accept that if she isn't into you, then this is probably the end of the friendship. Distance yourself and give her time to actually miss you is probably the best move. If you have strong feelings for her dont go back to being friends if she isn't into you. It'll suck dick and you'll get depressed. There is nothing worse than being in love with someone who feeling the same as you.

You're fucked. I was there WAY back when before I got wise to this shit.

The "I need to think first" shit means she doesn't have actual feelings for you but doesn't want to total the friendship. Your love story isn't happening bro, sorry. The sooner you move on the better.

Kinda figured as much.

I really don´t get woman, days before i told her she didn´t stop sending messages and telling me that she missed me.

well such is life.

We'd been friends for many years
Until I finally confessed
That I've always loved you dearly
But you were unimpressed

If I can never be your lover
I'll accept our destiny
And I'll embrace your gift of friendship
As I jack off constantly

Oh, I'll be there to lift you when you fall
With one arm around your shoulder and the other on my balls

Oh, if you need me you just have to call
'Cause I'll be next to you,

1, 2, 3, let's do it!

Through the good times and the bad
I will do everything I can
Like if you ever need help moving,
I can jerk off in the van

If your car breaks on the road
I'll grab my crank and pick you up
And we can drive away together
As I lotion up my junk

Oh, it doesn't matter where our lives will lead us
I will always stand beside you, both in spirit and in penis

Oh, excuse me but I have to go dry clean this
'Cause I've been next to you,

Look, I know this may seem weird, but it's not.
Every friendship I've ever had has been like this
You should know that I'm not doing this for myself
It's partly for you, but most of all, I'm doing this...
for America!

Oh, tell me everything that's in your heart
This is Claire, we're gonna make out
You just go ahead and start
If it escalates to boning, it means I'm listening super hard
'Cause I'll be next to you,

Oh, wait, Claire brought a friend
We're gonna have a threesome
And a crowd of people's gathered
To watch me bang both her and Lisa
Oh, when this is done you and I are getting pizza
'Cause I'll be next to you,

It's okay o cut contact on the fact the you have unrequited love bro. Just do it and suck it up a little, women play in this ambitious fields all the time because men are beta to them she already knows how this goes I promise.

Just one year.


Ode to /r9k/

truly beautiful piece

this is fitness son


I think my date yesterday went poorly and she hasn't contacted me. Should I give up?

Jesus fucking Christ
You're pretty fucked
Prepare to dead her

Write it off and move on. She doesn't feel the same way, and a "friendship" involving unrequited feelings is a shitty proposition.

In the future, don't let things build up like this - either kill the feelings in their infancy or ask her out right away. The whole sudden confession deal will send people running for the hills even if they might have otherwise been interested, it's overwhelming if they aren't all-in the same way.

You should probably fuck her up real bad and make sure everyone gets word and then the other girls will be too scared to reject you

you didn't say it in person?
that was lame dude

this, i actually made it work once

Don't give up, when she gets back tell her nothing has changed or how nothing will change in regard to how you feel about her. You might win her over eventually.

None of the advice you're getting in this thread is worth anything. Sorry to say it, my man, but you fucked up your friendship. It's over. Real life is not like TV or movies. There is unfortunately no way to come back from this one. Trust me. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run if you accept this sooner rather than later.

>meet best friend late at night as usual, only she's drunk
>slight crush for years, really funny and strong-willed girl, not oneitis tho
>start talking about sex, how much I like to fuck and please women, what she likes, what I like, etc
>suddenly silence, laying in bed, face to face, I get closer
>start feeling her breath on my lips and my nose
>go for it and kiss her, instantly starts to literally lick my mouth and undress
>start to kiss her body, feel her nice tits and tight ass
>pushes me, takes my shirt off
>more kisses and licks
>goes for the prize, starts to unzip pants but for some reason takes a little longer than expected
>time stops, faggotry hits hard
>"are you sure you want to do this?.."
>"well.. I'm not so sure"
>laying off in bed one minute and an eternity later, talking about how uncomfortable it might have been for both of us the day after, when she was no longer drunk, kind of laughing it off
>start kissing and playfully tease her saying how much she would have enjoyed it tho, gives me her cute stink eye
>couple years gone by, she gets knocked up by a nigger
>her son will be 3 years old this summer
>can't face her anymore because the what ifs haunts me each time I think of her

oh well

funny thing is our relationship still got pretty unconfortable after that, so we might as well fucked our brains out when the time was right

such is life

>be in this situation a week ago
>bro works me up and convinces me to say something to her
>try to set up a meeting but she's busy
>week later
>new boyfriend
>they're going to move in together
>probably lost my chance forever


Bang her friends and or room mates?

That usually does it for me.

i need time to think = I don't like you

if she liked you, when you told her that she would instantly respond by saying she liked you back

time to move on user

> new boyfriend
> already moving in together

red flag of them all

Hey user. I've been in a similar situation. I told my female best friend that i liked her. She rejected me but we stayed friends afterwards. But later on i broke off the friendship when i realized i was just torturing myself by being so close to her, but not as close as i wanted to be with her. Don't continue being friends with her. It aint gonna lead anywhere user. Trust me. If she hasn't developed feelings by time you two are best friends, then she's probably not gonna end up being into you anytime in the future.

Its best just to cut all ties with her in order to let go of those feelings and move on with your love life. Its hard to do, but face it user, it aint gonna go anywhere. If you really still wanna be friends with her then just explain to her that you gotta have some time away from here in order to let the feelings go away. Hang in there and stay strong Veeky Forums bro. Love is tough, but you gotta keep searching.