Dude's a billionaire married to a supermodel. If that wasn't a power trip enough now he's the leader of the free world...
...and he's still bigger than you
What's your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What's your excuse?
I was born in the wrong family
is this shopped? his biceps looks fucking weird
Take some goddamn responsibility for your life you faggot. Your family doesn't make your life. You do.
>when you do ss and gomad at the same time
>Take some goddamn responsibility for your life you faggot. Your family doesn't make your life. You do.
Wow, the irony of this post is quite hilarious.
dude, I was raised by a single mom making ~40k / year, I am set to make about $110k this year and I am only 19. I think I do pretty above average for what I was given.
Also, I doubt you can become POTUS without being born in the right family.
the previous POTUS was part of a kenyan tribe. that's the power of the american dream
>a small milion dollar loan
>the previous POTUS was part of a kenyan tribe
Once again, I was born in the wrong family, I am white. I could do a reverse MJ, not sure how that would work though.
And dude's got a hot daughter who's supermodel caliber.
Because her mom is a supermodel u gay
Betas show their true form when confronted by a true alpha. For being on Veeky Forums you guys sure sound like some wimpy d00ds
>Not racking up karma in this life so you're reborn to billionaire parents
best wife
worst seed
user surely this is bait right? I'm your age in college and struggling to get a basic min-wage job
kek she had plastic surgery as well
>unsymmetrical eyes
>fat face
>alcohol fetal syndrome
ugly neck up
no not at all
I just got my hands on unlimited supply of a virtual currency that people buy
Yeah, you know how supermodels tend to look like they have some sort of syndrome.
having a hot daughter is terrible though
lmao that's from like 20 years ago
dude is old and fat and won't live to 75
What size penis would it take to please a THICC god like that?
>no smoking
>no drinking
You wish CTR
betas have been invading for some time now
I absolutely love donald trump. even though i stand on the opposite side of the right/left spectrum, i think he's everything america needs. he's got the attitude, he's got the energy, and he built up from being a rich kid into being president. american dream come true.
if you know where the money is and are better than most others in that area at getting it, then you'll be rich.
i was mediocre at science in uni so i invested in my own business. now i'm putting around £12k into it per month.
>con artist
>american dream come true
Yeah, get these fucking betas out. Muh chinese cartoon image board is for true alphas only.
How can politicians even be fat ?
They can hire nutritionists and get a perfect diet. They wouldnt even need to workout.
But Melanie Trump isn't her mom
>tfw all these butthurt liberal manlet faggots being mad
He's made better decisions for this country in the past week than Obama did in 8 years.
Same reason a lot of people in high stress, high time-requirement jobs are in shitty shape. It's an effort investment they don't want to give with all the other stuff they're supposed to be doing.
Are these people defending this fat fuck the same people who jerk off to fate hate threads? I thought this was Veeky Forums.
It's true though. Obama obliterated the middle class. Made middle class people responsible for nigger welfare/obamacare. All the while treating middle class people like garbage especially white people.
Wow so many unassailable points being made here.
>con artist
eh. if i wanted to exaggerate i'd call hillary a war criminal and bernie a socialist.
get real. aren't you better than this?
What exaggeration? Hillary is a criminal and Bernie is a socialist. Trump is a con artist. He's a swindler.
Taking sides doesn't mean you have to diminish the facts. All of those things can be simultaneously true.
Also, how in the fuck do you lump "socialist" in with "criminal" and "con artist"? We're talking about character and legality, not ideologies.
Big T is giving America a massive test injection. Of course Veeky Forums is going to like it.
Wow so much nothing being said here. E D G Y tho am I right ?
Bernie calls himself a socialist
>Obama obliterated the middle class
I don't even know where to start, guy. The middle class has been fucked for decades. I think it's probably best to just mock you for your delusional, intellectually dishonest ideas.
bernie is a far better con artist than trump
Nah better just keep throwing insults and pretending your intellectually superior :^).
>pfttt, yeah..., you're wrong...but I'm just too intelligent to explain how or give an argument.
>nothing personal, kid
Is how you get your daily hard on or something?
Nothing personnel, but there's literally zero point in engaging a delusional person in an argument. He led with "Obama obliterated the middle class." You're not going to get anywhere with someone who has such an impoverished concept of (recent) history. That sort of ignorance runs too deep for a cursory argument on a vietnamese hand fishing image board.
>Implying you couldn't get a million dollar loan you had a business idea with actual potential.
Typical liberal.. Here let me spout some bullshit to tell you why you're wrong and I'm right.
>You're a lesser human being because I'm smarter than you.. so I simply cannot argue with such a simpleton.
Meanwhile in Canada.. Mosques are getting shot up by other Muslims.
>the left will find a way to spin this as Trump's fault