Supplements that changed your life

My /fit friends its time to give back

Heres the supplements that i have been taking that have had a significantly positive impact on my life

Korean red ginseng- Take this daily. More energy/focus, more clarity of thought

Whole food multivitamin- A multi where the vitamins aren't pissed away and it isn't 5000% your DV of B12

Valerian root- allegedly gives you deeper sleep. All i know is when I take this I have more energy during the day and feel on point an hour or so after I wake up. Still wake up kinda drowsy

NeuroIGNITE- Theres a whole field of "cognitive enhancers" called nootropics. While Im sure theres an intricate way to blend individual ingredients together, taking this pill has been amazing. Amazing focus, I can sit in lecture for hours and not even flinch.

Calcium+Magnesium- I wasn't getting my electrolytes, and i often felt like my mind couldn't connect to my muscles to make them work or like I was fatigued for no reason. I take NOW FOODS calcium magnesium every morning and after every workout, feel great.

Maca- If you're not taking maca, you're fucking yourself over.
And that's some of the more low-key things I've discovered through personal experience that have made me feel like I'm on my A game. What supps have you guys found that help you?

I find that caffeine wakes me up in the morning, you can buy it in capsule form or you can get it from coffee and most soda drinks

Already use ginseng, multivitamin. Instead of valerian root, I use melatonin. I also take milk thistle, gingko biloba, arginine/citrulline. And many more.

testosterone enanthate

>testosterone enanthate
>not using parabolin
never gonna make it.

Why gingko biloba specifically?

I ask cos the Neuroignite I'm taking has 50mg of gingko biloba in it as well as St john's wort and phosphatidylserine

Its funny m8, i Had to avoid caffeine since it makes me jittery and anxious, like suppressed my appetite. That's why I fiddled with these other things.

Lots of Vitamin C actually. 2000-3000mg daily has helped me overcome my social autism. Doctor Linus Pauling did extensive research on C, its almost a miracle Vitamin.
Also Zinc

All you need is daily Vitamin D, Omega 3 and 6
Weekly testosterone

This. 50,000IU of Vitamin D and fish oil. Changed my life.

How so? What did they do for you? I've been taking fishoil daily for awhile now but I can't tell if I'm being jew'd