Every fucking time I get with a chick and it gets to the point of sex, I fucking can almost never get hard while putting on the condom, and then if I ever do get it on, it fucking goes soft in like 2 seconds of trying to get in her. What the fuck is wrong with me and please tell me how to fix it, it literally happens with any girl I'm with and it's fucking awful, I know I could ask them to go on the pill or some shit but I'd feel safer about STDs if it's just with a short term thing or just a one night stand, so any tips or anything like that for this?
A) stoo watching porn
B) kill yourself
try thinking of your gymbros tight boipucci while you slip it on. Works for me.
1. Take ZMA an hour before bed
2. Stop watching porn
3. Buy condoms and practice masturbating in them - but don't do a death grip
stop watching porn
stop jerking it with the death grip
Thanks for the advice, no more porn for me I guess
Masturbate way way less. I've had unprotected sex with 3 girls, and 2 of them gave me fucking Chlamydia, so don't stop wearing a condom. It's all fun and games until some retarded as fuck girl doesn't know she has Herpes and then you're fucked for your entire life.
But yeah, there's a huge difference between when I have sex having masturbated the day of, the day before, or a week before. You can even use it to your advantage if you know you're gonna have sex. Rub out the easy one and last forever.
a) could be gay
b) workout sups have rendered you flaccid
>3. Buy condoms and practice masturbating in them - but don't do a death grip
This will work... I haven't been with a woman in [a long time].
When I decided to whack the weasel with the condom on, just the aroma of the latex was enough to remind me of [days gone by].
It works, and there is nothing to, uh, clean up.
Get a condom that's the right size for your dick. In the past, I was using condoms that were too small and were cutting off circulation. Really embarrassing.
This is important! That and just getting used to/comfortable with the action of getting it out and on. Gets much easier.
That's definitely not the problem, when I do get it on it's perfect fit, it's just I get really out of the sexual feeling when I go to put a condom on, which ruins a hard-on for me most of the time
>Being so low test that a thin piece of latex is enough to kill your boner.
Man I think you have bigger problems
Maybe get slightly drunk to take some nerves off, but not enough to give you whiskey dick
I've had the same problem in the past, I never truly got over it with anyone but my girlfriend who I had gotten comfortable with
A-Ok when raw, but get told to put on a condom and I'm suddenly shot mentally
Wow so many great points being made here.
Try having the girl put it on for you to keep it sexual I guess?
I had the same problem. So I started fapping with condoms and after a while I had no problem using one during sex.
I might actually try this method
practice makes perfect
get a larger condom. Small ones restrict blood flow. Find a looser one and it'll help a lot.
Does anyone else find girls with big quad sweeps fucking disgustinfg?
Go up a condom size. Like if you're using the normal Trojans go up to Magnum, even if you're not huge. If your dick hates condoms, the condom being even a little tight could turn you off. Oddly enough I started to have your issue out of the blue even after using standard sized condoms for a while. Went up to magnums, problem solved, haven't looked back.
Alright seems like a bunch of people recommend that so i'll start doing that!
Not me, I honestly think pic related is fucking literally perfect, she's so fucking gorgeous, straight up 10/10 for me and I love that she has some muscles but not too much to look like a roidhead
Even if you think it's the right fit, go up a size to see. The bigger sizes are barely larger anyway.
Huh I guess I could try that, but isn't using too big of a condom also like bad because it could slip off? Have you had that problem before?
Bro. Whoever you are, you have excellent taste. Straight up 10/10, agreed.
Bigger condoms are barely larger. Like I wouldn't be able to identify between the two sizes if I didn't have the wrapper label. Tbh the whole "Magnum" thing is just a marketing ploy for our egos anyway.
Point is, if you think what you're using right now fits, it's very likely that the next size up will fit fine. I'm speaking from experience, it made a world of a difference for me. Plus you're saying that the console you use right now fit. I thought that two until I went up a size and looking back I think it's obvious I was choking my dick out.
What is the point of these constant threads on this board about sex? Are people so insecure that they need to brag about the sex they have?
Or is it just what I assume, that 90% of this board is under 18 years old
Did you even read the fucking thread? I literally don't have sex, like I haven't had sex with a girl for literally a year straight because everytime I try I can't get hard enough to put a condom on, It's literally the exact fucking opposite of what you're fucking saying. Do you even understand english bro?
Alright, I'll definitely try it out next time I go get a pack, I'll also start just practicing putting them on more often and jerking off in them as everyone else has said to do
You have 0 confidence
even before you start hooking up I bet you have that condom anxiety. Its in your mind. Once it gets in your thoughts then forget about it.
The condom isnt the problem, its you. You should find a girl you are completely comfortable with so your mind can relax a bit. Once that happens your dick will stay hard.
Used to happen to me. It stopped happening when I found a girl who was cool with it.
stop watching porn faggot
Fuck you think so? I guess it probably is, I have no confidence problems when it comes to literally any other parts of sex or even just getting girls, but maybe you're right. I think I'm afraid of having sex desu, not too sure why, I'll try to just ease my mind and be more comfortable next time, appreciate the opinion
Just adding to my last response, do you think I should try to postpone having sex with the girl I'm seeing? We started seeing each other after a new years party and we've gone on 2 dates and she came over today. We'd basically only hooked up twice and she was saying she wanted to fuck today when we were going at it, do you think I should just try to hold that off until I'm more comfortable around her? I think that might help. Also how would I even go about saying that without sounding like I never want to fuck her? Would "Hey I kinda want to take things a bit slower if that's ok" be good enough?
Is it weird that condoms make me cum faster? Sex or masturbating, doesn't matter.
wait until you get married you fucking manwhore
1- maybe porn addiction.
2- you are taking too long to put the condon, making you blood going out of your dick in the process. Trying faster
stop jerking it so much
Reduce your stress levels mang and go sleep earlier.
Do yoga or breathing excersises, hell just walking outside helps me out. Do whatever you think will help you.
This. Cured me 100 percent in a month or so. With out that porn you will stay diamonds
Ask one of your gymbros if you can practice having sex with him so you can get used to having sex with a condom on and then when you are with a girl you will be like a pro. Hell, you can't get your gymbro pregnant, maybe just skip the condom.
Get bigger ones and make it fall off half way through doing it or take it off when moving positions and then do her raw. Condoms are shit, I only use them towards the end to prevent cumming inside.
try measuring your taint, if its less than 2.05 inches then, mate, youre just not born to breed
Wearing condoms is like showing with a raincoat. What's the point?
I wanted to tease my gf back in the day when things just went too obvious we're gonna have sex. So, I moved her away, smirked and said: "Not so fast, babe. Not. So. Fast"
While looking straight into her eyes with voice going deeper after each period. She looked at me frightened and said: "O-Ok". Shit was funny.
Went in raw after a week.
You're not alone, OP.
1. Get comfortable with the girl.
2. Just sleep together and have sex the morning after. If you're tired you go back to anxiety mode faster.
someone have any thoughts on this?
What world do you people live in that every girl has HIV, I've never used a condom and probably fucked ~15 random girls bareback and never got an STD
>Ripped ass chick
Bet shes tight as fuck and loves anal.
It's just simple math, the reward of fucking without condom is just not worth the risk of catching aids, even though the probability is very small.
1. Stop watching so much porn
2. Stop jerking off with death grip
3. Cialis/Viagra
you type like an autist
you sound lowtest as fuck
hiv is relatively rare
things are more fun when they're dangerous anyway - like how drink driving is more fun than regular driving and illegal drugs are more fun than legal ones
Who the fuck are you having sex with that hiv is even a possibility
>haven't used condoms in 4+ years
>girlfriend has never had a pregnancy scare
>probably sterile
Feels bad. I'll keep lying to myself and telling myself I'm a pull out god.
get your product tested if you're concerned
You sound dumb as fuck.
You like drink driving more than sober driving because doing shit when you're drunk is more fun than when you're sober, that's why people drink.
People do stupid stuff like not putting condoms because they're absolute shit when it comes to estimating risks of low probability events. They think "huh it's under 0.5% of chances so it won't happen anyway", except one over 200 times it does. Here with aids the probability is ridiculously small, but the risk is full life-time medication and having to explain to your -very- soon to be ex gf that you have aids for every relationship.
OP, you probably just need to slow the fuck down.
If you can't get hard putting on the condom then rub some ass and titties, while she tug and or sug you.
I like to think it's not a possibility, but you never know. However if you fuck with girls that are ok to fuck strangers without condom...
I've gotten chlamydia twice. Just finished taking a round of Zimbabwean fish chemicals to get rid of it since I already knew what it was this time around (actually generic Indian pharmaceuticals marketed as pet antibiotics).
What if I'd gotten herpes instead? Or HIV?
This, I had the exact same problem as you OP. Stopped watching porn completely and within 2 weeks I could FINALLY get it up. No porn is so fucking worth it.
I made the math, when you have sex chance to get hiv is 1 to 6 million, if you don't fuck old whores the odds are probably way better
I've had sex with ~90 girls and have only had gonorrhea twice and not a single pregnancy scare because everyone is on the pill
Stop being pussies
Condoms always feel shit for me.
Don't they ALWAYS kind of shrivel up when you pound away? The friction makes them slide up and down a little, making the whole texture develop lashes and shit and eventually the whole thing starts feeling fucking shit.
The condom just never stays as straight as it is after you pit on.
But it's not only the possibility is low in finding someone with HIV, but finding someone with HIV who would neglect to tell you- People (who knowingly) have HIV aren't usually the ones to have one night stands and fuck without using a condom
loool chlamydia is the most common STD whilst HIV is probably the least common (assuming you live in a developed western country)
It's just condoms, they take all the feeling away.
Just bareback it, much more pleasurable and the risk makes it more exciting.
It's always the chicks fault if you can't get it up.
Idk I just fucking hate condoms.
Like you're not even touching the girl, you're just surrounded by latex. Not fun. Back in high school, everyone did it raw anyway because if you were in the right social group, no one had STDs because they had only been with 1-2 partners max. But once you hit college all of the sudden these whores are obsessed about "protection" in the most disgusting and revealing way.
Probably why I've regressed into playing eroge all day desu. I wish I was the protagonist of Cross Channel
this is some prime bullshit
How is this even possible. I get hard just smelling a girl i like
You might be a very special type of stupid
It's a good way to deflect and you know the girl is already thinking that lol
keep trying with the girl you are seeing, just give it a try and relax. stay out of your head and focus on what you find attractive about her. Allow yourself to spend your brain power on physical stimulation rather than dwell on something you have 0 control over.
good luck