Tfw male model material

>tfw male model material
When did you realize you made it?

You should just take compliments from average chicks as a confidence boost and not make a thread. Pic related is a male model, then compare yourself.

Post pic like said

>implying the clearly poor skinned girl in that photo isn't just flirting with you

congrats you got your first match now go away

This is my profile

you look like that unfunny comedian defranco or whatever his name is

you look like a homosexual

Yeah, you are above average for sure. The main pic is a bit goofy though, the raised eyebrow and thumbs up gives off a cuck vibe. Use a pic of you and a dog desu, women like that. Or a beach photo.

sorry, james franco kek

wow, thats bad

Jelly af
I've heard that before
Will do
Why is it bad?

If you're gonna talk shit about him, then you should post face and bod.

Oh wait, you won't. :)

Shirtless photo, its not even a photo from outside at the beach or somewhere where you would normally have your shirt off.
try putting something into your bio past height and school.

only talking shit on his profile, he looks alright if a little dyel

you have gyno in the 2nd pic on ur left nipple

I'd rather be called handsome, but...

Yeah I might be a tiny bit dyel but my face more than makes up for it. Plus the girls move my body anyway

You look good m8

Other people are jelly

you look like a male model because every picture is you 'batin over yourself is what she meant.

get a picture goin there that isn't just you making faces. you're ~mid to high 7 probably assuming you're in the 18-21 range but definitely give off a self centered vibe in your profile also are your eyes legit uneven or is it just the pics that make them look that way either way it doesnt really detract much since lbf. also isn't exactly wrong either

Post the full seconds pic and I'll tell you if you're male model material.

youre fuckin gay dogg

you fucker, you go to my school

dude, she looks 12. what are you doing

Looks good my dude. Pic #2 looks like you're being held hostage in a gay isis execution video though. but nice chest

dude what the FUCK is that line? My god

lol that was beta

saying you "made it" implies you earned it. you didnt earn your "model" face, you were born with it

She's just using you to suck on that gyno
Don't waste your time with that woman

Hoihoi is this a joke?

Ya look like ya've never been smacked in the mouth

>dude, she looks 12. what are you doing
Following his biological prerogative, disregarding the "memes" of societal conduct for his own fulfilment. Godspeed user, I should hope everyone could be based enough to fuck 12 year olds if the situation arose.

Retards like you belong on Reddit

Can't just say it's bad and leave it at that, tell him why.

Pathetic loser... these are all screen caps from model interviews / backstage on YT... I could find the vid

why are women so cruel?
literally messaged me 5 months later just to tell me I'm an ugly fucker

Ask her why she goes out of her way to say such hurtful things, is it because daddy never really loved her?

All you really need is a good camera and photography skills.

Chico is GOAT

your hair looks dry stop using so much shampoo and other product

The only reason people are assholes about your profile is b/c you look like a smug douche in your main pic this the eyebrow Raise and eyes half open.

she unmatched me after this unfortunately

wow what a bitch

Did you fuck her and leave right after or something? maybe she's salty.

What the fuck did you do to her? There's not much context here but it looks like she's just mad about your delayed response.

I hooked up with a girl, didn't know her name or anything, she invited me back to her place and while I was fucking her she started rubbing my pecs and abs and she started cumming just then.

It was a Talking Heads moment, "This is not my beautiful body, how did I get here?"

Th-thanks Veeky Forums

Chances are that she's got a bf or shes seeing someone and thats the guy fucking with you and any other guy shes matched with

desu op you have a very attractive face and its clear so I would rate you 8/10 face.

Take this with a grain of salt because for all we know you have the personality of a austimo and no confidence.

This is how you know you've made it

all that bait
making it

topkek faggot

From the main pic you can tell you're a fucking twig

post dani plz

This bitch needs doxing

but jim carrey isn't in son of the mask


you're damn cute

rec: get a natural looking shirtless pic, like beach or pool
and get at LEAST a couple pictures with friends in it
then you will be 100%

Are there any sort of tinder statistics out there? To see what works the most etc.

yea don't be u

i am about 90% sure i am referred to as the "ugly one" in my group of friends, so i doubt i'll know that feel

OP is a very handsome guy

this here is good
Also have a funny bio that says almost nothing about yourself, personally I use my favorite Jane Austin quote. Though honestly it doesn't matter for me, pretty sure no one actually reads it.