Zac Effwalk
Zac Effwalk
Zac Effrun
zac eff me (pls)
>people on this board think hes not natty
KEK whats it like being a complete dead end?
>people on this board think Hollywood actors use healthy diet and carefully planned exercise routines to look good
they do because everyone does it for them
Looks like the roids started bloating his face.
I'd say a lot of them do
Christian Bale never looked like he was roidin
Any Veeky Forumsggots that can aware me on those shorts?
You're retarded. He needs to gain like 10 years of gains in 2 years. How you think he does it? Magic?
He never 'looked roided' because like 99.99% of steroid users he never beat the natural limit on steroids.
Your typical roid user is actually a 45 year old skinny bitch cuck who's life cheated on him with a normie ripped guy so he goes on reddit and buys roids and does curls and gets 15" fatceps
Not even joking.
Even on this site, I mean look, this guy has taken tren, dbol, blast and cruise for years, what the fuck?
>10 years
99.9% of people will never look that big after 10 years even dude
>How you think he does it? Magic?
muscle memories
The Rock is my favorite natty actor.
Muscles are like elephants, they never forget
Damn he looks fat
you honestly don't know shit and you keep posting delusion bs.
leg day mia
Reminder after 4.5 months natty lifting I am twice as big and leaner than stoya
Fucking reminder.
U mad?
here, since you are blind and delusional, I put the pics next to each other
You make more progress natty than roiding for this dyels, you make people mad
All I wanted was too make idiots mad.
Couldn't be easier to beat trash genetics + dbol + tren as a natty
DESU you are probally mad because I beat your peanut butter jelly diet + trash genetics + roids as a natty in 4 months of lifting too, didn't I
Daily reminder that fraud trips with ACTUAL physiques are friendly with me like mast
and you are mad, jelly, etc
stay fucking mad lamo at my natty 4 months pics
I guess I am delusional except for being bigger and more shredded than he is int he same pose in the same lighting and being farther from the camera
but "delusional"
One day I am going to look like MastT natty and we will see how fucking mad anons are then desu
>claims to be twice as big and leaner than pic related
>calling other people delusional and bline
>f-fraud trips l-like me
everyone in fraud tells you to fuck off lol.
Learn how to save a photo on your phone.
wait are you the same guy as jaw gains?
Yeah I am the same guy
I am legit bigger and more shredded than him. anyone not blind can see that.
stay mad.
Look at his hands too. He is 1" from the camera.
Everyone think roids are magic. But I proven that just putting in some effort for a few months natty will beat someone that roids for years and does not go to the gym or watch his diet.
and that makes you mad as fuck doesn't it?
fraud DYELS are getting pissed because I am already bigger and leaner than two trips and multiple anons after 4 months natty
Fraud sickcunts are happy because I am making good progress
just really goes to show man
big people want to see dyels get bigger, small people get mad because they see dyels bigger than them