Too socially anxious to go to a gym

>too socially anxious to go to a gym
>too poor to buy an expensive barbell, power rack and weights

What the fuck do I do? Will I be fine if I just buy a relatively cheap bar (not the cheapest) and weights without the rack and all that shit and just go for it?

No it's impossible to exercise at home without 5000$ of equipment.

A cheap used 45lbs plate is nowhere near as effective as a new high quality one. In fact the cheap plate will actually make you weaker.

And barbells. Don't even get me started. The used ones are already expired. Need a brand new one that costs at least 800 doll hairs.

And forget about using adjustable dumbbells or improvising weights and body weight exercises.

The absolute only way to get fit is to do squats, deadlifts and bench presses in a giant power rack.

This desu

Don't go buying random weight sets off eBay or whatever; cheapo sets tend to be poorly-molded and don't fit on the bar properly (or at all), cheapo bars have poor grips and don't hold the weight you think they'll hold, etc. For any set worth buying you'll be shelling out $250-$300 bare minimum unless you get a good deal of some kind (I got a 300 lb. set of good weights with an Olympic bar for $219 at a local store, to give you an idea). If you need them cheaper, you can buy a used set, but insist on looking at it in person and making sure everything's on the level before you buy. Same goes with adjustable dumbbells, etc.

You still won't be able to do squats or bench press without a bench and a rack, but what the hell, you can at least do something other than sit on ass and watch TV.

>floor press
>clean and front squat

I was always warned about benching without a spotter but I hear about people doing it alone all the time, how do you do it safely?

>>too socially anxious to go to a gym
what the fuck? stop making excuses

Just be sensible. Don't ego lift. If it feels like you're not going to make the rep, get out from under the bar straight away, don't try and just power through it.

How do you do that without lifting it though?

You probably won't but just try to force yourself to go to the gym at least once. Just so happened that last year I had to take a gym class for extra uni credits. I never used to work out, the last time I did something that was considered exercise was over 10 years ago in middle school. I just went and it wasn't bad at all and I was expecting the worst.

know your own goddamn limits bro. If you were already struggling with your last rep, don't go and do another one.

calisthenics in a dark room

you're not too socially anxious to go to the gym that shit's all in your head
just fucking go there and live outside your comfort zone for once you beta motherfucker

You have two options

>Stop being a faggot and go to the GYM

>Stop being a faggot and pic related.

But you can't take them, because you're a faggot.

Lift it, start small, work up. Take your time.

Use dumbbells if you're not confident with the barbell. It doesn't matter if you're just lifting an empty bar. It's not a competition.

>>too socially anxious to go to a gym
as someone who used to have social anxiety I can tell you that the gym is probably one of the easiest places to go. you're not expected to talk to people and it will quickly become obvious that the people there only care about themselves and don't give a shit about you. just try it for a few weeks and you'll see what I mean.

I built this, and used it for years.
Don't be a faggot man.

your potato if youre
> too socially anxious to go to a gym
imagine to go to a gym and save the money at some point you can buy a fuckin barbell and stuff

get over it
go to the gym
realize how silly you were for being anxious about it

Start with an Empty bar.
Take it from there.

All i'm saying is that fags spend thousands of dollars each year at the therapist trying to work through their anxiety and you have the option to do so while getting swole at maybe a couple hundred per year. You're a bitch and don't deserve to get over your anxiety if you do not take this chance.

I used to be like you

Then I started lifting. Mostly kept to myself and did exercises and machines I was comfortable with.

Saw changes in my body, dropped some pounds and got inspired to take it seriously.

Started squating (one rack in the entire gym in the busiest section) with only 95 lbs trying to get my form right. Only did this when there was almost nobody in the gym.

Lifts go way up, normies call me jacked, now high school jail bait qt3.14's eye fuck me taking all them plates ass to grass.

You're gonna make it but you gotta start walking the path. Don't look back but start now faggot.

Just buy DBs (the spin lock ones) and a bunch of 5kg plates to fit and a cheap adjustable bench.

This can be used for the majority of accessory lifts and upper body compounds.

Whatever you plan on buying, look at buying them used. There are a lot of guys who stopped lifting because of wives etc and want to get rid of their weights quickly and cheaply. And the good thing is (unless rusty) 5 year old used every day weights are the exact same as brand new weights but a lot cheaper.

I bought a bunch of plates probably worth like £250 for only £80 and the dude also tried to give me a bunch of medicine balls for free but I didn't want them.

I built a home gym with 9 45s, and then 100 pounds of assorted weights. Have a trap bar, an ez curl bar, and some small dumbells. Among other things. Two benches. All brand new

Plus I built a power rack out of wood and my safety catches that are black iron have supported 455 pounds so far with some drop on them.

All around it costs around 800-900 dollars.

I haven't set foot in a gym but plan to go once I hit 3 plate bench just to catch some mires. Hopefully I get 2 plate ohp too at some point.

I have a different problem

>changing cities
>need a new gym
>shitty country most gyms probably don't have racks
>too shy to ask whether they have racks
Me looking DYEL doesnt help either

You should defiantly work on your social anxiety first. Making gains and becoming aesthetic means jack shit if you can't even go a public place without sperging.

ask on gym's facebook or website
fb is pretty much anonymous as nobody will notice or remember you

If they are checking their social media, I'll try anyway

Roll of shame

Get over it. There are people uglier and more awkward than you at the gym that are getting better than you for being at the gym. And people look at them and see it as motivational. Be a fucking example, you dont have to do anything besides actually doing it.

I had the same problem so I bought 2 dumbbells and a bench.

adjustable dumbbells are a place to start
a bar and weights won't do you any good, dont know how you'd get under it to squat and have fun benching off the floor
why not bring headphones to gym so you dont even have to talk.

Same problem. I just started popping 4mg of xanax every time I'd go to the gym for a while until I got used to it. Now I'm used to it and don't need the xannies so trying to ween myself off.

Buy a second hand set from some fatty who thought he was gonna get joocy. Much cheaper than buying new and probably cheaper than a year membership at a gym.

>21 never had a job because too anxious
>resort to planet fitness for workouts
it could be worse OP

Same situation and I got a membership to a 24 hour gym. I am totally alone every night from 12am out.

been there for two weeks and I'm doing a minimal program I made myself:

Day 1
Squat 3x5
Over head press 3x5

Day 2
Deadlift 1x5

looks ok for absolute minimum?

How do you expect to to get fit when you can't handle being uncomfortable.

Just do SS or SL or Greyskull

Buy a gym membership. It will keep you motivated to go since you are too poor to justify wasting the money. It will help you with your social issues, too, since they're not as serious as you believe them to be.

Buying cheap weights will be a waste. You'll reach a point where you won't want to work out and you'll have your excuse primed and ready. Convenience is the death of discipline.

Check Craigslist.

I paid $450 for
>Olympic bar + 3x standard + dumbbell bars
>600 lbs of plates
>Power rack
>Bench (brand new)
>Bench press/stand combo
>Two weight trees, one Olympic one standard
>Leg curl bench

Everything was like new. People buy tons of fitness equipment every year and never use it. Just buy it from one of them that's what I did.

thanks man

I know you're trying to be ironic but on the last point you're right. Unless your goal is to be a tiny dyel little shit you need a power rack.

>you're not expected to talk to people and it will quickly become obvious that the people there only care about themselves and don't give a shit about you.

Then why does my gym receptionist know my name and talks to me?

>golds gym olympic weight set - $94.97
>golds gym xrs20 bench and squat rack - $174.00
>free shipping

That is an awesome rack. I like that the bench is movable, letting you use it for other exercises (squats/OHP). More racks should be like that.

Because we're told to be friendly and welcoming so that you'll buy another membership and not go somewhere else. Also, the job is pretty boring.

>tfw qt trap receptionist doesn't flirt with me

What am I doing wrong?

>>too socially anxious to go to a gym
>What the fuck do I do?
You go to the gym.


That looks unstable as fuck. How many kg can it realistically handle before toppling or caving in?

Hell, even the power rack at my gym shakes a little when I put more than 4 plates on.

You're not re-racking your weights properly

>socially anxious
>want's to be fit

Why would you waste your time polishing a turd?

I love it. When I maxed out the weight set, I just bought a bunch of pl8s on craigslist for 50 cents a pound.

Not tipping enough.

Assuming it's perfectly upright, literally thousands of pounds. The only real danger is if you somehow tip it over while racking.

You should modify it to build stabilizers on the ground, not those weird buckets that retard has them in. It should not tip over then.

I would cap the B and D boards with another piece of wood going with the grains on the side. That way the weight isn't going to split the beams down the grain.

If you cap them, it should hold thousands of pounds. Your house is built primarily using a 2x4 frame.


Also, lag the stabalizers into the floor.