>lifting for a year
>cant wear tank tops out in public now
>people instantly think i am narcissistic or trying to show off
Lifting for a year
>that guy with noob gains who wears a tank top
Well aren't you trying to show off?
Who the fuck cares what they think anyway?
No, i love them since i feel so free in them. I also get hot very easily.
> getting big arms but not showing them off
ask me how I know you're a cuck
>Wear a stringer type single to work one day (Nipples were covered but you can see my lats sticking out and chest)
>Keep in mind, i am 6ft @ 90kg and have been lifting for a while
>After gym, pumped to fucking hell
>Arms double the size, forearms wanting to burst, chest, shoulders etc..
>All the staff keep looking at me, laughing, whispering to each other
>Mind my own business and eat my meal
Can only imagine what they were thinking
> fat all life
> scared of ever wearing a tank-top
> wear baggy t-shirts that totally cover my upper arms down to the elbows
> lose the weight, get fit, look good
> show my arms more but
> stretch marks ALL OVER my underarms, sides of chest and back
> no tanks for me :(
>Caring what others think
Fuck off normie
Better than them thinking you're a delusional redneck.
>what were they thinking
'Look at those fat ceps'
'Does he even know what body composition is? Does he realie his stats mean nothing at 99% bodyfat?'
'Time to cut'
>Wearing tank tops ever
Where do you work that wearing a stringer would be even remotely acceptable?
Get a tan or some tattoos.
Who the fuck wears tank tops in public other than to and from the gym....
Buy real cloths user
At his dad's store.
You worked hard for those arms, you deserve to show them off.
Fuck what everyone else says or thinks. With success comes haters, like flies to a feast. Sun's out? Guns out.
You're missing out man. Wearing tanks in public is an easy way to get mired from grills of all ages. Even guys look to size you up
I only bench 185 for 3x5 too, so it's not like you have to be crazy strong or big. Being 6'1 probably helps too
> stringer
> work
> nobody did anything
nice fiction you have there
Move to Florida, wear some flip flops, you'll fit right in.
alex pls go
The only thing I get when wearing tanktops is mires.
>Girls staring at me
>Guys saying stuff like "man I should hit the gym too, look at your arms"
Its much worse when a skinny ass twig wears a tanktop
>I also get hot very easily.
You're one of those fat fucks who walks around in a tank top to show off his fatceps aren't you?
I've always worn tank tops when it's hot outside or at the gym, even when I was dyel. Why give a fuck?
literally why wouldn't you?
because its gay as fuck.
You look like a wannabe tryhard if you weigh less then 225lb on 10% body fat
>this is what nerds actually believe
Fucking lol NEET virgins upset at what other men wear
>wannabe tryhard
>tfw manlet
>narrow shoulders
>no traps
>can never wear tank tops
what do?
feels bad man
>still dyel but big for normie standards
>I'm only 6ft so people assume I'm compensating
>afraid to wear t-shirts
lol yup tank top flip flops all day. Keep a nice tan.
you care to much. It is so not alpha to care that much. Tank top weather, wear a tank top.
you are supposed to wear tank tops only mid-summer.
no wonder people give you "that look" when you go to university in fucking february wearing a tank top.
also just embrace it. if u do wear tank top u are trying to show off, dont lie. u know you can pull it off because of gains (which u dont have btw after 1 year put ur shirt back on) then why u care so much? i hate zyzz but u really need some "sick cunt" mentalitity here. everyone judging u is secretly jealous thats just the way it is.
im so hot wearing just tshirt xddddd
fuck off
>lift for years
>noticeably bigger than average man
>have to wear xxl shirts so they aren't too tight
>TFW only 6 foot so these shirts look way too long
>TFW feel nervous in public in an xl shirt because I get funny looks
Im 104kg around 12% and more anxious in public than ever
I wear tank tops because I get better arms and shoulders movement
>xxl too long, smaller ones too tight
thank me later
>> stretch marks ALL OVER my underarms, sides of chest and back
>> no tanks for me :(
Tank tops are the fedora's for fit spergs