
I am in dire need to lose weight, but lack motivation, tips?

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Hunger is what fat burning feels like

remember that

stop fucking eating


I took mugshots of my tits and gut and set them as my phone background and lock screen. Down 30lbs so far.

Remember you're a g-dd*mn American and freedom is your birthright

a very powerful emotion, self hate... this is how I did it OP

you keep telling your self "im gonna start next week because (some bullshit reason you made up)"
well guess what, you're never going to if you keep pussyfooting around. One day it just hit me and I put my shoes on and started running down the road.
I continued this every day and my legs began to feel like they were broken, being crushed under the stress of my fat body coming down on them every step. I developed really bad shin splints, but it felt as if it were payment for the complete failure I had let myself become. I powered through the pain and eventually it went away slowly. This was one of the only things I've done so far in life I've really been proud of, I'm still not really happy with my body but I've come a long way.
My PC had broke at the time so I couldn't procrastinate with vidya so that also helped. I would just watch cheesy motivation vids and then go.

Good luck user

Just think you'll never have small calf muscles after walking around so fat for so long.

You will never have to do leg day again.

this, except dont be an idiot and run. if youre fat do cycling or swimming

Cutting is THE EASIEST thing in the world.

I literally just started cutting for the first time in my life and it's very simple. I'm one week in, haven't felt hungry, and lost close to 3kg.

A lot of people tell me that's unhealthy, that I'm going to yo-yo, that I should be aiming for 1-2kg a week. I say bullshit to that. It REALLY IS as simple as energy in, energy out.

I am a massive fat fuck, I was 130kg when I first started getting Veeky Forums, I'm now 122kg. If you're paying attention you'll notice just THREE kg of that was from an intentional cut, the other 5 happened incidentally as a result of me merely making a commitment to get healthy without actually keeping track of my calorie consumption. I only started keeping track when I was stuck at 125 for a few weeks.

Now I am keeping track it's become stupidly obvious:
a) How important it is to keep track, count calories, etc and
b) How FUCKING EASY it is to lose weight when you're keeping track.

So I'm 125kg and 192cm. My goal is to be 105kg by the end of March (just 5kg overweight). How impossible does that sound?

Well, it isn't. According to all sources if I maintain a daily intake of 1500 kcal or less I will be 105kg by the end of March. It's actually quite simple math. 1kg = ~8000kcal, my TDEE is 3500. The most complicated part is readjusting your goal as your weight decreases and thus your BMR does as well. But having done the math, if I maintain 1500 a day I can do it.

What's 1500kcal a day look like? Well, FOUR FUCKING KILOGRAMS OF BROCCOLI is only 1350kcal. So, fatty, do you think you could eat FOUR FUCKING KILOGRAMS (~9lb) of food in ONE FUCKING DAY?

Now, obviously that would get boring, but the options you have are endless. Make a garden salad, make a five bean and corn salad, stock up on herbs and spices. You CAN make it taste AMAZING, and you CAN make enough to COMPLETELY SATIATE YOU.

As more motivation, the picture is five days from the one week I've tracked. I lost 3kg in that week.

stop eating dead animals & their secretions

yeah this, didn't have access to either of these things so I just ran

You need to go back.
Next to no protein on those days. Insanely low calories/protein ratios.

Goodbye gains.

If you lost 3kg in a week, the majority of that will be water weight. It'll get harder over the next few weeks, sorry m8

So you're saying I'm losing mostly water weight having lost five kg over the last six months?

Here's why you have no idea what you're talking about:

I weighed myself this morning and new for a fact that based on my TDEE and intake I would have at least lost 2kg.

Apparently I'm FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC at predicting water loss rather than understanding how much energy is in a kg of fat, right?

shoot testosterone into your ball sack

go back to eating animals and their secretions

please explain i want to be wrong

Except for liquid breakfasts, salmon, asparagus in the salad, spinach in the salad, milk, tuna, broccoli in the stew, beans in the bean salad, sausages, mixed nuts.

true story bro but he is 125kg it will slow when he is like 100kg

herp derp "i am fat fuck"

i know all about weight los


come back when you have lost over 80lb and maintained for a year

Your dire need should be the only thing you need. Wouldn't you agree?

he obv is not dire enough or he would have lurked first

Show me the exact numbers in grams and calculate the protein there.

Yeah you're getting some but it's not much.

I will? Not typing out research.
If you want go eat 5 lbs of broc for your protein needs.

how much protein do i need?

soy yogurt is like 20% protein, beans, nuts, lentils, soy milk, almond milk, tofu, exc

how is a rhino so big all they eat is twigs exc

your body makes protein from plants

Your body uses the nutrients in the food for fuel. Your body does not magically make broc have more protein than it has by gram.

I'll eat both and be happy, you eat one and be happy. Your choice.

Depends on lifestyle but general rule of thumb is 1g of protein for 1lb of bodyweight. Some say 2g but I find 1g to be more realistic.

so i'm right then...

stick to the plant foods
get the fiber, nutrients, vitamins exc
avoid the fat, cholesterol exc

cows don't eat protein do they magically make it from grass?

>So I'm 125kg and 192cm. My goal is to be 105kg by the end of March (just 5kg overweight)

Hate to break this to you, but I'm the same height, and went 128-99kg in the past 6 months. 105kg is not 5kg overweight, it's more like 20 unless you're seriously swole. Your math seems off too, 1kg is closer to 7700kcal, and I seriously doubt your tdee is that high, at my heaviest mine was ~2850. Up your protein too, carb-heavy is what got you fat in the first place.

so the sugar made him fat right not the fat?

no body got fat eating just fruit...

i eat between 600-800 grams of carbs a day

Dietary fat != gaining fat.
It's way easieer to overeat on carbs than protein.

fat is more calorie dense

so you get more volume with carbs

sorry wrong video

lost 100lbs on potatoes

Don't rely on motivation.

It's an imagined barrier and the ingredient upon which all self help books are sold.

Motivation has never been a barrier to success in anything, particularly weight loss. Motivation comes AFTER you achieve something, rarely before.

Instead focus on building discipline, it's all you need.

If you're the "easy losing weight" aka water weight guy then seriously go read up on nutrition.

what did u reply to the ring guy i lost over 80lb and am maintaining after a year i now eat all of the food i like & never go hungry

That guy was dumb and it was a worthless video.

I hope that isn't you.