Bad bench

Is there anything i can do to improve my bench PR other than just benching more? All of my other compound lifts are pretty good but the bench is my true nemesis

Well... give more detail. What's your grip on the bar. How much are you doing. Do you do triceps often? Etc

benching more is the only answer

to press a lot, you must press a lot

3x a week frequency, good amount of volume, chest/tricep work

is that art by rob liefeld? god that guy sucked

train partial ranges of motion. Train the specific part where you tend to get stuck. Add more volume, and do paused reps as well.

Do overhead press and dips.
It also could be a technique issue.

Don't bench heavy 3x a week. You're just asking for an injury. 2x a week tops.

no, bench 3x a week, you're asking for gains

bench, dips, ohp, CLOSE GRIP bench, tricep assistance work, you need to eat more if you want your bench to go up

No, bench once a week you're asking for snab sity

i do close grip, dont do triceps very often. ive been doing a lot of incline chest flies and dips hoping to improve

i bench 3x a week yeah... cant seem to up the PR. maybe i just need to be patient

you're right

best to bench 0 times a week but go heavy

i also feel like my technique might be really bad... dumb beginner-type question but do you ussually have the barbel touch your chest on the negative????

yeah i think it is lol

Maybe try listening to people? Bench 2x a week. Give your body time to rest. You don't build muscle benching, you build it when you're recovering. 90% of the time someone is plateu'ing they aren't letting their body recover either by:

Not resting enough.
Not sleeping well enough.
Not eating well enough.

If you're platued why on earth would you think: "Hey I just need to lift more!"

thats good advice thank you

Bench everyday, kid.

I really like Greg Nuckols's bench programs for what it's worth. You should look into them

good point

best to bench 1.24 times a week but change it up a bit

Why would he bench in that suit and why would the plate have a digital display to show the weight?

I feel you breh. My bench also is so much worse than all of my other lifts. I stall way quicker and even during my regular working sets there's barely any speed or explosiveness in the movement. I'm pretty sure my technique is atleast decent so idk what this shit is.