Am i breaking break noporn if I stream my masturbation on webcam? (Without watching others)
No. Post link. Do butt stuff.
this girl kinda looks hot but she also kinda doesnt
I can't put my finger on it.
I can't stop thinking about how I'd turn that pic into a toothpaste ad of some kind.
>this girl kinda looks hot but she also kinda doesnt
trips confirm you have to
Someone photoshop her to be more symmetrical, I think that's the problem.
Nose is too wide. Plus besides the niggers her stuff is tame
fetal alcohol sydrom
Photoshop her to have a petite nose
I want to put a babby in her.
Why do you have to be racist?
Thats just your job Elsa
Nah you're sweet. Btw why are you streaming it? Money?
Is she Veeky Forums's official non-trap pornstar?
She's only known because she's on the most racist pornsite known to mankind
Thanks doc
And whats that?
Niggers dot com.
>you heard it here.