Training mostly Deadlift and Overhead Press

I want to revolve my lifting around the Overhead Press and Deadlift. I was previous doing 5x5 with all the compounds, but as I've transitioned into casual lifting, I really don't give a fuck about having a heavy squat or bench. The way I see it, those should be accessories for the exercises I really want to improve-- the OHP and Deadlift. I also row, clean, and am starting to transition into Olympic lifting.

Can anyone supply a template or recommend a program that builds on these two exercises? I'm an intermediate lifter, but I'm not familiar with any such thing.

imagine what all that is going to look like when she's 80

do squat bench and deadlift stupid fuck

ugly like all grandmas?

my grandmother doesn't have kitsch tattoos tho


Everyone looks like shit when they're elderly. That's such a rash and nonsensical phobia. I'd be more worried about the loss of job opportunity, but she seems content with her livelihood.

"aww man that 80yo would look banging if it weren't for all those tattoos " SAID NOBODY EVER.

I'm not talking about excluding those exercises, but I'm considering a higher rep range with variations of those exercises that suit the Deadlift and OHP more than the Squat and Bench themselves. The Bench can limit mobility and I really only do it for tricep work anyways.

It's not about looking good, but more about the retarded decisions you made when you were 20 haunting you for the rest of your life

Imagine if you had some sort of permanent mark of the cringey shit you did as a child/teenager

imagine if some retard thought this looked good now

Between the makeup, tattoos and died hair, I can't tell if this chick is 25 or 70.

those are nice perky boobies

she must be way hotter then user

thas what i'm sayin

>doesn't squat
>wants to do "Olympic lifting"


>be me
>work is slow for once.
>open blue board.. first image is what appears to be naked woman.

Not sure you're gonna find a template that only incorporates those two, that's pretty bare bones and kind of odd choices. If I were you I'd at least add some front squats and pull ups/chins. Add some GPP and endurance work and you're running Tactical Barbells Operator or Fighter templates.

Now, I hate tattoos as a rule but I quite like the cherubim with fractured faces, the lsd face on the sternum and the phrase everybody will eat you. Reminds me of watership down. The human molar on a thong round her neck might be a touch beyond the pale, tho. Clearly a mentalist.

Looks fuckin rad desu

What the fuck, guy? I just got fired from my job because I accidentally hovered over your picture and my boss thought I was looking at pornography.

>imagining some user trying to explain his underwater basket weaving forum to his boss

Deadlift means fuck all for olympic lifting
All good olympic lifters can squat heavy, just go watch a video of a clean and you will realize how retarded this is.

A back squat will help you improve your deadlift and clean.

The bench press will help you increase your overhead press.

The reason why rip have you to squat 3 times a week and dl 1 set every second workout is because the squat is really good at building up the deadlift.

The reason why he has bench press is because its a really good exercise for helping the OHP.

If you want to focus on the deadlift and OHP then make sure to do squats(often), heavy DB rows, dips or bench press.