So I went to the gym for the first time ever yesterday and worked on my arms since they are skinny as fuck. I did a lot of bicep work and no I can't even fucking straighten my arms. Its like they are cramped, and if I even try to straighten them there is severe pain? The fuck? Is this supposed to happen? It didn't even seem like I was overdoing it. They have been like this all day and I look like an idiot. Fuck this.
So I went to the gym for the first time ever yesterday and worked on my arms since they are skinny as fuck...
sorry if i typed that post like i'm an illiterate fuck. my fingers are all weak and shaky as well
oh no
happened to me to after my first time, couldnt put on a backpack for 2 days
How do parents let their children end up like this. It always blows my mind that there are so many parents so grossly incompetent and negligent, who fail so spectacularly in even the most basic duties as parents that their children cam end up so crippingly weak, underweight, overweight, etc. Thank god I wasn't born to degenerates.
Yes, the sensation you're currently feeling is weakness leaving your body.
You have: Doms.
Good luck fapping for the next week.
Its normal in about two weeks you will het used to it and wont recognize it anymore, just train another muslce group today, if your biceps warm up the pain will reduce
OP, soreness is the best feeling.
I love you and you're doing great, keep it going
I agree. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, they raised me in comfort and safety and I was never deprived of anything. But they were abject failures when it came to raising functioning, healthy men that were prepared for the reality of adult life.
Why would your biceps hurt when you straighten your arm? Nice b8 faggot
Same happened to me the first time I went to the gym. Don't worry it will get better in a few days. Don't let a little bit of pain stop you from getting what you want.
your forearms still get some work done when you do curls. OP is probably so weak his entire arm got doms now
lol this happens on everyones first time u retard. lasted for me about a week
Ah, the OTHER t-rex mode
It is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It is normal the first time you lift. It will feel worse tomorrow and maybe even worse the next day, but will go away in 4-5 days depending how much weight, how many sets, and how many reps per set you did. The next time you work your upper body it might take 3 days to go away. After 2 lifting sessions it will be minimal soreness and 24 hour recovery.
The good thing is that DOMS only affects the upper body because your lower body gets much more sustained weight from supporting your entire body weight frequently (aka walking). Do as much weight and as many reps as possible for your legs tomorrow to make up for the lost upper body gains for your first lifting session.
D e v i l i s h
I just started lifting again after 2.5 years off and I had crippling leg DOMS for 3 days and nightmare chest DOMS for over a week.
OP serious shit here, don't bother with too much static stretching for DOMS but doing mobility exercises (like you should be doing in your warmup) will drastically help return your natural range of motion, 10 minutes of pain a few times a day will make the rest of the time a LOT easier.
thats DOMs, it goes away in a week.Enjoy it while it lasts, because I actually miss them now.
>DOMS only affects the upper body
wtf, false
Not OP, but my dad was always a gym goer with a home gym. He taught me correct form, this is how all parents should be.
Even assuming OP's underage b& that's a fucking stretch.
Seriously, I can't walk for three days straight after doing leg work.
You think that's bad. I almost got my ass kicked and a threw out a joint.
>be me
>be uni undergrad
>Decide to go to local gym to get big.
>See everyone doing bicep curls and using dumbells
>realise I left mine at home
>Notice everyone is using the same brand as the ones on the display shelves.
>Some guy has 12kgs near him
>Ask if they're his
no... they're gyms.
>Say thanks and take them off him to start my excersises.
>he gets all pissy for some reason and wants a fight.
>I show try to show him tough by standing shoulder press with them.
>as the gyms dumbells get 75% above my head I can lift them no longer, my arms gave in and one lands on m head. I was apparently knocked out for a short while
>he trains legs
This. 100%
If you want to get gains, you need to be boosting your test levels by aggressively lifting. Your legs basically can't get DOMS unless you've been bedridden for like a month. Next time you lift, hit them legs real good and you'll give your next upper body workout a kickstart.
Disregard the trolls saying otherwise, they're just trying to hold you back
Is this a meme or something? Is it the new "toilets after leg day amirite"?
My parents were grossly incompetent about raising a fit child. It was pretty terrible. I didn't play any sports until 11th grade when I quit fucking band, and I was horribly unathletic. I'd learned to lift weights and put on some mass by that time but it made little difference
fuck off with that bitch ass shit
How short have you been lifting? My DOMS is very light these days, I can relieve it by stretching but when I started, it was a bitch but I worked through it.
skellies who dont walk more than 1km a day
Look up DOMS. It's normal.
And OP is a skelly who's never lifted a weight in his life and can't even straighten his arms now. Why the fuck would you think he won't get DOMS in his legs?
DOMS literally only happens to lazy skellies.
if op walks more than 1km a day he will be fine training legs.
no one uses their biceps as excessively day to day as they do their legs
it's a simple concept my dude
That's a big if, dude. The simple fact is, you absolutely can get DOMS anywhere, and to claim otherwise is just setting OP up to be bedridden.
>and to claim otherwise is just setting OP up to be bedridden.
>he typed it out and still doesn't understand
i interact with 5 year olds sharper than you
It's just doms dude, its completely normal if you havent used that musclegroup before.
It's actually a sign that you are doing the right thing. you can and maybe should start off easier with the weights if the soreness is too bad. but when you are new to lifting, this might be hard to calculate.
>keep lifting and the doms will disappear within the first 2-3 weeks brah. hang on
been lifting 2 years, if i do fairly high volume, slow descent explosive ascent squats i get DOMS like hell
I started going to gym two and a half weeks ago and I've been much doing same exercises every time 3-4 days a week, machines only.
And I do pretty much anything without "leg days" "chest days" etc.
I might have a possibility to come to gym 5 times a week, minus weekends.
Is it bad if I do same exercises 5 days in a row if my main goal right now is to lose weight? I'm chubby
I tried to google this question but most shit that comes up are meme articles and they all say that you need to rest same muscle group at least a day for it to grow effectively but I'm interested in losing weight and muscle from is secondary.
i really didn't want to have to spell it out for you but you're actually stupid as fuck
>when you realise the best days of Veeky Forums are behind you
>implying I fucking missed that
See Sorry I'm not interested in fucking over a rando who hasn't done anything stupid to earn it.
make a reddit post about it
>hurr sekrit club yada yada yada
go to bed
Like honestly, how much of a retard do you have to be to think people just weren't catching on to your dastardly scheme? Epic prank bruh.