He doesn't do standing military press at least weekly as one of your main compounds

>he doesn't do standing military press at least weekly as one of your main compounds
Whats your excuse to being a pussy?
>but it's bad for your shoulders and rotator cuffs
Yeah right. Stop being a pussy

I do twice a week, 1x6 for strength, 3x10 for hypertrophy

Most of fit does is OHP

Twice a week here as well.
Currently on 1pl8 for 4x8 on heavy days
0.8pl8 4x8 on light days

I had to stop squatting because bad knee, got the message yesterday that I have to stop deadlifting. So now it's just OHP and bench of the big lifts left... Can it be made with just those two compounds?

How much is 0.8 pl8? 50kg?

11x3 is better for hypertrophy bub

Somewhere around that.
I usually load 50-55 on light days

I do and i hoist the weight from floor to my chest. That's manly af.

I did 57,5kg 3x5 and did a few reps with lmao1pl8 before "cutting".

OHP & squats are probably the main lifts I do

That's not military press buddy

I'm doing 5x5 strict ohp with 85 kg/187 lb, only once a week as an assistance exercise for my bench. Took a long time to learn the proper technique though

My shoulders are way ahead of my chest, they don't need any more work than they already get.

Nice man, whats ur weight&height?

193 cm/6'4'' and 103 kg/227 lb. Competing at powerlifting in the 105kg weight class.

shiiieeeet I'm dreaming of passing the magical 100kg line some day. Started lifting at 182cm 65kgs 2 years ago. You must look pretty intimidating with those stats

>tfw my favourite exercise
>tfw my traps are disproportionately big

Like fake tits, I look unnatural but coupled with skinny hips/waist it could be worse

its my favourite lift but I cant do it now because of a wrist injury. I was like a week away from hitting 205 too

Being a pussy is doing something that breaks your spin

No thanks

One day "heavy" OHP 5/3/1 + 2 down sets
One day "light" OHP 5x5-8
One day Push Press 5x3

Im new Veeky Forums whats the diff between military and OHP?

also I read in one thread a week ago about making fun of people who OHP their powercleans, why is that wrong?

I only do seated shoulder presses because I have a low ceiling in my basement. Rippletits would probably fuck me up if he found out.

For standing, they are identical.

For seated, Seated Military Press has a narrower grip than the Seated Barbell Shoulder Press.

Ignore my last post For standing, SS says Military Press doesn't move the hips to start the weight, whereas with OHP you push your hips forward at the beginning of the Press when you're about to push it off your chest (though not after).

I'm almost at your same BMI @ 180cm x 88 kg!

i actually did ohp today, along with btn press and push press

did The Press today too.
Was supposed to do 56.25kgx5x5.
But Only managed to do 5 reps on 1st and 5th set, all others I couldnt' go past 4 reps .

I love OHP. 70kg x4 is my PB. 186cm/81kg.

Currently do them twice a week, 3x5 and 5x5 @80%5rm

I wouldn't say so, don't have the face for it. But it's better this way.
And don't give up, it takes a lot of time.

military press is GOAT. My favorite pressing variation

> mfw worked up to 125x4 but couldn't break 135x1

Thats called muscle snatch

I compete in powerlifting, no point.