On 5th month of accutane

>on 5th month of accutane
>face is clearer than it's ever been
>chest is a fucking warzone, still breaking out
>along with shoulders, back
>occasional crotch bump

Tell me it gets better Veeky Forums

I want the acne to go away


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Is Accutane worth it? I don't have bad acne, just enough to pop up anywhere it pleases pretty regularly.

Never got better for me even after accutane, sorry man :(


Just fix your diet bro

Pretty sure yours has never been as bad as mine

I did acutane in high school. had acne REAL bad on face and body, and it basically wiped it from me for good.
25 now and I almost never have pimples on my face, aside from a random one every now and then. I have a few on my back and chest, but hardly anything like I was in HS.
It gets better. Just try and deal with the dry, chapped lips. Those sucked ass

here is a more recent pic, only thing i have done is change my eating habits to less shit

yeah probably not

any acne still sucks though

how long did you do it for?

My shoulders, back and chest cleared up pretty quick, but my face didn't clear up properly until the 5th and 6th month.
How much are you taking? I was on 40mg a day for two months, then 60 until the end.

80mg a day

>Not taking 1g of accutane per 1kg of bodyweight

Not gonna make it


Done two seperate accutane treatments.

It goes away. Accutane always works it just takes time. Be patient - it's a vital life skill.

Expect your best results months after you FINISH your treatment.

Drink LOTS of water as it causes severe dehydration - but your underlying diet doesn't really do anything this is a myth.

Foods do not cause acne. Myth myth myth.



>mfw i took something like accutane for years and it only helped while on the stuff, but migraine was the price.
>mfw cleaned up my eating habits after finishing highschool
>mfn only has a single zit every once in a while
>mfn still butterface

Are you taking steroids? 'Cause if so, then no.

Anabolic steroids, especially testosterone and its analogues, increase sebaceous gland (sweat gland) activity. The resultant increase in sweat and oil output leads to a higher risk of your pores getting clogged, and these filled/clogged pores are a perfect reservoir for numerous types of bacteria. And, since your immune system is suppressed (the extent of which is up for debate, true, but the fact of it isn't), the bacteria are going to flourish and lead to worsening outbreaks. You may even wind up progressing to a type of malignant acne known as acne fulminans (pic related) that will lead to severe outbreaks and permanent scarring. Oh, and then the excess cardiac muscle growth will lead to cardiac hypertrophy, progressive heart failure, cardiopulmonary edema, and death. So at least you won't have to worry about the acne for long.

If you're not on steroids, consider using some sort of alcohol-based exfoliant on problem areas. Accutane (or isotretinoin) is an agent that causes premature death of sebaceous cells and therefore decrease sweat/oil output. However, areas like your chest/shoulders/armpits/etc are still going to be loaded with these cells, so a mild adjunct treatment will probably help your progress along.

Save up for laser treatment

If you wanna clear up acne on your body start swimming. Whenever I start to break out I start swimming a couple times a week. The chemicals in the water does a full body acne cleansing

I had some face acne and it has mostly gone away now. I am 99% sure whatever acne I do get now a days is caused by my face touching shit so either my hands or when I am in bed.

so clean your sheets people.

use coconut oil

I did 4 months of Accutane 15mg. Worked wonders my guy, no bs.

I had it really bad in the center of my chest, all over my back, along my neck and on my face.

There're still marks here and there but I imagine age and perhaps surgery could help me with that.

I grew from 6'2 to 6' 5" in a very short period of time (Dutch blood) so I have some pretty noticeable stretch marks on my back, too.

I started taking it January of 2016, in the middle of my senior year of HS. I didn't have everything else in my life in order, so shit kinda flew off the handle.

I dropped out of hs, distanced myself from people, started smoking a lot of weed again and popping pills (adderall, xanax).

It hit the fan eventually, car crash on the way to rob a liquor store. And I was diagnosed with depression due to he fallout of that, and I think accutane was partially to blame for everything.

Not like that's an excuse but I still scratch my head at why I would, in my right mind, want to do that stuff.

If you're gonna start Accutane just set your life to chill the fuck out mode and keep a stick of lip balm nearby and you'll be good.

Accutane fixed me right up within a month. That is one serious drug.

Tried everything before that. Lol internally when guys here recommend just to sleep with a towele on your pillow and your acne will be fine or some other home remedy. Accutane works for almost everyone.

OP, I dunno how you can resolve this. Maybe see your dermo again if it doesn't work after the prescribed time and see what they say. Say they keep you awake at night or something

I did 3 months of accutane for my back, and it made things way fucking worse for the entire 3 months. 2 weeks after I stopped, the whole thing cleared up and has stayed in great shape for the last 6 months. You'll see results when you come off it.

>Tried everything before that. Lol internally when guys here recommend just to sleep with a towele on your pillow and your acne will be fine or some other home remedy.
Yeah I did that too. Tried every dumbass old wives tale remedy and didn't get any results. Then the retards come like "bro you just gotta stop drinking milk and wash your face only twice a day with lukewarm water, it's so easy, why do you even have acne?"
Unfortunately I waited until I was 22 and my formative years were already ruined by feeling gross and having no confidence.

the towel is suppose to help prevent acne, not cure it if its already present. Have you tried using acne stop? its a high acid concentration. I used it and everytime it made my face fucking burn. skin would start to peel and look a lot better. dont touch/pick/pop the acne either. that will just make it worse and leave scars.

Daily reminder get your face fixed early before your acne causes permanent facial scars.

T. I started too late and the scars are here to wtay

Accutane will fuck you up physically and emotionally. It messes with your teenage hormones, i know it can cause chrones disease sometimes. Just get off it, acne either happens or it doesn't, dermatologists don't really know what causes it. Eat good, don't put too much on your face, maybe just a coconut/ plant based moisturizer and it'll go away. It'll suck but it'll go away, and pray you don't get chrones

I did Accutane and it worked. Before that I tried Clearasil, two types of gel, one prescription I forget the name of, three boxes of Lymecycline, Benzoyl peroxide gel, and a bunch of home remedies. Nothing except the Accutane worked.
Both my sister and brother needed Accutane too. We just have garbage skin genetics. I just took it too late. I mean I'm happy I took it, but I would have preferred to not spend every day in high school hating how I looked.

And by fixing your face i mean go see a doctor. I dont mean wash your face and sleep with a towel. You can do all this while you see a doctor anyway

Accutane saved my life. They were hesitant to prescribe it at the time (mid 90's) cause some fags allegedly killed themselves or something on it.
My doctor has put me on everything possible for a couple years prior but the acne just kept getting worse. My shoulders and face looked like a war zone. 2 months after starting accutane my skin started to clear up and after 5-6 months I was totally clear. No scarring on my face and a little on my shoulders. Only side effects I had were extremely dry skin and mouth.

TLDR keep using it it will work


>stop accutane and use coconut oil
Lol. I did accutane for a month about 5 years ago and have had maybe 3 spots in that time. Do you also wear a jap face mask on polluted roads

> what is reading comprehension for 200, Alex

accutane has literally given me perfect skin for life.

Keep in mind i'm greasy spic/italian

Taking it made my skin the face of mars though. After has been great.

>Had bad cheek acne
>Took acutane
>Dry skin hell
> No more cheek acne
> Very irregular temple and forehead acne instead
>Can go weeks without any break outs
>Then I'll get a bunch suddenly
> Alot better but I wish my temples and forehead didn't break out

At least your face is clear, that's good enough to not kill yourself.

Try to stay away from gluten, sugar and diary products. Especially the last two ones.
Fat food in general, like fries and shit is bad as well. Stick to plain food, like real bodybuilding food (ricem veggies, chicken) and you will see results.
Visit a solarium once a week or something too if you dont live where its sun. Helps a lot.
I have bad acne on my chest and back but my face is clear so I still get to fuck bitches.
Stayed in southeast Asia for six months and my skin has never been clearer, the sun and saltwater does magic. Also the food I ate there was really healty. Got back home and started eating western food again and it all came back, sucks dick.
Stay strong bro, it wont be there forever.


not even shilling I tried everything under the sun to get rid of my acne, and in desperate I bought some bullshit acne medication off amazon. it worked a miracle

I was all good at the end of month 3, just had dry lips for the rest of the treatment

>tfw 40mg

>You're welcome

accutane cleared my face up in like 3 months.

its been 6 or 7 now and my shoulders are just starting to subside, however that is mainly because i stopped using moisturiser

This kills the acne

Yeah kills both acne and the user in the process.