actual goal body thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>reg park
borderline manlet
anyone under 2 meters should just fucking kill themselves
Goal body
>tfw getting close to that guy
One more successful bulk and that could be me
>haven't reached goal body yet
>one more and ill be there meme
enjoy body dysmorphia
Ab routine?
>enjoy body dysmorphia
What did he mean by this?
3 sets of ab wheel twice a week. That's it.
You actually look better tbqh famalam
you are already very slightly bigger you dysmorphic nerd
I struggle to have the same goal body two days in a row, some days I want to be shredded, some days a mass monster. I fuck up my diet and training consistently.
If you are a quadriplegic using eye tracking software to browse Veeky Forums you are likely gonna make it before me unless I sort out my attitude.
What helps determine a singular goal as to not only look good in your eyes, but envision you becoming it to the point of basing your entire lifting life around it?
He's NOT bigger, he's just more cut. He does look fantastic though
The true path
my first mancrush when he was in stargate atlantis
How long will this take?
u didn't leave ur specs
depends how long it takes for you to stick your dick in another guys butthole
Why is he making that face?
you're broadly speaking bigger, though he has larger lats, your chest is much better though
seriously merlin'
This much samefagging.
depends how much longer you need to make your torso
get hit by a car x 1
get reconstructive surgery x f
>no traps
>no lats
>no neck
>shit forearms
looks weak
I would kill to have a chest like that
>trying this hard
You sound like a fucking poser
I wonder what kind if program he has.
Post your physique
He's 6'4 and weighs 105kg in that pic
Is he natty guys? personally i dont think so especially that he is 198cm which is about 6'6
Hail Chanka
you could lift weights instead of killing someone
Nice goal my man, guy looks aesthetic af
You made it senpai
I'm so far from my goal body it sometimes make me sad, its so hard to bulk on a budget.
Goat body thread*
so he is in exceptionally good shape, his career depends on his physique and he likely has great connections in hollywood to ''anti-aging'' doctors and roid dealer personal trainers
why the hell would he stay natty?
Because it's like Cristiano Ronaldo. He is in exceptionally good shape, his career depends on his physique and he likely has great connections in FIFA to "anti-aging" doctors and roid dealer personal trainers
why the hell would he stay natty?
Because that is achievable as a natural. There are people right now browsing fucking Veeky Forums who look like Cristiano Ronaldo and they do it for free. If something building their physique has COST them money.
There is no reason why a guy whose life depends on it couldn't do this naturally.
Sticking with this meme.
>they do it for free
that's the gyno limit before they don't let you act with your shirt off.
train your neck jeez how can you live with that pencil neck
Zac Effron on those pictures he was caught on set for baywatch
can you get that shit natty? I'm really low on bf% now and going to bulk up soon but I've noticed now that I can really see a difference on my body when I have a pump from the gym and when I'm on rest days, I look filled and juicy when with my pump but when resting it's more depleted
Currently skelly, 40 inch chest and 28 inch waist with pencil arms and small pecs, how to get to this?
height? jason momoa is 6'4 tho
They made him look bigger on GoT
wew lad, never expected this many (You)s
nah, but thanks for the mires though
I guess I'll start doing that
Not even close. 5'9 about 160lbs
You look great, homeboy.
you're bigger though
Eat at a surplus and lift for a year or two m8.
This ain't rocket appliances
This and only this.
nigga are you even trying
>tfw the optimum of aesthetics is not natty
i think he meant a lot of people just say 1 more bulk or 1 more year and then ill reach my goal bod. in reality, another one of those things go by and then they arent happy. then they say it again ad infinum.
Don't even know why he kept bulking after this
everytime I see this guy he seems smaller and smaller
>no lats
>no v taper
>roiding for this body
'Optimum of aesthetics'
Not hard to get to but small goals are good in the long run
Not hard to get? You serious?
Her legs/core are amazing, that takes good training
>Small dick
>Small lats
>High calves
>Derp face he has to hide behind beard
7/10 is the best I can give him
Goat Mode is life
>Not hard to get
She is huge for a woman
Looks good, user. But Jason Momoa is huge heighwise (6'4/6'5) so don't focus on mass exclusively compared to him. You already seem to have enough for your frame.
Unless you're the same height, in which case disregard what I just said
cardio (HIIT), and ab work. Circuit training for upper body, and no leg days
Damn, Veeky Forums has really done a number on you if you think that's is the epitome of aesthetics.
What this board considers good looking is very different to what the rest of the world population does.
but it ia not that expensive, especially compared to the possible rewards.
5% of your favourite buff actors and sportsmen are natty so weep
I really just need to cut and do an hour or two of cardio a day lmao. And stop drinking whiskey.
>inb4 cut in half x F
Best mode is Achilles mode. Period.
who gives a shit what others think