Eating raw minced meat

Does it have more protein/calories when consumed raw?

I'd purchase a pound of A grade minced meat and devour half of it raw. It tastes amazing, my digestive system has no issues with it and I haven't felt any side effects.


Chances are high that it's lower in calories since nothing has been added too cook it. If I where you I would only eat it from a trusted source though.

Food generally has more calories when cooked.

you're either a vampire or have serious stomach issje

Less, generally. Humans tend to be crap at extracting nutrition from raw food.

Fucking Ethiopians...

It would be higher in calories because when you cook it, the fat melts and leaks out

Is this a joke?
Do people do this?
What gives, Veeky Forums?

Hmm valid point.

If you cook it via oven or without any frying oils or shit, then it has noticeably less calories because the fat just melts off and drips everywhere.

Also the human stomach can't efficiently digest raw meat from most land animals and I'm not even adding the whole food poisoning thing that will take away 2-4 weeks worth of gains.

nice, I remember that thread

ever heard of steak tartare?

tru my dude.
Cooking our food was revolutionary to our species evolution. Our brains developed so fast in a smaller (relatively) timespan thanks to this sudden increase in nutrition from meats. We have to thank our forefathers for the brains gains we enjoy today.

Our bodies can digest meat better when its cooked. Therefore, cooking your meat means a greater amount of food will be digested and less energy expended.

and bacteria

and tapeworms

>post yfw kneegrows dont know about mettbrötchen

Are you talking about the 'boiled out the calories' meme?

Because user just states an obvious fact in no way deservant of a thread

Since it's not cooked you get less out of it, so lezz calories, proteins and fat. The only thing you get more of is bacteria and parasites


So, if I cook my dogs meals every day, one day he might return the favour?

We had it on the school menu. I was the only one to ever go for third seconds.