How do I achieve this level of symmetry?

How do I achieve this level of symmetry?

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just use the one arm for smashing all the hater trolls

Why has he got gyno now


That has to be shooped.

he's only flexing one side

poor guy delet this you are evil op

All he does is lift, so how does he still look like shit after so many years>

He has scoliosis obviously you retards

>def not using barbells
>even machines would even you out

What the fuck has this guy been doing? One arm rows?

>def not using barebells

It's most likely a result of rowing with a mixed grip, but not alternating the grip ever

He's flexing opposite trap and lat.

Try it out sometime, you can really make your body look fucked depending how far you tweak it

Not just rows, but deadlifting and shrugs too.

Is this a deformation that retards have?
>tfw jason literally is bigger than me
cos he's natty
>posing in a public bathroom

>Peak male performance

>cos he's natty
Someone find that video where Jason talks about all the gear he was running.

desu Jason's mentally retarded he doesn't know what he's saying half the time, hence why he lies constantly. It's the fact there is literally no other spastics in the bodybuilding world that makes it so other bodybuilders can't understand him.

Retards lie and do stuff like that because they think they're getting a positive reaction from their peers, he has no clue what he says.

those fucking comment have me crying



>get doctor to diagnose you with a mental handicap
>use that to get hired as a cashier at a local grocery
>use 100% of your spare time to lift weights poorly and eat however you want
>take shitty IG photos of your mongoloid poses in piss-stained shorts
>get slapped on camera by an even more cringe-worthy youtube bodybuilder
>gain a cult following of fellow gymcels that troll/dox other youtubers into feigning respect for you on camera

I.e., you dont have to do much.