What the fuck is wrong with my wrists / hands.
My elbow is placed in such a weird angle that makes it look like my hands are broken.
Wrist is literally skelly mode.
Is this some disorder? please help.
Please help fit
You lost the lottery friend-o. At least you're not fat. You're gonna have to pin, I'm sorry.
yeah it's called you eat 1200 calories a day disorder
What's your height/weight
What the fuck is this disorder or something?
Should i go to therapist?
My elbow is literally bend in such autistic way.
I am 192-194 cm (6'3)
Weight fluctuates between 73-76 kgs
convert it into metrics.
get a tan and eat
Straighten your arm?
ayy lmao
Mate, if i relax my arms my elbows lock into this position. I have to rotate my arms / shoulders so i get into normal position, and you can still see elbow sticking out.
its pretty much this
you look completely normal you fucking retard.
Instead of worrying about your toothpick arms how about you eat a couple hamburgers and lift heavy shit.
I have a friend who is same height as me and has lower weight and he doesn't have this fucked up elbow problem. I legit think it's an disorder.
you are spoopy skelly mode, you've got no muscle in your arms & forearms. Rolled shoulders will also make your thumbs turn inwards like that
>have 14yo
>go to Veeky Forums, my alpha males secret club on 4chins
>got bombarded with manlet, lanklet, wristlet, dicklet, forearmlet, tainlet, gflet threads for 13 hours straight
>develop SSBD (sudden severe body dysmorphia)
>life: ruined
yet another victim
I-i am not underage.
and this shit is for real, i can't do cable chest flyes because my elbow is bent is such a weird way. I had this problem for years, and everyone commented on it. So it's not a recent thing. I just don't know to which therapist i should go to for this?
whatever it is we can't see it in those pics OP
just go to the fucking doctor
Are you talking about the top of your hands facing outwards?
keep ur hand straight
>that total lack of body hair
Either a twink faggot or underage, surely.
something looks really un natural about his arms hbt. I think his forearms are too long, not sure.
I can't see him ever filling out those biceps
Stop being a bitch and eat, are you retarded or something
Why the fuck are you doing cable chest flyes?
Keep it simple stupid. You weigh 150lbs soaking wet. Do a compound press 3 times a week (a heavy day and a volume day alternating) and eat about 800 more calories. Stick a pull up bar on your door and do a few reps every time you pass it.
Worry about accessory when you aren't at risk of being snapped in half by a stiff breeze. Get the basics done properly and then fuck about with other shit.
Your elbows are fine, they shouldn't hang dead straight. Stretch your pecs if you think you have a problem.
Korean Marilyn Manson Mode.
How do I into /nosferatu/ mode?
eat you fucking retard
t. 6'4" who used to be 170 and am now 220
How did u get so fluorescently white?
The disorder is called lanketism. You're a lanket.
ayy lmao
you're like that delusional buzzfeed fatty that couldn't reach her hip with her arm around her stomach so she said the model must've had long arms
go to a doc idiot
just lift weights, pic related
son, sorry to have to tell you, but you have a normal human body. it changes based on what you do it in terms of nutrition and activity-- i.e., in terms of your decision making about eating and exercise. it has zero to do with genetics or anything other than your behavior.
you don't being skinny? eat
you don't like being weak? lift
you want sympathy? go somewhere else
you mean tren hard and test yourself ?
wait what, can i have sauce i need to see this
Misshapen muscles can be the result of using improper form while doing lifts. Please check your form while doing curls or other arm exercises. Your bicep should be the main muscle working, not your forearm. Make sure you are gripping the handles of weights properly.
Also check your dads forearms. Do they look like that? Then its genetic
>Misshapen muscles can be the result of using improper form while doing lifts
spicey new broscience
if you can do 90 degrees on your wrist dorsiflexion and palmar flexion then you're fine.
You just have an ugly wrist.
Lanket disease