So I want to get down to about 140ish, and am currently a 200 pound fatty. Can I lift weights with cardio to lose weight or if I lift weights will I not be able to get that light?
So I want to get down to about 140ish, and am currently a 200 pound fatty...
eat less
cardio sucks unless you like doing cardio
lifting optional
read sticky fat fuck
No, you have reached your set point and will never EVER lose any weight EVER. You should just learn to accept your body as it is op, post it so that I can tell you how beautiful that you are :)
It's pretty repulsive
Diet is by far the most important thing when it comes to weight loss.
If you don't eat less, you have to exercise enough to justify eating so much, which for a fatty, is usually not possible.
Now don't say that :( Post pic friendo
Right, I was told if I lift weights I'll stay in the 170-180 range even if I lose fat
That's really simplistic.
What's your height?
How's your diet currently?
I'm grill so inb4 manlet.
Currently the plan is to eat simply veggies, meat, oats, and fruits which I've been doing pretty good for a couple of weeks
Okay, well that is seriously overweight. Don't bother lifting until you are at a healthier weight.
Focus on diet as the top priority. Cardio every single day, it doesn't have to be super intense, but make sure you push yourself.
Also count calories! It sucks, but it is the only way to know whether you are eating to much or to little.
That makes sense. I was afraid I would have to start counting calories, thought I could get away with as long as I eat clean food to the point where I'm full and not stuffed I'd be good to go. The cardio makes sense though, I appreciate it
eat less calories than you expend
that's it
You don't have to count calories for the rest of your life mind you. Just do it until you really understand how many calories certain foods have etc, then you will find it easy to portion appropriate amounts of different foods for the rest of your life. This is a valuable skill.
Clean food is of course a good start, just make sure your ratio's are good. For weight loss eat filling, but lower calorie foods such as vegetables and brown rice with small portions of lean meat.
Good luck with it all OP. If you try, you will lose weight.
Oh, and be realistic with yourself. It will take time to lose so much weight. It will be a slow process. So don't give up after a month because you aren't seeing results. It is a long term thing.
Oats during a cut are not really necessary, and fruits have a lot of sugar. Only veggies and meat, at least until you don't crave sugar and carbs that much.
Also don't add too much salt to the food, and try to drink only water (or infusions without sugar). Soft drinks, even diet ones, are a bad idea.
First of all you need to get used to eat healthy.
eat less food you fucking disgusting fuck
shift your diet to almost entirely protein and get more vegetables in it.
Drink more water.
Most importantly eat less.
So is it true diet sodas can prevent from weight loss? With all their additives and shit?
Nah, but they don't help because they make you crave sweets, and right now you need to build your character. Plus they're bad for your teeth, and gas makes you look bloated.
This doesn't mean you should quit diet sodas (or even soda) forever, just keep in mind that eathing healthy isn't a matter of a couple months and then go back to stuff your pighole with garbage but a way of living.
Some day you will find that you can indulge yourself every now and then with a burger with an ice cold Coke, but now you need to learn how to follow a healthy diet.
You're right. I'm really grateful for the insight
Stay strong, my friend. Stay strong and I promise that you gonna make it.
Browse the /fathate/ threads for inspo.
After a while, when you develop experience, you will be able to accurately eyeball most regular foods you eat and, from experience, know what your tdee is for your activity level and understand better the relationship between food and fluctuations in your weight.
But this takes time and experience, and you have to learn it by getting your hands dirty and tracking calories. EVERYTHING you eat or drink. There are no "doesn't count" candies or cookies.
If you are serious about cutting, you have to approach it like a reasoning adult, not a "gimme gimme I want it now" child which, I'm sorry to say, is exactly the mentality of fat people. No snacks whatsoever. Every meal you eat now has a purpose: to give you the right amount of macronutrients and calories to reach your daily goal, which is a small piece of your long term goal.
The most important lesson I've learned from lifting is that this whole journey doesn't really depend on physical strength, it's about mental strength. The strength to say no to an extra portion because you know perfectly well you have eaten exactly the right amount of calories and nutrients to be healthy and to cut fat at a healthy rate, but your brain at that moment is being a whiny child begging for an ice cream.
You need to silence that shit and look at the bigger picture.
You can do it but it means your body and your personality will change. But it will change for the better. Your fat friends will hate you and you'll meet many gainz goblins trying to derail your progress. You need a lot of mental strength for this, and I wish you all the luck in the world.
But know that it won't be easy for you, because it's lack of mental strength that creates fat bodies in the first place. We are here for advice and support but it's YOUR journey, and only you can walk it.
You're gonna make it, but you have to really want it.
ITT: Great advice
Lifting weights doesn't make you impervious to weight loss. You will lose weight if your calorie intake is below your TDEE, whether or not you're lifting. Lifting just improves your body composition and keeps you from being such a disgusting skinnyfat once you've achieve your weight loss.
Fix your diet, start lifting now, and enjoy your weight loss. Cardio is optional.
OP is either an extreme manlet or a woman. I'm a 5'11 black dude who weighs 197-200lbs, and I barely escaped skelly mode.
>Don't bother lifting until you are at a healthier weight
This is really bad advice. Lifting weights significantly increases your TDEE, aiding in weight loss. You can and will increase your lean body mass as a beginner, if you'e losing weight. You will get strong. You will look infinitely better at the end of your cut if you've been lifting weights than if you just did cardio. The people that don't lift while losing weight look like disgusting skinnyfat garbage. The people that lift while cutting look much, much better.
This is all true. The reason I stated otherwise is this person is 200Ibs and 5'4. For health reasons, particularly heart health, cardio is more important for someone this heavy given the strain obesity places on your cardiovascular system. Improving health needs to be the first priority. I aslo made the assumption that OP is living a nearly inactive lifestyle.
Certainly if OP sticks to improved nutrition and simple daily cardio at that point I would recommend lifting.
But, in this is a lesson for OP. People disagree all the time about health and fitness. Do your own research.