>225 lbs
wanna cut 40 lbs but am lacking motivation. Any advice?
The fact you actually made this thread is proof enough you are never gonna make it
Just kill yourself now
just do it bro, you can do it. be disciplined and patient. you can do this
thanks man. I guess I'll give it a go
Here's my advice
I fucked around for years looking like shit and then one day I just decided to get off my ass and get shit done. I started eating only healthy foods and hitting the gym at least 5 times a week. Did I lose motivation sometimes? Yes, I did. You know what I did when I lost motivation? I got completely naked, looked at myself in the mirror and asked if I was happy with how I looked. I wasn't. Another way to boost motivation is to look at people who look better than you and tell yourself you can achieve their physique. Because you can. Get off your ass and get shit done.
This picture should be your motivation.
u fat ... feel motivated yet?
Just stare at your picture
If that doesn't motivate you to lose weight, then I don't know what will
You are asking to be inspired, motivation comes from within.
ur an ugly piece of shit
Bro.. look at yourself. You might have a gf right now.. and she says she loves you. And she might.. but your an asshole for letting her date someone as fucking unhealthy as you.
She deserves better..you deserve better. Fucking wake the fuck up.
I'm your height and was disgusted with myself at 200 lbs. I can't imagine how you're able to live with yourself when you have a big sack of jiggly flab for a gut and two massive tits.
At 200 lbs I could feel my stomach jiggle every time I hit a bump in the road. How are you okay with a body that shakes like jello every time you take a step?
Just go ahead and off yourself.
> Any advice?
Get motivated. No way around it. You need to want it to achieve it.
Motivation is over rated.
It can be useful as a kickstart but routine is far better.
Just keep at the diet and exercise until it becomes the norm.
You are going to fail, probably many times, but one day it will click.
This is the best advice.
Make it routine.
The motivation for doing so should be found in everyday things. I once got motivation from asking a girl out on second date and got rejected. That actually helped me a lot.
Kys you are selv
Nothing stops you from being jacked. If you lack of motivation, you're just fucking stupid. You can choose between being a fat and unhealthy NEET or being an attractive and healthy man. The better choice is pretty obvious amrite?
>am lacking motivation
have you tried looking into mirror?
Dude, read the fucking sticky.
You're fat because you're an idle lazy fuck and making this thread proves it. Make an effort to help yourself first and read the fucking sticky. If you have some specific question then come back, but you can fuck off with your lazy "I'm fat, what do?" thread.
Fuck off and read the sticky.
cutting is a marathon.
just be consistent, even on a bad day, where you feel like giving up.
Eating you kcal on point for a week is easy, but doing it over six months is hard.
>lacking motivation
You should have enough just by looking at yourself in the mirror each morning. That´s what i use.
>I got completely naked, looked at myself in the mirror
This. I do this too, and it really helps. When I'm alone at home I'm usually always shirtless, just so I'd have to face my body every single moment.
When I used to slip and eat too much, I always hid my body from myself with a big sweater to sweep the ugly truth under the rug.
Cut your head off
Move your fatass
That pic should be motivation enough
Look at how disgusting your body is. That should be enough motivation
is that gyno or chest fat
will losing bf even fix that
Motherfucker listen
You need to crave this goal or you will never make it, first thing on your mind when you wake up, and last thing before sleep needs to be the vision of what you will become. Make it your priority, invest everything you have into this, don't be a pussy, just fucking get up and go, look at yourself before bed in the mirror and pick every aspect of your body you hate, then use that when you're in the gym.
Think of how repulsed you are by whatever it is and just keep your mind focused on what you want to transform it into.
Self pity will get you nowhere, sweat your ass off in the gym, just stop being a lazy fuck and be a man, a man who goes and gets what the fuck he wants.
think about your health
nice another one for the klinefelter's folder
have a look in the mirror faggot, you look like fat piece of shit
you are your own motivation, if you don't want to loose weight, trust me no one will, the fact is die Veeky Forums or die trying.
if looking in the mirror doesnt give you enough motivation then kys
>i want to do shit but i don't want to actually do it
just give up.
> dat gyno
this is what is wrong with america. motherfucker has that much gyno and belly fat but has zero motivation to do anything about it because why bother
i was like you once and getting fatter. my girlfriend started making jokes but i could tell she was getting pissed because she made the effort to be in really good shape for me. i felt like shit and started dropping weight and hitting the gym. dropped 40 pounds and still workout 4 times a week. girlfriend who is my wife now said she was pretty close to dumping me for being a fat lazy fuck. Thank god i changed because my wife is awesome and hot. most women don't want fat fucks and if you want them to be in great shape, you need to be too. nothing worse than a fat fuck complaining about his fat ass wife.
>asking for motivation
fukin lmao just kill urself u fat fuck never gonna make it