Day 4, im dying senpai
No fap advice
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wear jeans at the computer, less temptation to play with your dick than sweatpants or joggers
>another user falls for the nofap meme
just do noporn bro
this desu desu, although in the beginning it's easier to cut out porn and masturbation together. Then when you start wanking again don't watch porn
Its more about self control and no having to high expectations from women desu, and fuck me do I want to get laid
No fap is such bs. Every time I no fap I lose all sex drive, I got prostate problems once by not rapping for a month. Now I fap 3 times a week, just try not to use porn. My sex drive is high and I get random elections all the time.
>tfw noporn turns you into president of the united states
Lmao autocorrect.
Nice tip senpai
I wish I had a sexdrive. No fap is ridiculously easy, nothing except boredom even brings me close to relapsing.
do I have low test?
resist bro, i assure you it's worthy the effort. I just finished one month, and after the 1st week it was really easy, except for yesterday...
>oozing confidence since day 6
>found the willpower to make a nice thing for a grill who i had just met
>grill becomes a regular
>old side grill calls me, we hang out, new one gets mad and ask for some time to think
>Hitting the month and these bitches makes me crazy, i just want to give up, let's check /gif/
>see my pornfu on /gif/, dick grabs my hand
>workout like a madman
>sleep with great satisfaction and accomplishment
>today i motivate you
>tomorrow you'll motivate me
Post more
I'll add (on the minus side) that with new grill (day 10 to 25) I couldn't come, like at all. So i'm hardmode and not happy. But I feel very confident, somehow.
A week passed
Keep up senpai
I haven't fapped but watched porn
Just watched without fapping or touching muh dick
It's ok right?
that's exactly the opposite of what you should be doing
fapping in moderation to your imagination = completely fine
porn = bad
But your brain cant tell the difference between whats real and imagination so wont imagining porn have the same bad effects as watching porn?
you're right. you shouldn't be imagining porn. you should be thinking of a girl in real life, and they key part is to enjoy the actual sensation, not the idea of fucking someone
don't furiously jerk off like you do when you watch porn. take it slow and just enjoy the pleasurable feeling.
I'm getting headaches and got no energy, is this normal?
Other than that I'm getting boners random thru out the day which is nice i guess
that's your brain trying every dirty trick it can to get you that hit of dopamine you're so used to
B-b-but bustin' makes me feel good
fuck man, feels bad
Just gotta make it to the flatline, then you'll pretty much forget you have a dick for a while
Currently on day 34:
Trust me, it really does get progressively easier and most importantly you do get benefits creeping in.
user it's about discipline, you can't be a alpha Veeky Forumsizen without discipline, you can prove to yourself now that you're disciplined and in control of your own body.
Days 3-5 are hardest for me.
On day 4 I would probably hit most of the women in a nursing home. And like half the men probably.
It gets easier after that.
Explain this. Fapping is cumming. Is cumming the issue?
What if I get laid every day of the week? And even then, every day I fap twice before work (only need like 10min), twice after work, and usually twice when I get laid. In my teens 10 a day was not unusual. I'm 33 now.
I suggest you watch "your brain on porn" and see if it resonates you
this past 2 years I've fucked over 50 girls. I genuinely want to have a healthy relationship but as soon as I fucked someone i lose almost all attraction to them and want to find someone new.
After I watched your brain on porn I realised my addiction to porn is what's causing these problems
To be honest just ask yourself: If you wanted to give up fapping, would you be able to do it? If the answer is no then your brain is wired wrong. simply put your brain craves the dopamine so much that it overrides the sensible part of your brain (prefrontal cortex) that wants you to stop and forces you into doing it
During the last year I've fucked more than 200 guys. Probably more but that's a conservative estimate. What can I say. I'm a fit tall white guy in Southeast Asia and I can't keep up with Grindr requests.
Funny you should mention the relationship thing. I, too, generally get bored with a hook-up after the third visit. Most I don't invite back after three. But some are just so amazing at sex that I have a small xls file to rotate them so that I don't see anyone of my regular boys more than once every two weeks, precisely to avoid them getting attached to me or me attached to them.
I don't jerk off to porn usually. It's all imagination.
how do you fix the 'wanting to find someone new and losing all attraction after the hook-up?"
I suffer from this and I'm not really sure why.
Gays have little to no self control so you can't blame yourself for that.
Enjoy your testicular cancer
just watch this for 5 minutes from the timestamp
after i saw this it was like the clouds parted and a heavenly beam was shining down upon me. I finally understood the root cause of all my problems and it made perfect sense
>day 13 or so of nofap
>first 2 or 3 days were hard
>had a wet dream, woke up with cum-drenched pants
>almost no urge to fap since then
>browse /thicc/ and /fit girl/ threads no problemo
>went out last night, got drunk. Some chick (who has a bf) was hitting on me
>"If I didn't have a bf"
>"I love my bf, but"
>"I can't believe you're single, we'll find you a gf"
>today I feel like fapping, have a semi and play with my dick
>so far I've resisted
huh, the dopamine being released for the anticipation- and the novelty, were really interesting points I didn't know.
>Stopped jacking it
>Stressed out from school
>all I want is a thicc Hispanic gf
>have nearly lost interest in my sweet aryan gf
What do I do
>What do I do
Well you could stop making shit up on the internet, maybe that will make you feel better
Also since Trump wants to deport all mexicans better hop to getting one before its too late
This, nofap is utter bullshit
if porn is wrecking you, stop it.
if masturbation is wrecking you, dial it back a bit
Even if these sources people are throwing out about nofap not helping testosterone weren't nonsense conjecture it is still so obviously true that it boosts your feelings of confidence and desire to achieve.
you can fap just no porn you idiot, also no death grip.
tips to get laid?
I might be able to finish no fap 2017.
-Never been a quick fapper, so I'm having considerably more time for other things now.
-Flaccid penis is bigger, doesn't matter, but I kinda like it.
-Feel more like an adult, because I feel like fapping is a teenage thing, which is only a subjective view.
-Should I ever get a gf, I wont have to explain to her what kind of porn I consume, I think she'd probably appreciate that I'm in control of my sexuality.
-Erections improved.
Man up you wuss
Week 5 here. The random flashes of lust are beginning to start, from experience I know they really drive me nuts by about week 9. Aiming for 11 weeks to beat my previous 72 day record.
Porn is psychological slavery, and masturbation is a waste of your vitality. Defeat the Fap Jew and you will be rewarded with confidence, serious gains and a fresh outlook on life
that feeling when blueball
Someone tell me the benefits of nofap
Week 2 is the worst for me and I need a reminder of why I'm doing this
day i cant even count any more and its so easy i never even think about it, no effort
feel great not digicucking anymore
Same. I probably do. I used to get a boner just from washing my dick in the shower, now I hardly ever bother jerking off.
I could definitely get hard if I was with a girl, but I don't have that voracious appetite. I'm only 26. I'm fucked.
made me chuckle