Post symmetric strengths

been lifting for 2.5 months and have generally gone from untrained to novice in most of my lifts. Do you think I can reach intermediate lifts by the end of the year?

5'11", 173 lbs


>173 lbs

You'll need to be bulking, hitting ~195 lbs by the end of the year. What's considered intermediate at that weight you probably can't lift, because your bf% is ~18.

Post-cut tho'.

Manlet here. I was an untrained in November last year.


kinda this, though it depends on what your short term goals are. You should really consider going on a small surplus of calories and focus on putting on as much muscle as possible. Hope youre not thinking of cutting because by the stats you posted youre probably skinnyfat

I don't know how to press, keep stalling, while the progress is linear on other main lifts. Been doing SS for 3 weeks.

You've been working out for 3 weeks that's why, be patient

The press is the least technical exercise though

Starting to see some green finally.
Started lifting at a maintenance diet in May. Switched to Bulking in late September. Doing a 4 day split.
Currently 6' 185lbs.

thats hardly enough time to know anything. Youre first 6 months of lifting is pretty much doing everything with shitty form anyways

5'8 140lbs, lifting 6 months.


>tfw mix of intermediate and proficient, except shoulders still novice

Fuck this shoulder injury. No way to fix it without quitting my job as a mechanic.

Post body, I want to either see this freak of nature for reals, or eat my words

Lads how do I into deadlift? I have 1,2, (almost 3) but dead is stuck at 3? Should I use mixed grip or just grind out 4 on double overhand


>Do SS

I use mix grip for anything over 245. Straps for anything over 335.

More like be an ex-fatass that used to go to the gym and just leg press

I ain't posting anything till I start cutting. I'm like 18% bf right now and I hate myself.

Don't know my actual 5RM, so i roughly guesstimated based on my work sets.

6'1", 199.9#, 5 months

Fuck you OHP, why you so weak

n00bie here, I use mixed grip once i reach 225 (315 5RM). Keep trying for double overhand as much as you can, or start doing farmer's walks. BB rows helped me gain some grip strength too, over DB rows

>Subpar in everything

Tfw deadlift is your only decent lift

forgot to say, lifting 2 years.gone from cardiwhore to relatively respectable lifts for a gril

pls be my gf

Post the numbers I want to see what is considered respectable for girls

bw 60kg
Squat 90
Dead 135
Bench 60
OHP 40

Height and weight?

About 5'2"

2 months on ss
bench lagging behind hard

Holy shit, there is that womenzilla in my gym that benches 2 pl8s, is she world class then?

>Girls dont give a fuck about legs
God I hope this is true

Drop OHP and bench 3x a week instead. Bench needs lots of volume senpai

Maybe. I'd rather do the program as is

thats fckn mental, how much she weigh?

Are you failing reps on bench regularly? If you you either need to bench more, start using microplates, or gain more weight

5'11" -- 190#

I've been stuck at 50kg for good two weeks now. Today I did paused bench with 47.5kg.

What weights did y'all start out with for SS? Is 100 too much for bench? Should I have just started with 60 like it said?

I'm just decent at pullups

I look super skeleton

But gauge yourself, you should start a bit below

year and a half lifting
ive had athletic background tho
1,8m 88kg

Do a warmup set with just the bar (45lbs) and see how it goes.

If it seems like you could do a lot of them, at least 10, then try 95lbs total.

But when you lift a new record you haven't tried yet, just lift the bar directly above where it rests and gauge whether its a lot.

i turn 18 in 2hrs. wonder if this post gets me banned lmao

The user telling you to change the program may not have tried SS. Stick to the program, and microload. There are some cheap micro plates on amazon. I'd argue that dropping $50 is worth it though, because I have been using the same plates for years now.

Im the user who suggested dropping ohp in favour of more bench volume. I did SS and got good results, but skipping ohp in vavour of more bench volume would help op progress faster

I do agree about microplates tho

other things that would hep are:
>Improving technique
>gaining bw
>adding volume through dips/close grip bp (which ripp recommends anyway)


Add more dips and incline/decline bench accessories.

I'm not sure I would guess 65 kg's if I had to she is pretty stacked tho, manshoulders and all

Penlay row is way too high. Suspect cheating

It's fine, Pendlay rows generally are the highest of the newbie lifts that people make progress on. Tapers off since it is a very focused lift. Usually a sign if back pain in the lower back.

No serious deadlifter does no-strap, double overhand forever. The only idiots who keep spouting bullshit about it are forever DYELs.

Expecting your forearms to keep up with your entire fucking back, hamstrings, and glutes is really fucking dumb. Go as far as you can with double overhand, but don't let it stall your progress.

For instance, I'll do double overhand all the way up to 315, but at 365, 405, and 455 I'll mix grip (hook grip if you prefer, which is probably the way to go).

Will consider. Thanks

L O N D O N ?

any tips on getting a better bench?

bench more

bench more in different rep ranges
bench more often
focuse on bar path and technique, something is really off if you can pull 230 put cant press 2plates

105kgs is over 2pl8s though. But yeah he should bench close to 3pl8s compared to his DL and SQ.

Just stopped being underageb&, been lifting for about 5 months and "recovering" from a very inactive and unhealthy youth
I feel like I'll make it if I keep working

It's good that you feel satisfied.
You need to eat more though.

Okay it was pretty easy to do 5x5 with 100 lb, I'll keep going with that


6'5 230

tfw pressing with 6'8 wingspan

Unrelated, but are you an artist? I see you have a graphics tablet because of that pressure sensitivity in the writing.

5'10, 170 lb.

I wish to become yellow.

Alright, going back to madcow 5x5 with focus on upperbody. would that work? I'll be hitting some type of bench everytime I go in

this is an absolute truth. Only weak people, or people on serious juice will advocate 4ever double overhand.

5'9 163

How do I into better forearms and pecs? I do my flyes as accessories yet it never seems to amount to much. Also how to lats.

after using hook grip for so long, I can never go back. Although for some reason I can't do hookgrip rack pulls, why is that? is it cuz my grip is weak?

Indeed I am, a tablet makes everything so much easier

holy shit is that in pounds? Boi you need to bullllk...

bad stats by /fit's standards, also t-rex

5'6 inb4 manlet

Started lifting last summer hope to work more on my OHP


Got any work? Kinda interested.


seems about right desu

How the fuck is this possible? Is this shit broken or I'm the most symmetrical perfect being on the universe.

The categories are pretty loose and wide. It's not hard to be symmetrical, especially since so many muscles work in tandem.

Yeah, you are right. Now that I look into the reference table on the bottom all my lifts are in the intermediate phase wich is a pretty wide range.

3 days of lifting, bruhs. Will I make it?

Only if you keep going!

No. There really isn't any point in continuing. There's much better ways you can improve yourself other than lifting. I suggest you spend your time doing that.

now try lifting with proper form

>not having world class stats after day 1

Natty (Light) 6'1.5" ~213 lb mid-20 strongfat nearly by calisthenics exclusively reporting in. Start doing something now, don't make no excuses ('cause you'll eat that too.)

>Natty (Light) 6'1.5" ~213 lb mid-20 strongfat with calisthenics nearly exclusively reporting in. Start doing something now, don't make no excuses ('cause you'll eat that too.)

2 years serious barbell training. started at 135 lbs 6'2, now about 200-205 lbs

5'10 172


Also, i don't bench because of a shoulder injury

>Back squat
>360 lbs

Damn, what do these people want you to do before you're "proficient"?


It's dependent on your weight. If you're 300 pounds and you're squatting your body weight, it's not so impressive. If you're 130 and squatting 3x your bodyweight, that's a pretty damn good squat.

should my butt hurt after squatting?
like immediately after
it doesn't hurt while squatting, or days after like DOMS, just immediately after when im getting out from under the bar

5'4" 122lbs
>inb4 manlet

What do you mean? My back is straight, scapula depressed, I already know I have good form.
>hurr squat and deads should be

Also, I don't go to failure on squats, I can push myself harder on deads than on squats because I don't mind if I fail the last rep. I never get to that point when I squat, so if I pushed 100% it might be more even.


If it's about the dips, then you're even more retarded than before.

360lb squat is pretty average senpai. youve just fallen for the 1/2/3/4 Veeky Forums meme


Why even live?