How do we deal with the bro problem in the weight room?

How do we deal with the bro problem in the weight room?

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bitch can just go lift at a woman's only gym if she has a problem with dudes, at least she has the option

>I appropriate seated ohp rack and struggle through my deadlifts


Why do you need a rack for Deadlifts?

Lunk Alarm

Is there anything worse than a self righteous woman from Reddit?

>Is there anything worse than a woman?


Is there a lifting gym anywhere that isn't mostly men?

This is the same girl from the OP asking for a form check on her 75 pound squat

Looks ok to me. What's wrong with it?

first rep is especially horrendous

on her toes



What's wrong with her form? Can you answer the question?

her weight is on her toes you can literally she her heels coming up

Very high
bar path is all over the place
squat morning
weight comes onto her toes
all in all, -1/204.5
should probably stop trying

You could've just answered the question without mansplaining all that, thank you very much.

s.m.h dumbass bitch


Do redditors actually read this shit and believe it word for word? If so, LMFAO

and I thought /b/ was bad...people write novels on reddit and they get 1000 upboats because "my vagina teehee"



You could've done basic research or not responded from there, cunt.

>walk into gym

>3x8 deadlifts

And she acts all elitist and shit. Litterally retarded.

Holy shit, reddit is full of autists and cringelords. literally no better than this place

>the weight room is full of built guys who obviously aren't resolutioners
>proceeds to talk shit and mutter something about december anyway
alrighty then

Made a webm for those who don't want to go to a different website

there's literally nothing wrong with this

Why does this faggot think she can talk shit about anyone else in the gym with form like that? Why does having a vagina make you have such a huge amount of unwarranted self importance?

I know you're joking but I'm positive that she believes this

It's from some women's fitness subreddit. Of course everyone there is mentally ill.

Simply by virtue of having a vagina people praise her and want her attention. It does horrible things to one's ego.