Can;t work out alone i'll die

>can;t work out alone i'll die
>can't jog alone i'll get kidnapped
>can't ride a bike alone i'll get kidnapped

being a women sucks!

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OP confirmed for bitter, woman-hating manchild.


tits or gtfo

i don't think you can read

tbf as a male you never have to worry about being raped when you walk out of your house at night

Not if you're not attractive

you seem nice

That is why you go to a gym or carry a taser + pepper spray.



moar pics?

yeah how hard is it to simply stay out of prison you dipshit

>mfw I work out with a male friend who joins me every single time.
>mfw he's gay as fuck so I know he genuinely enjoys my company and is contempt with being my buddy.

It doesn't sucks that bad for me, fortunately.

women are all retarded

nah he's playing the long con, he wants to see your tits


dumb bitch

lmao do people really believe this shit

Well, it's true. You don't have to worry about getting raped. You just have to worry about getting mugged at knife point (or gun point if in US) and about drunk assholes randomly picking fights with you. Muggings happen to men more often, random guys picking a fight doesn't happen at all to women.

So this is why women run during the day. Never thought about it like that.
>will never find future GF running at 9-10 at night

How do you think he got in prison?
He raped chris hanson

Carry a gun and be responsible for yourself you whore.

> not worried about being raped
Upper class white boy detected

Yeah, you get killed instead

much better

Until you decide to change in front of him and then he confesses that he isn't gay and you suddenly dig your harpy claws into him and beg him to ravish your oily vagoo

How do I convince my sister to lift and eat? She's a serious smoker and barely eats. Advice please

Raped by whom? Your gay uncle? Is this actually a thing among non-Whites? Just raping a man?


bump because i want this faggot to answer

post more




What the fuck is that on top of the sausages?


Bird fetus, super high in protein

I call him Chris HanDSOME

>tfw a beginner goes to the gym by herself and drops dead right next to you

if someone put this in front of me i would choke them out

the first post is always the best post

This is the most disgusting thing I have ever laid my eyes on.