Pls no h8

Is this the Natty limit?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's the natty king

>Mike O'Hearn is literally the size of Piana
>Still claims natty


Lifetime power-building physique with premium genetics.

Chest of a 500+ bencher, Check.
Legs of a 600+ Squatter, Check.
Back and traps of a natty 800+ deadlifter. Check.

Mike O Hearn be natty.


Without a pump on its always sunny.

You forgot to add off cycle and no lighting

pls go back to /r/nattyorjuice

There is no 'the' natty limit. It varies from person to person. There is no way to determine the most muscle a human could possibly build without drugs. Just drop it.

Well, you certainly won't get bigger than that natty.

Natty or just scoops?


Too many scoops.

all he did was up his carbs

His tat work is atrocious.

Look for pre steroid era guys to use as inspiration. You're not really going to find a lot of true natties these days.

But those are also pre equipment and knowledge
Sandow is about the only one natty limit esque

this is the natty limit, you may not like it but it is

>But those are also pre equipment and knowledge
I draw more inspiration from the pre steroid guys for that very reason. Equipment sucked, knowledge was limited and they still got amazing results.

Goerner's training methods today would be considered antiquated but he still managed to become one of the strongest people that's ever lived (though I do think some of his feats were exaggerated, such as the one handed deadlift).

>Sandow is about the only one natty limit esque
Sandow was a meth user, which I think limited his gains.

>one day I may

One day I may what?


>tfw jacked hitler mode

the only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself
