Losing weight feelings

>losing weight (still a lot lose)
>can wear clothes I couldn't before
>clothes I used to wear are now baggy
>can see my tendons moving
>people who didn't know I was dieting comment "wow, how do you lose weight so fast?"
>look myself in the mirror
>still the same shit for me

What's up with that?

Iktf bro

The only difference is notice is people are nicer to me now and the compliments

same here -but actually its great, if you still feel like a fat fuck, you work harder.

only "see" lost weight on photos / cloth size.

This is exactly how i feel. Like i know im losing weight but when i look in the mirror i feel like im getting fatter. Maybe its because now im paying attention and didnt really realize quite how fat i was to begin with.

Just keep going. One day you'll flirt with a girl that saw you when you were fat and if she hadn't noticed before, she'll notice when she sees what you look like underneath. Cocoon mode is best mode, it helps avoid whores.

zoe was ugly. not worth saving desu

>start cutting
>two days go by and I already felt like I am a lot leaner even tho my weight was pretty much the same
Am I autistic?

>"wow, you have lost so much weight, you don't need to lose any more weight, pls don't lose weight anymore, promise me you won't lose any more weight" t. relatives

I started at 300 lbs and they've been telling me that since at least 230 lbs. Now I'm 198 lbs with about 20 lbs to go and they are losing their fucking minds even though I clearly still have lots of fat in my body, especially my belly. Had I listened to my relatives, I would still be 230 lbs fatty right on my way to diabetes and heart attacks.

Fucking crabs in a bucket, I tell you.

Have you ever got a compliment from a person who haven't seen you fat before?

Just asking...

This sort of shit pisses me off so much. Theyre only saying that shit because it forces them to realize that they are fat. Their egos are so fragile that the mere sight of a healthy person is a personal attack to them. So fucking selfish, fuck them

>Am I autistic?
No, you're fucking retarded.

What is this new crab in bucket meme


No matter how hard i training, how strong i am and how lean i get
Ill always been that fat loser i was in highschool

I really know that feel boys

Also down from 300 to 195 this morning, last time I saw my grandma she said "don't lose any more weight, you'll look too thin just start lifting weights"

And it's like grandma, no, I have bigger tiddies than you and I have been lifting. I'm still fucking fat and I still need to lose 35lbs

>pants don't fit anymore
>my belt is going through three pant loops now
>had to buy new shirts as to not look like a walking blanket
>haven't weighed myself in over 4 months
>still can tell I'm losing weight
>cheated this entire week and ate at maitnence instead of a deficit
>took the weekend off from working out
>planning to go hard and hit a new PR on lifts this evening after work
>still eating at maitnence today, cut resumes tomorrow.

It's been a good week. I got social, drank with friends, and ate pizza. But, I'm glad to resume progress.

Fellow recovering fattie here. I had the same shit, and had a talk about this with my foster sister. I was like

"How can you say not lose anymore? I am legitimately still considered Obese. I still can't run a 5k without gasping for air. I'm doing awesome but I am nowhere near there yet. Tell me"

She told me that she just thought I looked good now, and that compared to what she had always known me as, I look like a different person altogether. It's not always jealousy or some shit. They're just really not used to seeing you so "thin" They know somewhere in the back of their minds that you could probably lose a lot more weight and look amazing, it's just that they're having trouble getting adjusted to this new person walking around in their midst.

>losing weight

>he's never had a problem with gluttony
haha what a loser


>Used to be able to eat a lot
>Force myself to eat less than I usually do
>Be hungry all the time but it's been so long that the constant hunger has turned into a dull ache
>At the point where even if I do falter and over eat it's no where near the point it was
Does the hunger ever go away completely or am I going to have to live with it? I'm down like 80lbs from where I used to be but still have a hundred or so pounds to go before I hit my goal.

As someone who is already "thin" (I need to lose about 10-15 lbs right now to be lean), I ALSO hate this shit ... when you make an off-hand comment about how you are eating healthy and people just love to say "WAIT user WHAT YOU'RE ON A DIET?? WHAT??"

It's like the idea that a person might be trying to achieve an actually athletic body type is completely beyond their comprehension.

It's an expression you retard

If you dont measure your weigth you can easily enter the anorexia mode. I lost 35Kg down to 20bmi yet when I look at mirror I still see fatass.

You should set up an endgoal and measure so you know when to stop. Also your tdee is changing based on weigth.

I set my TDEE to be where my goal weight was, and I've just been going at it since then.

I have a doctors appointment in a couple months, I was just going to use that as my progress check point and see how well I'm doing on my way there.

Started 260, trying to get to 160. If I could estimate, I'd say I'm bordering 200 right now.

>fixed tdee
That sounds like harsh start and probably slowing the proccess when you get closer to the goal.

I hope you do some cardio. Stay strong.

and I don't ever feel hungry, I did do keto though and it's been the easiest diet I've ever imagined
>throw away all bread and carbs
>buy meats, a little bit of cheese and some eggs
>coffee and heavy cream for breakfast and the 400 calories keeps me satisfied until the evening
>fry up either a pound of bacon, half a pound of sausage and some eggs or a half lb of kielbasa and eat with salsa
>snack on pork rinds and salsa or guacamole (watch the carbs here)
One meal a day with a coffee in the morning and a snack before bed, whenever I start to feel hungry I'll make my meal and that's usually 6 or 7 in the evening.

I mean, I'm not saying I'm perfect, I've slipped and gone over here and there. But, for the most part, I'm consistent, and I've never been over the calorie count at the end of the week tally.

And at 6'3 going for 160 lbs, I can still eat between 2000-2400 and be in a safe spot.

Better version

It's the opposite. They are very sensitive to the fact that you want a good body and are taking the steps to get there. It's a road they desperately want but are too weak to achieve.

The poor hate the rich, the loser hates the winner and fat people hate those with athletic bodies.

People hold doors for me now at 6'2" 200. That never happened at 265. It's kinda messed up and kinda nice.

>walking out of a restaurant
>family is walking in, husband, wife, older teenage boy and young daughter
>hold the door open for them because that's just what I do
>every single member of the family reaches for the door and "safety grabs" it in case I decide to just run off while half the family is inside and slam it on one of them
>none of them make eye contact
>none of them say "thank you" they just stare at the ground as they walk by
One of the weirdest experiences I've had recently, I guess nobody has ever held a door for that family.

>cutting for 5 months now
>down 50 pounds
>let loose a little at Superbowl, eat a good bit
>intense stomach pains in the middle of the night

I know that feel

> Lose a lot of weight
> Basically cut off all fast food
> Need to help sister move
> Took all fucking day
> Sister buys us McDonalds for dinner as a thank you
> Order what I used to get when I was FATASFATASS
> Couldn't finish half of it

it's a weird feel.

Whenever i go to America kids always open doors for me and are super polite

People shit on america but it's great

>losing weight
>clothes don't fit for more than a month at a time
>own one pair of pants that fits
>own 4 shirts that look decent on me, one is too small
>own 600 shirts the size of tents
>own 50 pairs of LITERAL parachute pants
>don't want to buy clothes because I know they won't fit soon anyway
>have to chug along wearing the same pair of pants every day and trying to hide my ill fitting shirts with ill fitting jackets


A friend of mine keeps gaining and losing weight (he lifts but can't diet for shit) and he has spent literally thousands on suits. He gets them tailored when he loses, then gets fat and has to get another one.

If you have a bucket full of live crabs, you don't have to put a lid on it - if one tries to escape, others will pull it back.

That's what usually happens when someone starts improving their lives somehow. Some group of guys spend their time sitting on a couch, chucking beers, eating chips and watching WWE. Then one of them ditches fast food and starts going to the gym. Now the others have two possible choices: they can also ditch fast food and start lifting OR they can heckle the one guy until he gives up and returns to fast food and TV.

That's why my relatives are now screaming "don't lose anymore weight, user, please!" and why the co-workers at my old job always gathered around me when I ate veggies/fruits/berries/quark and were all like "jeez, how can you eat that shit, it looks horrible and smells like shit, yukkkkkkk" (while they ate hot dogs, pizzas, pastries, candy, chocolate, soda etc)


>They're just really not used to seeing you so "thin" They know somewhere in the back of their minds that you could probably lose a lot more weight and look amazing, it's just that they're having trouble getting adjusted to this new person walking around in their midst

That's a really nice way of saying that they hate you because they had already put you in the "fat-beta-cuck-who-eats-a-lot-and-nobody-wants" box and now they have to re-asses you and you look like you belong in the "fit-Chad-who-fucks-a-lot-of-pussy-and-takes-no-shit-from-anyone" box but they KNOW you REALLY must still be that obese beta and it's all so fucking confusing for their primitive little brains so could you please revert back into the fucking box you already were in, pretty please?

It's a mind fuck when that comes from a parent or a grandparent, though. It's like they want me to become fat again so I won't have a chance to continue their lineage. WTF.

I went from XXL-XXXL to L and I'm just about to reach M, in pants I went from a size 44 to a size 34. I've drilled 40+ holes in belts, I eventually caved and bought a new one because it was going through two and a half loops all the way around to my ass, I have drilled holes in the new belt too. I'm planning on throwing away all my old clothes that don't fit (donating) when I get some time.

I think it would probably help me if I did it sooner than later, I'd see how few clothes I own that are actually wearable at this point and it might shock me into going clothes shopping.

Yeah, people being nicer to you after losing weight is oddly depressing. Nowadays cashier girls routinely pack my groceries even though there's no line and I didn't ask. I just want to scream at them that "you wouldn't have done this 2 years ago, you whore" but in the end I get it, looks are important and tell a lot about you. It's just that people who never get fat never realize it this deeply and as they say, ignorance is bliss. I feel like I've bitten an apple from the forbidden tree and now I can't unlearn it.

Yep. I look like fucking sumo junkie now everywhere I go. Maybe next summer this will finally end.

>Like i know im losing weight but when i look in the mirror i feel like im getting fatter.

Whether you look better or look worse, remember:


>It's just that people who never get fat never realize it this deeply and as they say, ignorance is bliss. I feel like I've bitten an apple from the forbidden tree and now I can't unlearn it.

I've caught myself starting to do it to fatties as well, I've been in their position and I know how terrible everyone treats you but for some reason I just can't help but hate them too. I highly recommend being fat once in your life, people who have always been normal just don't understand. I know the joke is that fatties are second class citizens but they seriously are, everyone from the greeter at walmart to the guy in the park will treat you differently if you're big than if you look normal.

Thanks pajeet gonna weigh tomorrow

I like the way you post user

Congrats for all the progress man. Buying clothes is really fun when you like your body, when I was fat I didnt like because I thought all of them made me ugly but actually I was the one making them ugly.

Seriously you will have a blast once you go. You will get why woman spend so much time trying so many on

>mfw saving so much money on food

>tfw saving enough to get a new apartment and buy a bunch of guns

>when I was fat I didnt like because I thought all of them made me ugly but actually I was the one making them ugly.
You should see my closet
>plain black T x 15
>jeans x 5
It was the only thing I could get away with, I think I managed to trick some people into thinking I was a normal size because they all think I couldn't have been anywhere near 270

>What's up with that?
Yall niggas don't even smoke crack

>user did you lose weight? You look good
>uhhh Idk maybe its just cuz i shaved my beard
Its like i dont want anyone to know that im working out and trying to lose weight. Im not really sure why. I guess mostly because i dont think its any of their business but theres no reason to be so protective about what im doing i guess.

How do you guys deal with the increased attention you get from women?

by telling them I am saving myself for marriage and ask if they are as well.

they usually leave you alone.

I don't because I'm not getting any.
>work in IT in a building with 20 dudes and 1 cleaning lady
>only women I see regularly are cashiers at the supermarket, one has a mustache, the other is 50 and obese

I don't even know why I'm doing this.

>multiple girls in class get my attention and tell me I look like Rob Kardashian
>t-thanks you too
>don't even know who that is
>look up a picture later and find out it was a compliment
I absolutely do not look like him at all.

I know this feel too user my roommate and my friends don't know how to address the fact that I now go to the gym three times a week and eat super healthy and I don't mention it really either except to say I am getting my shit together

I think admitting that you're trying to lose weight is kind of a vulnerable thing, like you have to recognize that you're not satisfied with your body or yourself.

Also, it might be to set expectations low. If you don't tell anyone your intentions, if you fail its less embarrassing.

wow i am stoned as fuck and this image was oddly moving. im just imagining them in the after years, having finally achieved a friendship after they finally bonded over the years, just hanging out getting stoned and reminiscing as their lives slowly sink into the simple realities of peaceful life during their retirement. they look back at their youth and how they started as enemies, and the crazy sequence of events that were their young lives. part of them misses it, but they are older now and have families to think about... they grow old and the gang still gets together now and then but people fade in and out of your life over the years... the posse slowly disappear into their own separate lives. but goku and vegeta still occasionally find time to just hang out like this, the last remaining tether to the excitement and drama of their youth, they sit there, lifelong rivals, solemnly enjoying each others company and reflecting on their lives. as they pass the joint, they graze each others fingertips for a moment. their eyes lock, their touch lingering as they delicately savor the sensation. slowly, a timid goku slightly adjusts his legs, revealing a taut, sloping bulge pressing gently into his pants.

>just hang out like this,
>implying they didn't just get done training

>Also, it might be to set expectations low. If you don't tell anyone your intentions, if you fail its less embarrassing.

This tbqh

>planning on failure
>not just setting goals and sticking to them no matter what
>being this much of a loser.

Guys don't ever stop training. I lost a shit ton of weight about 10 years ago. Down from 330 to about 214 at the lowest. Ran some marathons and lifted some heavy weights. And was healthy for about 5 years. Lost a job, got depressed and got fat as fuck, got more depressed about being a fat fuck and got fatter. Blasted up to 410lbs. The original fatness plus them gains and all new miserable fat.

I'm down about 60lbs since this last July. I'm feeling better already but man I need to make sure I never get fat again. That's the worst kind of feel.

It's true you do get treated better when you're in shape. one of the compliments I got from people I knew when I was fat and people I met after getting into shape was that I "carry myself confidently."

I remember when I would train for marathons neighbors would ask me questions and cheer me on and give me compliments. I miss that. I need it again. I will have it again. But for real guys, don't ever go back and train no matter what happens to you in life. The feeling of failure and worthlessness was almost unbearable.

>Blasted up to 410lbs
dang brother.
don't be a yoyo

I don't
in fact, people that never spoke to me before are now asking if I'm okay and eating properly

Works every time.

I also say; "I'm a Catholic... We don't use birth control."

>I have come to hate women

i know how u feel dude i'm stuck with loose skin and body dysmorphia

My folks did this same shit to me when I was losing weight (used to be 240, I'm currently a 163 skinny fat). Fuck what other people think! Life for yourself. Keep dieting and lifting.

I just mixed greek yoghurt with peanut butter, am I going to die?

>tfw i have felt the slightest bit of weight loss feels
>got cocky
>gained it all back
>dont have any kind of drive or mental strength to lose it again
kill me.

No need, you're doing a good job of that yourself.

>Lost 50-60 lbs (didn't know exactly how fat I was cuz afraid to step on the scale)
>people compliment me about how much better I look
>Still no gf
>Plateaued HARD on weight loss
>slipping back into bad habits

should I just end it all bros?

Are they talking thin Rob or fat, depressed Rob tho.

nvm it's actually pretty good

if you can't maintain your diet indefinitely, then you're going to fail at some point

adjust it, add more calories if you need to

if you're gonna give up on yourself, then yeah

As someone who isn't fat, and hasn't ever been fat (just ugly), it puts me in an interesting position. How do you treat fat people nice and as regular people while still making sure that they work on getting healthy? Part of the reason fat people get Veeky Forums is because of the social stigmata.

>lost 100 pounds
>don't recall ever receiving a complement except for family members
>even then it's not compliments but just observations

I know this feel. Girl said I looked like Mark Wahlberg, but I had no idea who that was, so I just laughed.

I'm coming up to 100lbs lost and nobody has said a word
then again, nobody said anything when I was 320lbs and looked like a fucking blimp.

Perhaps they didn't want to be cruel.
Perhaps they were secretly happy knowing I was as miserable as them.
It doesn't matter I suppose, I'm not doing it for them.

>tfw you were always just ugly anyway

they showed me pictures of him and he looked average? Seemed like they were talking about face more than body type, but I'm not even the same skin color as that brown fuck.

I really have no clue what to say to it even if I knew who the guy was

Odds are they're getting enough of the cold shoulder from everyone else on earth already, you can just try to treat them "normally" and they'll still feel bad

Don't worry bro, it's the exact same on the other side of the fence. I was 140lb when I started college and I'm up to 175 two years later but still feel like I look small as hell. We've probably developed body-dysmorphia or some shit.

(different guy) I definitely do. I lost around uhm 70lbs, then gained another 30 because of winter (I used to ride a bike, about 70 miles a week), but a lot of that is muscle because I kickboxing 3 times a week now. I think in general the better you look the more people pay attention to you and better they treat you.

It's not like being on the bigger side is going to elicit negative responses. There's a threshold there where it goes from "that's a big guy" to "that's a fucking slob".

I'm so ready to enter skeletor mode but I'm still growing, and as a result getting these ravenous spurts even if I cut at 1200.
And then I wonder if I just tell myself this so that I can justify eating like this.

>I'm still growing
You mean like

If you're still gaining height don't under nourish and don't smoke.

Puberting sort of deal, my plates haven't sealed yet and I'm already short from eating nothing but oyster crackers in my younger days. Would subtracting 500 from my TDEE fuck with my growth?

user, and others, listen up... I was in the exact same spot. You need to transform your mind along with your body. Don't believe that "I'm damaged" bullshit. Us as weight lifters, crossfitters, martial artists, runners, or whatever, we know what pain is, and that we can mentally overcome it... Why let some assholes in high school determine who we are for the rest of our lives when we conquer things they don't (and can't) every fucking day. Get strong, get lean, and destroy goals. When we see them, and they're lesser versions of themselves don't feel bad or let those old feelings come back up. While we chiseled ourselves out of marble, they let themselves rot. They made fun of you and made you feel like shit and hate yourself? Fuck them, rise above that feeling and free yourself from their grasp because they're holding you back.

It's probably because deep down you don't want to be reminded of who you really were. The sole reason you work out and diet is so that you become a vastly different person than what you started as. Now that you're losing weight, you may reflect back and secretly loathe who you used to be and the thought of seeing or even being reminded of this shell of a person brings back bad memories or thoughts.

That, or you don't want to be seen as a very vein person by accepting complements since you essentially were invisible to people, therefore unspoiled. You might also think that others are probably playing a cruel joke on you. It happened to me when I was a really fat kid. Eventually this will fade unless you are really trying to hold on to who you are. Either way, good on you for making these changes in your life.

On the plus side not being totally socially retarded while fat gives you weird super-human charisma.
Everyone I meet wants to be friends
I hate them all...

He was quite cute when he was younger but then sunk into a depression and knocked up some half caste girl. Only ever gets in magazines for his weight now.

I hate that I know this but this is what happens when your mum leaves women magazines in the bathroom when you're on the shitter.

I am not a doctor

God damn you are whats good in this board

>tfw that shirt that was too tight on you now fits perfectly

IKTF, back in '07 when Halo 3 released my mom bought me a shirt with master chief's helmet on it. It turned out to be too small for me at the time, I think it's an M. It got buried in my dresser. I took it with me to college in the midst of grabbing all my clothes and I took it to my new house after college where it sat at the bottom of my clothes always looked over because I knew I couldn't fit it. I recently found it and it fits better than any of the other shirts I own.

Hi, Matt Damon

>tfw my dick is actually bigger than average instead of small
>tfw there's still lot of pubic fat to burn

this nigga wrote it all

I-is that good or bad...?

t. English Third Language

what a terrible logo, I can't even read it.

Im really happy for you user and I would like to play vidya with you but Im a sonyger



It's okay I became a pcuck in like '10 or '11

I respect your choice and hope you enjoy Nioh, I'll be playing it when my rommmate caves and buys it