Do you guys have wide hips? Does it sucks?
Do you guys have wide hips? Does it sucks?
Grow yourself into them.
klokov's hips are wide and he looks amazing
Build a strong back and bring out your lats to even out your shape.
Lol. Nice meme.
build lats and back, you can find people in /cbt/ and progress threads that made this look less pronounced
I have them its the one thing id change as about my body
Fuck it tho nobodys perfect right, j ju s t hope it dosnt get worse when i lean down
yes, and I'm trying to make it work.
I've got wide hips but not as bad as OP
Focus on upper body width and you can still be aesthetic
look at my progress user, sucked at first
Yeah I them
>tfw everyone in my family has tiny hips
Makes me wonder if it's genetic or if I fucked up somewhere
Really nice man
Wide hips sucks
Wide hips are the key for a strong body.
Wide hips are only a problem if you also have narrow shoulders.
t. wide hips and narrow shoulder genetic trash
don't be ashamed of your womanly mother bearing hips
This. I've got wide hips but also got blessed with shoulder width so it looks normal
>implying that'll help
AAAAAAA i hate my wide hips, wish it was just love handles but it's fucking bone. Someone help before i end it
Oh great I do have narrow shoulders
Why is my life such a joke?
At least you'll have hot and feminine daughters.
Yep, and if I don't constantly hit obliques then I have an hour glass figure
Only redeeming feature is that my shoulders are wide as fuck so it kinda works well if I fill them in
>implying he will attract a feminine girl to mate with when he is feminine himself
>implying he doesnt have klinefelters syndrome
>implying he is fertile
Better to look like that than no gains and the hips
>be grill
>have almost no redeeming qualities literally just average and plain looking before working out
>only good quality is naturally big hips
So do your painted nails fgt
at least you have naturally wide hips
>be grill
>cute face
>nice tits BUT
>wide shoulders with narrow hips
wanna kms
that's like complaining about having a 7' inch penis bro
cute face is debatable and/or up to individual opinion
wide shoulders and narrow hips are unfeminine and i cannot change that
i'd rather have a flat chest with wide hips, at least there's surgery to fix it
Still not much of an issue from men's viewpoint, and you can still get dat ass through working out despite narrow hips , could've had it waay worse
Nah she's right, wide hips is what characterizes a woman, narrow hips on a girl sucks donkey dick
How long?
At least you'll produce wide-hipped big booty daughters
(I'm the original grilll) fuck me
Pull ups and bent over rows fixed them for the most part
bro you look swole as fuck, hips look fine chin up
Your hips aren't wide at all
What the fuck. Are you a tranny?
I find it quite cute when guys have wide hips. Some girls may don't. Just really worry if it bothers YOU.
t. femanon
I have wide hips. I cut down to visible abs and realized I'm permanently fucked by my wide hips. So I started powerlifting and working on my core and obliques, it's been a few years now and I hover around 14-18% BF to look big with some triceps definition but only top row of abs visible. Its a cursed life friendo: you have to work on shoulders for width, lower lats and obliques to cover the narrower waist.
Or become a trap.
Triangle MAn
my hips are big but not huge and my shoulders are wider than my hips but i still think it looks like shit.
if i get more lat gains than the rest of my body is it going to look weird?
ye man but just build a wider frame, shoulders and lats. also need juicy legs
Dont feel like theyre very bad anymore
2nd, Also Obliques and Adonis Belt Then some more pecs, then you need to get the shoulders up so u arent fridge mode.
great work, inspiring to me who is looking for similar results